Show ble E FARM AND AN TD 11 HOME OMF AJONABLE ONABLB HINTS FOR RURAL RUJAL FICADEFIS SIgg sitl4s siggestloa estloa bet about transplanting apes tpes twer twlr what caules caults 11ruseirs 44 SB dltl Dl doltl balse talse Tl of llota llotr 110ter to a auop au op fafail fafai and &54 stock x0101 ket transplanting trots t fill will soon be he spring again and our mrs should then giro OTO more often atton a to their orchards orchar dL the first rosite to a o 0 aad aod orchard ie is a proper irloa itlon itloa with wa tho the land wall all prepared hould bo be cultivated and ma manured nurod bo in euch such condition as to bear war fifty any bushels of corn to the acm aar acr 1 .1 voos should bo be young and nd thrifty bo hotrocs trees como come from the nurseries oa 004 condit condition lon they hould should bo be not dot at i 3 or kept from tho the eun sun ic in a cool it placo tplaco telaco until mat t tho the bob holas bo be dug of suffi fuolclont sufficlont clont tooxtondtho go extend the roote roots out full length be tree trees ae as deep as they woro were in barbary and no deodor dcopor deopor put a loehoe loehos inebos of rich top soli soil or turf tho the r I 1 b bettor la in tho the bottom ol 01 of tho the L jjavo a & tub of water handy k the tree in to ono ooo 000 hand with tho the down and a harp sharp knife la in tho the lr&od land cut off all the broken roote roots miantlngcut a slanting cut from tho the smooth rmoolh emooth bor uor votelittlo luttio llttio rootlofc rootleti root leti will willetarlvery ecart etart very ad jd tho the tree will make a good a 0 tb th the first year 11 xt at turn iho tree top up and with lt ting cut tako take oil at ions const lonst onoe onee the jonath longth jongth of all tho the limbs and it D do not bo be afraid to uso use the 1 lnlfo 011o 0110 lf I 1 soldon eoldom soldom leave diore nioro niore than r buds on a limb somo some object to it r Pruc practice tIce but experience and obin tion havo have convinced me that ble ibis ai rect it e i roots of most trees extend much ta rthaa rothaa their branches and when from the nursery tho the larger I 1 tho roots are loft in the ground ecce cpco epce thoro there ie Is but little left to i tho the tree even if the tree ax 2x tith tho the whole top loft left on then va v1 idi do of tlio tbo abo liets limts 11 ml a will bo be likely to 0 QQ at t all events such a treo tree will bo be t d and ruined the tree chub tbut thub od ed rimmed as above should 11 ite ts roots dipped into ibo the tub or by so doing tho the dirt will 0 otho 0 the roote roots nd a d onnblothem onablo them to ore readily above dI directions rAtIons will apply to all fruit trees the pear poar or i should be sat so as to cover tho he lloa ion three or four inches below wyaco 1yaco oco by so doing quinco quince roote roots placed out of the way of the for these pe peats its seem to be nd ot ol 01 the quinco quince than of the thump thumps la in clogs llof ilogs iscaro llsoase iscaso ie is common to all sea amoro wtnioro tmoro prevalent in the cool of fall and spring sprinz and during tor r than during tho the summer used sed by constipation too rich vy feeding colde colds and lying in c we have li hid id more trouble er feeding than all tho the other kelher oelher oe ether lher when whom a young pig hun humping ping wo we do not expect to ith success in doctoring bee ie trouble la Is caused by too 1k ak and before wo can roach h the dam it succumbs but a 1 after weaning ond and larger d is a that suffer from thumps we at ady ldy with good ff00 success in giving FCO finding spirits of turpentine gwost lwost imoswemedy emedy for fora a pig that will s ha ila 7 Y pounds 08 a toaipoonful tow4poonful will al erd give once a day for two or aw 8 in the slop P and fan ftn ten then top me or two before giving r a u other motber mobber ean ealcne ealine DM nimal imal Is getting too much ll 11 it I 1 rt M M U ut d by the effect bot eot on the tbo abo urlnaiy urloaty id 1 l U nee we e prepared turpentine B baldi bildi &41 whole hole lot lok something over athi d for a cough part of them lues axt cxt rink and the others got rot too a ati bti t alt ult te the next morning about th hc 1 f the number wera were off air feed iudici icdici 2edic bedic ing a driven from their beds zuro ST 3 would got c1 ca almost tinio onto the a g g tb belth oelth ith their bellies in their harat harct haretywqate urinate and the sows would the a on their tber aber haunches in their wak air iir jtb utb we wc thou thought 1111t the affected j SB advice ra b I 1 e ruined but ln in thie this we vore were i at aa a1 all auf for ln in twelve hours they 0 air eir a61 a6 1 feed again apparently z T prol rolocieiedy edy in Q some SQ cases falls ra r3 aa 1 ipp it 11 step isbcmodlos cedles medles will wlll hlll many farm the shortest way butof outof out of tho the tat tvt 11 i n thoy they find a hog thumping LND they tb cutting uttlua an so end and to its misery I 1 we that g tho the exponcc exponsc and incon I 1 eve doctoring this we would L ce 10 pt bi in extreme cases this cat caa that 1116 caa can be prevented by I 1 jdlng ing attil nnl ittil looking well to idia deni conditions of the animals vs yo 0 case cue ot of sucking suel cang clng picc pigc p19t wo I 1 vit v u it the dirjaso dlijaase ai al prevalent I 1 hecth recth rectltstoclman skodman stodman and farmer by rt ceole teole s 11010 a of clover ila 130& I 1 hono sars a western infaluifbeglunlnkto invalu beglualcr to find tho the value tdarest ddrec ndrec RZ A 4 of clover both 0011 as & a tk food toed ali &li &l1 as a renovator many aro are now plowing it under to improve their fields A farm or of my acquaintance owed sowed ono bishal biithcl bushal 0 clover on some ten ton acres with onto nud tud at harvest had a good stand four a ivo fiva inches high about soptemb3r 15 ho he turned on thirty head hoad of 0 stock for elx six weeks leaving an abundance to protect tho the roof roots through tho the winter that vins touch much astur nturnge asturngu ngu as tho usual price 76 75 cents per tsonth tvonth for each animal mean means 03 3376 33.76 75 .75 a very good retarn rpfjrn retirn for 0 5 worth of clover cod seed and 41 1 foi tot borit wortt worit boldes leaving a stand for tho the suaceding sumooding sua sumo ceding oding 3 a oar which yielded nearly nonrly noarly twp toni tons of hay to the aero in junebood3s june bonldsj furgis furqlllilnfia furgishinga hingA eluo flno fluo field bold to ripon for seed now why would ll 11 it not pay py for every farmer to ow sow hie life spring krain iraln raln with clover thon thou in nearly every casio ho lie would bv alvo blvo vo a ono fine lold field for pasturugo pdaturazo pastu rugo or to turn under 1 alue aluborbklurmllk of akl bkl m 3111k during the porlod pohlod when buttor and other dary dairy products bavo have boon unnaturally choop cheap only those farmers havo have mado made money from cowe cows who knor know how to cot got the greatest value valuo from skim bktmmllk milk its value valuo u us food is not mado made most of by feeding it ox oz elusively to any ally animal good oa As it is it ie Is made till still bettor by adding a little oil meat or flaxseed this ro storce storc4 the fat which has boon been taken off la in tho the cream and makes it nearly equal for fattening to now milk when thus mixed it goes coca further h given in connection concoction with other food destroy cabbage zaves alcaro lcaro recent investigations of en tomolo fists elets gists show that aphides which have been BO so widely destructive are harbored during winter on cabbagy cabbago leaves it la Is quito quite common to leave tavio tbfjo tbvio IQ to the field bold after cabbages aro are cut off but they arc aro pood good food for poultry for cattle and oven for horses for a change it is to posit poiatblo positblo blo that other groon green herbage may also harbor aphis and after roniovlue rentovitig all that can bo be used as na food for stock gardens and other grounds containing such rubbish should bo plowed so on as to pi pa every groan thing underground farm and stock stoc cotee 2otee otes nover never feed toed the cows when milking them thera it pays lei lesa to handle a poor grade of horses than any other class of stock in feeding soft feed lead to the cows adding a little bait salt will make it more palatable A colt s fflvon ivan ivcn plenty of room will not bo us as awkward as ono one raised in i close room give an animal a good chance at the start and you will not be disappointed at the outcome there are few substances more easily contaminated by puro pure odors than fresh milk tw two 0 things perfection of flesh and of dairy products in tho the same animal can hardly bo be expected much of the work of properly training the trees in tho the orchard can be done in mild winter weather the more poor horses a man raises the worse off he be Is und and it is only a question of bow how long ho he can stand it IL many fall to succeed from the fact that their farms are not adapted to the breed of animals that is being kept help from good iloueekecpint l1ouskeeptjmt the tbo abo merit of a salad is is that it should bo be cool crisp and fresh fino fine emery omery paper and sweet oil are excellent for polishing steel grates i dredge a little flour over the top of cake cako to keep the icing from running alave iiavo ilave a blanket wrapper and soft slippers handy in case casa of night sickness never wash ma macaroni carouL tho the cooking water dissolves everything undesirable soups are so nutritious and palatable that it is a pity that they are not more generally used the best of the potato is not just under the skin as so many suppose supp oae therefore pare thickly one absolutely essential factor in the preparation of at a & rood good beefsteak is that it 19 must bo be served at once it ib its nonsense to think soda sods will freshen anything in cookery that is in any degree approaching decomposi decompose tun use peanut oil in the small night lamp it imparts imports no odor though turned down below the point of corn com buealon buetlon bustlon buet bust lon SAVO the fine coal bilics oahcs wilics which a col 1 lect elect under the oven they oro are a ex 1 bellont cellont cellojtfpr far fqr scour scouring lug tin and all hitchan ute utensils a alla all& purltyclothes purity clothe that have been kept frum tho the air by laying pieces of charcoal ty wrapped tyrapped rapped in paper in the folds try the open nir air first stoves and r&azoa zes should be kept free from boot toot in all departments departmentd departmentt A clogged hotair hot air passage will prevent pro vent any ovon oven from cooking welt well k W v |