Show BURGLAR VE veksussafes 11sussafes OPEN SESAME TOOLS INVENTED BY THE profession ill tit ewarts kflrhrte rwarts of or tir tim jiarsisr proof rroof hafe nekr nrkr sno3ters tfebld difented by the th afe vf9 rfe of mw now xtnplanti 1wplements noil land ujriihiult vy6latulte tho the mechanical advancement of tho the ego go has ba made it necessary ncccsnry that ayery wyery burglar of tt landing ttanding andIng standing should haro have a fine kit of tool tools they arc are made usually y a in mechanic abanic cbanic who whn ahn Is a member of the tang ling or ati on outside machinist with an ilaitic ilastle conse codicioacc conselonte lonte who asla SILB no question A kit lie will cost sororal several hundred lol collars lollan lollars lars an outfit outdt outdo Is I 1 mado made up of jim jimmies mits drills lad and punches clamps jacks slodgebam siodgeham slodge bam ncr ter brace and bite bits ladder of ropo or bi t blbdobluulten 11ledgeraustitn AND WKDOB tocol ttcol itcal wire wojec chisels air pump owdcranrt powderan4 oil canplate cavplate can plate culterflkoletoa cutterokeletoti teye nad and clubs clubi cluba rod and weapons of 0 assault ind defense de fenio t the ordinary bouba bouebrealccr boubabreaker breaker ay says the be 11 Y trtbuns uses only a part of teese tboio tbese 001 ool 0018 and work works iu the tbo abo night iiuace 111uses ny nro anro attacked where the prospect for or plunder Is i good this information W gleaned from the newspaper account accounts of f wedding weddings ball balls dinner partjoe par tjoe and idvertifcmcntj tilverilsements by watching the houses ind sod from gossipy bet ecrvnnt betvants VAnts A window 2 preferred to a door as a means of en trance ai as it ie Is easier to open there are many method methods employed by burglars bur glara to open a & safe depending on bo he way it is put together their obi ob i act ject eject ect la Is to break down and lodosca loosoa loosca tringa tbinga thlopr RATCHET 1 1. DRILL in tho the od old knob safe which waa was covered with bolte bolts connecting two iron plaice plates powder waa was blor alor a through th abo tbo keyhole ceyholo and the door lifted from th abo tbo bingea hinges by explosion then the kechola keyholo keyhola wn was hidden in to ono one of the knobs but the burglar did not look for it lie ila mado made a bole hole in the door with a drill arid and put in the bowder oowder vowder safe safes wore made with u nuncmws PLATB PLATE CUTMU bottala boltala boltalm the door met child cojid coild be bening bpning aprung into the framework ou on all idea sides with a spindle connected with a T trandle tbandle 1handle Tb andle on the exterior this wai was thought to be a puzzler to tho the burglarbut burgl arbut this mechanical genius knocked off the handle with a hammer softened the cpludle spludle with a lamp and blowpipe blow pipe drilled it oat out put lathe in the expletive explosive which carried awn awny bolts framework and all safemakers Safe makers defied the burglars by making a ate safe of alternate layers of iron boiler plates ind ad drill proof roof steel hardened so that they would would turn the edges of a drill the burglars taught the safe eafemakera safemakers makers a lesson ao so quickly hat it made them diz d 1 ly zy the burglars invented Tented In he the plate cut ter a powerful tool but dj not patent it it holes were bored in the outside iron plate of the door and the cutter wa was 11 fixed in place the blado blade of the cutter waa was kept well oiled and the handle wri turned until a round hole bole was cut through the iron plate and tha the disc was removed this exposed the first steel plate P we this plate was extremely bard ind tad thera theriforo theraforo foro brittle and the citter cjttcr cittcr be log ing removed the steel was easily broken with a caliel chliel cbijel and soft metal hammer hammar hamm ar rhe metti would resist a drill but could not withstand withe tAnd repeated shocks rho alternate plates wero were thus cut and broken until the bolta bolts were reached and the be safo safe could then be opened easily 1 A VAKIETT VLUIETY OF j13131if3 then safes eaf e&f were maeo to defeat chev thn thev plate fitter and the burglars bur lara abandoned if its eta 0 o for a while ttny tbay abay tried something wader filled ibo the crucks brucks r r the safe with 4 tutty putty except nt at the top lor or about two inches at this point was attached a Is tube lube from a pump which wblcb exhausted the tbo abo or la in the eafe safe created a vaci vocbiim vacibum bum and by em demoting emoting emoving emo Ting ovIng a little putty la IQ the bottom i track as mach powder woad wcirm wo&d be blown blow a in a by tire the air rushing in to fill 1111 the vacuum ae as was necessary to blow open the doore doors OB on the portable burglarproof bnrelnr proof cafes afefl tafes be the door doors arc opened without c cxplotlrea plosived x plos ived py ay iy tripping stripping ol 01 off the ito iron lla aa t ds a1 ditl witl qltl bamps yftmp namps and andjimmlee jimmies jimmlee and forcing wedges ato the crack cracks with n powerful jck jack scrow 1crow the fint first weage mredce wejge ift Is uk like ft a kalac kalfo kalfc 7 wf i slade ind btl the size li Is increased incrcaiod increasod until ibo we door lies flies trim lie its blugis blugci blugcs another collection OY SKBLSTO SKZLXTI JWTL sal sfl tool tootsi tootli 14 the drag this Is A 54ty llcelberupon test bar upon which a thread he ba been ut and it Is operated with a tout stout handle andio li five or six x feci feel long ion to give oa 01 o1 great loverarn lover 1 arn A hole Is oft bret bored through ibe the door or back of the mate A thread is 1 cut la in the plate to rorreipoud rorrespoud rorres poud with that la IQ the drag the tool Is 1 turned until the opposite tda side of the iafe safe Is reached wlch wlcn lvbcn a great pressure pree euro la Is put on an tho the long handle something eomethldgwill will bare bave to buil bust it Is usually the door uoot boot sometimes watn whn whtn the door doors promise a bard taek task the burglar reacher reacbor reactor the top c of tae t4e ba b6 iafe safe and bore bores a hole there to latro intro duce th abe tbe powder fire proof afcj 111002 are bout about a troublesome to a burglar as smok imoklnr smoklra lRA a pipe PIPS to a bailor 1124110r ula atooli tooli go h18too16fo through the motal metal and other mater material ai &i I 1 like old cheese it wai was thought when the timelock time lock was invented nreated created yrblch unlocked the doors automatically automat leAlly at it n certain time that abe tbe he burglar would bare have to lako take a back oat seat jle was quiet for a brief perl period a ood and kept ble his experiment experiments ecret secret ecrot taca tbca th C a all of a udden sudden time lock safes began to fly open all over tle me land the burglar bad had discovered diecoveicd discoveied that by exploding dynamite on the outside of the door orer over the clock tho the door would bale bulge lo 10 in and the 7 wrignt wrigns aitt caas caxs for force of tho the shock would amik bnik bmik the erring or disarrange the tbe abe mechanism so 0 o that li it would ruu run down and turn the bolts the same thing happened in clocks that were constructed to unlock topped stopped the burglars havo have an easy time with timo time lock locks on doors because it has been shown that dynamite beate tiicm tacm cacm all men a heavy charge of dynamite has tins been used the lock baa has been ia la ti everal cases blown entirely off oil the inside of the door one the cleverest pieces of work done by burglars la Is picking combination locks thero there are few who can do it it la Is done dome by the sense of touch and QC 091 1 0 I 1 L O 0 ATOUT rrowlens rrowlen9 oltrit OLT rIT bearingafter bearin hcnridgafteriodg gafter long practice with locks of 01 every ery style with all the inventions that haro have been made it Is admitted that there are no bates safes that are absolutely burglar proof provided time enough Is riven given to the thief to work at them the cho object of safe manufacturers has been to keep th thieves levs from getting through the doors between saturday night and monday morning and this has been done by massive blocks of metal and stones surrounding ur the vaults with all kinds kinds of alarms and watchmen armed to the teeth |