Show wagon train besieged by indians A special froni from camp near wounded knee creole crook south dakota gives the particulars tic ulars of another engagement cncagement engugement wuch took place at that point tuesday morning A detachment detach meat of thirty inea had been sent out from the camp to meet a wagon train with applies supplies for the camp and when ten muss out the wagons view were found beste besieged ired by a band ot of 100 indians on seeing the troops approaching the redskins scattered iu iii all directions but Imme immediately immediatel diatel returned yroturned to the attack on finding the small gumaer uumoer uumaer of men in the detachment A courier was sent back to lamp for reinforcements but in the meantime an in dessaut cesiant cessaut fire was kept upon up on loth sides resulting in the wounding of on aoe ooe a soldier aud the killing and wounding of several indians the exact number of whlchcould which could not bo be ascertained as the reds redskins klus carried their dead and wounded wound eid away about three hours af after ter the couriers departure troops were seen seta coming at full gallop to the tho rescue As the troops rode up the indian scattered in all directions and troop F pursued them but abandoned the chabo chaso ctaso on account amount of darkness the wagon train was escorted to camp in safety |