Show live wo arc are having void cold wenther wcnthcr the new now bauk Is e in full blast our town people lime iao quite lite n ih ihal ihcl ea e1 tinio ut at the literary the 3 poling oung scopio pcopio peoplo aru are talking up a dance danle for the last of the wreck week 13 butter titter and nd aage cfigt eage scein eeeiu seein to lie be scarce though the tile price in 1 good hair hpir ilear3 blake nent to te denser denierou Denie rou on anat laat inat friday for a few daa diy da3 a wt tolin glynes iiynca ilynes one of grand june tiona business Lue inces men Is in ili tho city wellington scely seely aa up tip from fro castle polo DAIO the tile foro fore part of tile week ir dr iivyt l1q3t is kept pry buey busy in ili Sit attending tending to the tile calls of lile fits patients patient sam bain berry ilcrry made n fl flying ing trip to grand junction tho the first of the tile week prito trading co will open bue bus iness in its now store on or before feb rcblht int 1111035 nixon assisted ae alsted the emery county mercantile co in taking stock3 block stockd eetcrtlay e8terday esterday C A aglazcrn8ltunt glazer twelatant twe latant cashier of 0 provo first natl catl dank bank was in town sunday C a taa ta3 lor ino manager unger of the price trading cj C line has been in provo the tile past few daye days county attorney ballinger waa was called to ogden the tile first of the week on an legal business attorney ballinger returned from ogden lost night bt bil nging mrs ballinger ano the now boy cleveland baa has started a coop co op store wo we arc are glad to noto note progress in this part of 0 the county the emery elery county mercantile co are busy taking stock today toda to day da preparing for the 3 a oar 1891 we had some ery ert fine flno alno machine he by our city 11a blacksmith blacksmiths ns n and anti R anderson Ni billiams ivilliame nilliams iVill iame lliams new add he baa has lie ie cash basis and promises promie I 1 cs nifiains gains galns to all customers A A mulholland Mulli olland agt abt of gilson asphaltum co made inside a bal noes trip to salt lake last week dr floyt iioyt iloyt telle tells us that thod esq valentine face is longer than the stick at the ole new store it is a rj girl irl john A BI the a merchant of vernal uintah uintab ulntah county in the beig ccie ceig brated berated ass aeiey aeiry ley valley is in town to day the new now cabinet at giltr tbu tiltr post of ie Is a daisy this ale shows lows much wim on the part of our post maud mand for gilsonlto gflsonlte is be mat bat iat that they have or i f fast a set as Us carsman carscan can be V az 7z of the firm of mil L tj this boffl offl office ce last 31onda mon eare are subscription ib renting meriting the johnston st joseph mo mad our mer chants last bruce N aeried arried in our town 181 a vilf vwlf dener he takes a t aa a4 compositor on the tfle4 mrs of of salt lake arrhe e yeaterdayls train and w da a with ber eon D 311 as D ien add ed to the ree and is rapidly I 1 late the silent m I 1 I 1 ANT 6 is gertle xeller returned paymajiter Payma jiter from ft DII clesme ckesme mcmlay mcmday abere wbere site has been visiting isiting the family of col rose 0 B rhode and fred grames called at tile tllforapm sanctuin sanc tuin yesterday andrelated and related early expert experl beof eof frontlerlifelnnmery county county court ineeta nieete ineets tomorrow to morrow at 3 oclock p to in epeelal spftlal selon 1 at CAUC castle dale dole county attorney ballinger balltngcr and selectman matuli m&tuli blathis will bo 14 in atten attendance attciuhnco attendince dince T the lie feulou eeulou seafiloij will be short eliort elfort too If Hutch Achison ieon ono one of our bova eova po poolton ponlton positors sitors WM was quite ale 1 yesterday and on that account the trlyniavit may be botlclncl delaed adelaed for it R few hours from press tom welly wally tile rustling b mining engin cngtncct engincei cei from denver goes tn butte bl muntniii bluntaint untaint thie this week fur for at few doaa do3a lae trip ifo lie will return in A week oreo orso prof J W nixon of tho the hunt lugan lugbn ingfun schools eclioole nccompaiitel accompaulel by mre mra nixon luul and biby mby 6iby spent the foce funs part of last week in ili tae tbc t4e dt lit I 1 belting ualting lelting f friends 1 till seem to be a good point polut fur for the purchase and shipment of 0 cadt ccdr cedt r posed postti postd be soccol socrol cral car loadc loada a week hai liao e been shipped from hero here and anti tho the sup ply 18 a bet 3et atgood ctgood ct good grain for boree horeo horee feed ij i very escame ecarcc scame in tills market and bring a high price now ie Is the time for the farmers fa rinere to sell before the merchants order from tho the east D J williams has been recod rcmod remod ellug elleg lite stote building and no now f lias has ODO one of tho tile finest rooms in town the show windo windows a in front presenting a & metropolitan appearance our genial merchant D J wil limus recorded hie lite namo name as the first subscriber to the teligbapii telzoraill and en on riched oaf otf ot PA chequer 1 the tuno tune of ono one years subscription mr fr kelliher govt goat operator at taa ta3 lore lors ranch has his gone to ft D du u chineo chcneo chense to fill 11 the place of 0 mr curley who hae has been called away on account of tho the death of his wife wif bif a mrs ira IV G blazler on her return home from pueblo colo visited sunday night with her sister mrs cummings cummiugs curnmlugs and ret returned timed to her homo home in salt lake monday morning 0 our estimable itrestimable hos ho hoiass hosass sass 9 mrs E mathis of tho the mathis house has just returned from salt lake like with a inc assortment of carpets curtains and fixtures for the new hotel thomas E fullertha Ful fuller lertha tha wide awake merchant of lawrence was in price last week wk and made tho tile telfonarn a call zall ho he reports bqainesa btisiness flourishing in his section scctioj sectiou of tho the country the den deni er republican remarks that it is not hurdly hardly fair to send mckinley to st petersburg in winter after tho tile lery ery cold weather he recently experienced in ohio bert seabolt maniger of the GII G ilson asphaltum co from for du da chesne spent a few days on oui out streets last week and later went to salt lake on bist business ness dr hoy 1103 t has a card in this issue of the th e tbleorapil tzleorap11 we haye known the dr for a number of yvars in col orado and nebraska where he stood at the head of tho the medical profession the TELXOBAPH job rooms im hait t beera bcerf beerf thronged with work ork during luring the pat pitst patst ieek beek eek and not withstanding withstandine withstandina withstand ine ina the fact tbatoeything that lovcy ovcy thing was in pie pic und genera general I 1 disorder dilorder dl di dl011 lorder 011 from moving a fair grade of wo wot rk rsm was turned out ont last ce ee ning at the tl oasis sa saloon I 1 oon a fine oil painti panting tim a was woad atr otr offut at A t per nt number nbcr there being forty numbers sold tho the prize 1 was w2s ws aho 7ho ho eold sold his von yon by P peterson petcrson chance chanco to A A MulL mulhtlb mull111 111 nd the town of ol 01 cutlif castltf ltlatet 0ntc but little more than a 3 car ear old Is a i erit able little city with ite itll t lectric electric lighte lights coke ovens and tile exte efte tjivc ie I e coal works of the 1 P V Y coal co P itappenrs it appin that the tile tylz1u1ta 1 ji ii is soued di suued illst3ui to fiauri3koud fleurisli fleuri sli and nnd kimt tbat timt thea will le no dearth t 0 cs 3 in ue its col 001 ums ams since the 3 oung 1vople 1 of price hai diac liac e decided to enter the INA matrlmon inatrinton trinton lal field for rur especial sacci spcci benefit beriefit berie fit with tins tills the first Is issue isme me to ina mar riagfca 039ts nrc are reworded reoinleil rewrded 7 W M N wayman biiicrlntcnde sulterintendev of farming farei ing at ouray reservation TI ir down to town last week a ami d bail oail a awftgoutroin wagon train with indian sup euppllea suppitie pItie ho lie a sas it will wll take moat most of the win will ter to remme ttitf thd mhd freight now new nt price to tile ceseri reseri rcecntitlon atlon IL 11 A kirker a mealier of tho county court oc of G rand county unil anti one of thu the solid mining men of eastern utah line been in the city for the past few dae daa und nd has haa returned to thi tho coal camp in whitmore can 3 a on the agent of this title place informs n ug a t hot there hae has been reached reeched breeched at this bration btntion btation 1013407 1611407 pounds of frelglittitirlugdecomber freight during december and there has been for forwarded yarded from here 673 585 pounds thi thip is a it pretty good showing owing Bh maj creary paa pa3 a litster ronstcr mitster of the U S army anivea anive1 anlyea monday afternoon from ft D dnchrsncand it chesne and left for 1 salt lako lake on tho the evening train the major next roes to F ft L WASI mashike washike wasilike basilike lIke to pay cofr ofr on tho the troops there dan T goff of grand junction Is in ili torn town and has too decided to open up a hotel mr guff is nn old hotel man run hotel now the st charles of grand junction esq 0 11 II valentine was on a 03 flying ing triy ta brigham city and ogden last week he ile seems to think that F emery mery county suits him bette r for a homo abome abode than the country burthe furthob furthe north IT th we tire under obligations to W V burgess Bur gesa one of ourelty our city blacksmiths smit lis for assistance in putting our out press together which was more of a job than wo we cared to tackle without the aid of a machinist lu in this tills issue of the TKLFGRAPH will bo be found the adi ndicrtiscmcnt ertisement erti sement oi 01 the gilson asphaltum co this companys sales amounted to 10000 during the month of december acce dcce n ber which of itself is a recommendation to the people of its methods of fair L dealing and low prices ive are informed that the ladies rclcif relcif society that was vas held at the church las last thursday Thur day night was a grand success and greatly cnjo3 enjoyed oil on oft account of the good order and quietude A number who are soine boiaewha soinewha wha advanced in 3 a etas etxs as s and who never danced before took part in trippling strippling trip pling the light fantastic amopg among the many questions of public publia interest to the citi citizens zeus pf ot price and one we would like to see agitated is the inc ircorporatiun orporatibn of the town the expenses of a city go ern men would be light the revenue rcrcnue rerenue now der led from the busl baines buines buslnetis bu ines netis represented being more thin ample to defray e them it if julicia judicially lly applied mrs curb curly wife of IL 11 curly bom at vineyard ila en mass died at ft du chesne jan bth ath 1891 u91 deceased was 29 years old ill highly 1 ahl ghl accomplished and llo wio 110 ed by all who were favored with her aquiintance squaintance mr curie corley F passed through price 3 esterday oe on his way to vineyard havlu havcu haveu with the reraalne rentainis rera rent alne ainis where thea the3 tho will be interred beinterred the emery emory county mercuaatll merchantil co colesto comesto tomes to the front with a three column olumn ad announcing the fact that ie is still in the field for fr basir busir business css and anti ready rt&dy rtady to supply the trade with any article from a paper of pine pins to a threshing in machine sebine li IN is one of the old business businees busineiss busi nees neiss house houses in the county 01 und has an established repulsion among the people 1 .1 T jhc thc lie first number of the uintah untall pappo pappoe e tiff ta en on our iesk besk it Is 4 bright newly little i paper bcr pcr and we pre dicfeth&tiriletehypclaq djct4k01wli7derekfpeinck a fall grow gtowschhst before betorc betori many moons I 1 be e people of uintah county should ember jk mt eucsa suceftss bucsa euc sa of 0 the pappose rel na muh in to their county and eboelr m a1 aa h gi4 gia its it a an tamest 1 and hearty ecjpe ecppe r V 0 low w lore store bu buhhng min g 0 ol 01 fille ali tli loi 0 0. Is ft ncarlugcoinpks etring itring coin p114 aly mly f tor or occupancy allt rllt Rl lt t buehne buelne businete bue busi lne nete 0 store julidinibh erect erected eil at tha th couilmny 11 bc8f CF S or oar leading busine bnelnves 8 A bijil ijil manner in which they are w 1101 of the wos wok k bespeaks for tile thow ne M ur flt alt W a merited success something should nhould n1lould bo ta done prevent proven t tho the water from coll collc colac freezing lu in tho tile strecks atrecte strects fo aw past portions of the town almost ulmoht almomt impassable wlilel hid 1 bo be the emm in ili a 1 busy liko like price would it idea to arrange with a tion tlon alon co for a baloi waloi ut ina first0298 first 0298 gydh gyih the fall from the tit to I 1 pipe the water a lid at slight expento be laid and hydrants h3drants t orner of calli block r be con ridered sidered nt 0 A css transact ed in pair prir 7 i other town of its off ho he receipts of the R ipoint 11 arc are boic moic 010 than proo or any other 11 line except the catl cltl A 4 ke e ai ald aid d ogden with th ahas jhas has and anti the natural aa a0 r country surrounding A ll 11 silver copper wax I 1 I 1 ato iito aito and other minerals 7 .7 proenz moent proent roent the people from at price a fine little city ike ake hold of tha the matter in vi earnest rimpro linproic rim pro our opportunities uc at once and at all times and anti let the people of the east best know what our country possesses they stand ready to in cst but know absolutely nothing of our country HABIIIED MARRIED mr SF S F llznrr and mas mss AMELIA WIGAIM Wie Aia were married in the chiy ctiy ctly atly of grand junction colorado on monday january 12th at 12oclock oclock 12 M the rey father morton offi cia dating ting mr derry is a native of kentucky but has spent the past 1 three a 3 cire wirs in the west principally at gt colorrdo colorado Color rdo springswhere springe Springs where he has been beeh engred in his blslness of contractor and anet builder having been a foreman in the employ of one of the largest firmi in that city the bride ie Is formerly from ann arbormich arbor mich and is a graduate gr adnate of ann anti arbor college and during the pasi ia few a 3 ears has ha s resided in colorado springs the newly married couple ha han e the bosk bost wishes of the TKLICIK it apil kpil ru valentine valentin ep e P petersen etersen on sunday cnening eenlng cN ening jan lltli 11th 1891 ot at the residence of C 11 valentine in price utah mr C C valentine and mis miss lo lovina loina ina petersen were are united in the holy bon bonas bonjs Is of i matrimony esq valentine oluciat ofillint ing mr valentine ia is ono one ot of the live joung young busin business css inen of 0 price pos bessing eessing gassin gpssin ca c7 M t the it e coffit confit condtlencc len C c 0 of f t the 11 e people of amm emcn fmm county where lie he is well acquainted acqurtinte 1 und and is at 1 present prcbeut in the employ of 0 the gilson abplialtuin asphaittim coe cos store in ili price the tile bide b ide for sometime lias has beu a resident of brigham city utah is an accomplish cd lady lind and will be autuable autu n finable able acqua acqui mitlon eitlon sitlon to the society of price the A ttoiiarii tixonilit con congnuulatcs r3dulates price literary club pigram pwgram fit3grom to fo next sunday cc ca is us follows fal loAa deboto debftto debtto resolved that war line has been more destructs dcstnicth destructh e to life it fe and anti happiness than intoxicating liquors at af f trinato tirmathc trinath e IV N ruggles llupglm and nadcu nadau C 11 valantine valontlne valuntine va luntine ncgathc negatlie Neg atlie A A mulhol |