Show da d7 ial THE ms MAST ATE I 1 vat gas or 1111 tapi lepej leplj while noard 6111cor gentleman v W ung bo be was once say dayi eayi panion recalls rec tills w of hie his eiporloni evporion no school in ciriftn1 carittill carit tIll ot4ta boemi soemi berci oerci to him ion 1a aa a it I 1 01c C it toned as ho he wn was tj a toflnomcnt tefinaments of a v ho found it difficult t to 04elf to 1 tho the peculiar eyetoo eyetoi syste dyste 41 pang plng la in voyuo voquo la to tb tho d W he laughl taught at OQO ono of his hi fire pla bo he atis wtis wi pivon given an ai un N tidy little bordroom budroom bodroom on tho the gro of f an old farmhouse farm house very raj 4 of repair because of the ahlf shlf ahlftltiuht I 1 of its owner T ya y1 ushered into this uninviting r roool hlol hlll and being told to mako himself ftak rage rtge rtak W to home tho the young teacher ti life and homesick wont w6nt want at once to aca bca bo and was almost saloop ualoop usloop whon when ho he bon bonr benr t4 ta a olad holud olnd solud as of somo soma ono one moving about under tho the bed uo was not a vory very bearo brayo braro youn young man and felt himself hiranolf himsolf hira nolf poorly prepared to copo cope with a poeelblo poselblo posel blo dceporado dasporado das porado for 6 jonir lontt lonir timo time thoriforo theriloro thori theril foro oro ho ila lay perfect lj 13 still onco once more ho be board tho the nolso bolso uo ila could bear the suspense no longer ile pot got up lighted bli his twidle and und knolt knelt down to took look under the bed which had an fashioned oldfashioned old valance of purple calico around it hardly had hu he lifted this vain valance tice when tho the concealed too foe made a furious onslaught onslauoti onslaug4t upon him knocked him heels over head and bruised him badly tho the caniato cuiidio canilto tta as put out and tho the ah frightened r 1 te leichar leichor cher t oared lustily for holp lp in rushed tho the fiirinor farmor barmor and hie his 110 wile to discover their guest sprawling antho ontho on I 1 the floor wlillo wlizlo hlf hip foe 00 oo stood in A corner of tho the room shalder shald eaiiklny shaldnr nr hix head ilcflantly ueflantly an as if ho ila meditated a second attack oh im almost lilllod 111led lil 111 llod led 11 rasped gasped tho teacher cacher there wai va 3 a man orsono orsomo or some awful ahlm nnlmil anlm ai &i under the bed twalt iwaot twa4t Iwa ot no min eald said tho the farmer grinning tn in a very uneympalhotio unsympathotto annir icanni anntr ann tr r etwas twas itwas only our old billy coat rd id orter luve ave told you that he always sleeps under tho the bed in thia this room lie ile u nouldntavo ould nt live touched you if youd pal bild pild ld no iteration dolentlon iteation DOlent Itea lon tion to hira him git back under thar you rascal and lay iny atllll4 stuir squir he ile gave the tho goat a kick as ho ila spoke and it disappeared disappe ned n ed under the P if bed the teacher olao also rathod rotlrod ratrod again but the next day bo he sr juht jght aght a more consenlal w&anlal bour boarding bourding ding place |