Show THE titz united states libi re referred forred ebirt tbirt thlrtthrco ahrea threa international dis disputes patos to arbitration arbitratioa during a tho the present presentcontury century but there in no indication that tho sealing soalng dipus dipu9 will bo be arnlacably amlacably adjusted ittthnt lrthnt manner AN ettrich oilrlch ottrich hide hides ita hood head la in tho the dirt tramulos tramblos framblol tram blos alth wllb wlth torror borror and takes taken no note ol 01 ot the onomy capital li Is liko like tho the ostrich it does the tbo abo most foolish thine possible As the hunters mako make an easy cnptiiro cnpturo of tho the ostrich so ij ii timo labor and enterprise will punish capital for lu it folly THE titz now york papers loll 1011 tell of a rich fifth avenue avcnuo wpman apman who has n brass bedstead inlaid with pearil across tho the top rum runs a bw rail rall on which tho the owners ownerla namo li Is wrought in to pearls poarls poaril sho she undoubtedly has tho nightmare juit just the came same us as though she ho was sleeping oa on v a pile of rails and a bunch butich of traw straw TUB tim baltimore medical students who broo drovo droo a patient la in a hospital insano by dally daily fooling tooling of him to BOO soo it if bo he woe was fat enough to cut up were perhaps pursuing a scientific study of the effect of tho the imagination out but if tho the roford rcoord rooord ol 01 of their achievement follows them into practice they will not make their fortunes at tho the diviak divluo diviao art of healing nlraujc now jersey haa has an 1eu aeu european club tho the members of which pay into a common fuma 2 a month each and draw lots to decide which of thorn them shall take a prooodonco prooodenco in using tho secondclass second class cabin cabins that aro bought with tho the money nearly everything nowadays except paying tho the debt dobt of nature can bo be dono done on the installment plant TUB tint following written definition of the word ord bachelor ilbicholor 1 was handed in by a fifth grado boy 11a A bachelor Is a man who has no wife nor waitte wants no ife nor cant got no vafa afo lfo 11 maosa cousette chusotte chusette chus chu otte sette has an overplus of old maids whom the brigat bragat boy mentioned above might describe as women who bavo have no bus husbands bands though they want husbands but cant cot got no husbands A areaken at an antitobacco anti unti tobacco meeting in washington the other day frankly ad admitted bitted itted that under certain eircumstals I 1 rlrcumstauuos the use of tobacco ro to salted eultod sulted in the saving of life this caused leat L eat eca consternation in the fttlog ing until sho cholor eholor for it was a pan an explained her remark by say t that cannibals will under iio UO am stances eat A & missionary who tobacco kobacco bacco user winusll nian nitn it Is claimed that prof koch Is making splendid plon did strides in tho the theory and practice of medicine particularly titularly ticularly ticul arly tho the practice it must not bo be forgotten that the science of surgery hos bus also boen been making rapid anvance advance benl mcnt menl what was looked upon a half century aro ar a o by tho the most advanced surgeons sur georis as impossible Is now new successfully cess fully accomplished agcomplished by tha the veriest verlest tyros in thejrofesslon thurotession MONET so long as it la Is in tho possession of any one produces absolutely nothing out of which it tax can bo be paid pw it Is as utterly barren as a last yea years rs corn stalk it Is only when in tho the act of passing frora arora ono one hand to another that it can bo be said to produce anything at all and whon it la Is in that act it is as elusive as paddys flea bea but a moraga mortgaso mortga mort gaso ze Is always known and can be found by the tracks that it nakel anz tnz empero william has evidently small re pedt pect pezt fcr bcr the prom wo we do not blame him ills me own press cs ex capped ceptod capted tho the newspaper have not been backward in expressing their opinion of ot william when occasions seemed to call fur for comment and the comments wero were sometimes not such as would fall pleasantly upon the expansive and tender oar car of a kindergarten emperor tho the press can wait for its revenge upon william for it will live loni iong after tho the kiqrbas kg has run his race tur castora portion of the indian territory traversed by tho the missouri duffle paclfic dulfle southward rout hward to fort gibson and bastard eastard ea a stard to for foral forjl smith arsay rsay bo taken as the best wet possible illustration of what the civilized indian can do with a country with reasonable advantages jn in the way of soil sell and climate the cseuntry u antry untry belon belongs 9 to the to cherokees bo be aed ued ed to bo be at tho the head of all tho the ind in inda60 d an tribes in the acceptance of tho the 4 wha wh whq mans ways and said to bavo have imbi imbibed d MO xaorcoqunon common civilized sense chaa thaa an at other or indians through their al mlxtuwt11 turer th the bam hardheaded hardhoaded boado hoado scot scotch ch of vrestwtrn weiterajc c ib th carolina with who whom I they former formerly dwelt dwalt T i 1 J k |