Show A BATTLE battlefield FIELD JOKE A man must be killed when he says he Is only this cek oveek ovcek I 1 was reading gen doubledas doubleday Doub ledas etory atory of Getts gettysburg burg and hie lie day bofoii bofoir I 1 hurt had seen the old general on tho I 1 io street saas sa3s saa a writer on the new now fork york star hie ills presence in n new yordt yortt yorlt and hia his book combine to recall to my mind a very yery practical jokolbat joke that was placed upon bim him at gettysburg gpttsburgby gett3sburg kr capt jo jots parker of gen fian hancocke cocks statt col billy wilson wlleon alleon and anti joo joe parker were gen hancocke peta pets they were both couig ouig 3oung boung full of mischief and only saw the tile ludicrous aide side of everything no matter how serious in the very white heat beat of the tile battle on cemetery bill hill july 3 1863 gen II Il ancock was wai severely wounded and cepl cnpt cnpl parkcr parkjr immediately immediitely inimeditteiy rode off ott to find gen doubleday who was the senior division commander and put him in command of the second corps lie ile found doubleday sitting sittia sittio sit tio under a big tree lie ile saluted bim him quickly and said gen igen I doubleday gen II ancock has been seriously wounded and you will juit at that moment before he had time to finish the sentence assume command of the corps a shell burst directl directly oi oer er hie tile general the shock half stunned him and be he fell over exclaiming oh I 1 am killcdl killedl I 1 am kil killcdl killedl ledl capt parker couldnt resist this opportunity fors for joke he rode off rapidly in search of gen gibbon he ile found him and reported to bim him that doubleday had been killed and hancock had been wounded cad and that he has to take command of the corps the news spread spi ead rapidly that doubleday was dead and capt parker so reported to gen hancock ancock II A few hours later a railroad train containing II Il ancock his stuff staff and a number of wounded off officers iders was moving toward baltimore hancock was lying on a stretcher suffering inunsely but his mind end vaid sympathy went out toward his chrison diviaon chvison divi ch vison aon commander commanders and bis his other officers who were dead or wounded its to bad about poor doubleday e death eaid said be he to a & wounded officer sitting near him who was shot in the arm ad doubleday isnt deadreplted dead replied the officer 1 I saw him in command of the corps after you were ere wounded and two hours before I 1 left the field why joe parker told mo we that he was killed replied hancock parker who ho was IQ in tin front car with the boys baring having fun was immediately summoned ile appeared before iiaacock ilameack IIa Ila acock meack who uld said capt parker didnt you toll tell we that gen doubleday was killed 8 certainly 8certainly I 1 did replied joe 11e told mo me ho he was and arid what the devil else was I 1 to do but to tako tiko hia his word for it despite dcpllo deipite the suffle suffering ring in tho the car there waa was a hearty laugh and parker westback wentback went back to his companions ac ar ho he closed tho the car door ho he hoard board ulneo4k iii acock ncock remark that boy will never see anything serious in tho the most serious acrious ackrious things of this tills life poor joe jbo abo parker and his counter part col witson wilson ait ai both dead while the old general nf A horn gen ll fl ancock told this amusing story walks klong iong broadnay broadway appearantly appear antly as healthy and I earty as a man mau of 50 on account of a mistake on our part last week a portion of the article on fruit culture willai whidi will0i WM kindly banded handed us u for publication was left out and therefore publish it in full |