Show if you had a friend about to visit somo some section of country where malarial disease cither either tn in the form of chills and fever lever or bilious remittent was particularly rife rite what would be about the best beat addico advtco advico you could giro give halml himt hlml we will tell youto bouto carry along or pro cure oa on arriving tbatjvtent abat tbat potent potcnt medicinal safeguard hostellers Hostet tors 8toclach 23toilach bitters known throughout malarial plagued regions regious bero here and la in other countries as the surest means of disarming the miasmatic scou scourge rim and robbing it of I 1 ic fell destructive influence not only docs it fortify the system by increasing its it stamina but overcomes irregularity of digestion tho the liver and the bowels and counteracts counterts count erts tho the unfavorable e2c7ct effect cf ct overexertion over exertion bodily and mental exposure in rough weather or occupation too sedentary or laborious loss of appetite and excessive nervousness tho the functions fcnctions fuultions of rlimenta plimenta uon tion bilious secretion and sleep bavo havo in to it a most powerful and reliable auxiliary A pillow thief held on to ta the thd mhd pillow though be he gave the tb police p011cc the slip it vercru ercru ercry woman in this land kaew kuew irtiew for herself bersolf bersoff the actual quality of dobbins electric boap no other washing soa soap p cou could id bo be sold millions millions do d use it 16 but other othe r millions nave never tried it have couf youf you I 1 ask your grocer for it figures must get tired standing as it Is suld that they wont lie ile the best shelter for a young girl is her mother s swing wing especially if shos chos a little chic wo we take pleasure la in calling the attention tionorour of our readers to the advertisement thendvertisement of the chesebrough manufacturing company panywhich which appears ia in anothercolumn another column this company are tho original discoverers and only manufacturers of vaseline the ba bast ast emollient and most valuable family remedy in use their goods are sold by dru druggists druggfsts fists gists throughout the country but wo we bilig wilig wish to caution our reader i when buying to accept only goods in original packages lack and la belled chesebrough ANIs manufacturing inupact inu pact company as som sometimes eUmes unscrupulous unscrupulous unscrupulou dealers try to substitute preparations preparation which are of little value when compared v alth vlth ith Vasol vaseline lne and somo some are injurious and unla unsafe re to use by sending tho the company a dollar by ma mall 1 the sender will receive freo free quito quite an assortment of these beautiful and valu valuable ablo goods without any charge for delivery G iven a few chemicals a counterfeiter can always raise a dollar wo we call the attent attention lon of our readers this week to the advertisement of ina gun wa herb romedy company at denver they re m to be doing an immense business judging from the amount of advertising they aro are doing throughout tho the northwest but instead of qua gun wa there is now two noted specialists who do the practicing and they have positive instructions to not accept any soy case unless able to guarantee a curo see their ad the dem decl decollete decllete lete dress doesnt come high but the girls will wtll itll hava hure it catarrh cant bi bo anred cnrcd cnred with LOCAL appucatiim applicati0n3 as they cannot reach the seat of the disease catarrh is a blood or constitutional dibase dlcas dinase dl cas and anil in order to cure it u have to take interval rcmcuny revieuim hall s carrh marrh catarrh cure is taken internally and acts derot dircft d1rot I 1 ly on 12 the blood and mucous surfaces hall a catarrh 91 t arh rrh cure care is no quack medicine it was pre prescribed sc abed ibed by one of the best physicians physician Ato in this country for years and Is a regularprescripmn regular prescription it Is competed of the acs bcs beet tonics towed known corn com blued with the best beat blood purifiers actingill acting directly on the mucous surfaces SWUM the 66 perfect combination of th ohs ths two incredlcqts inqedlepts is whatpro duces such suth wonderful results tn to curing catarrh bend send for testimonials tree free F J CIIENEY A it CO props toledo 0 sold old by druggists price 75 does the signal servile eervl e take delight in reporting the mean temperature of the weather hay you ever tried triad thernel thern7l if it UOU it will pay you wall to ak ask your dealer for a pair of kirkindoll kirkcndoll ktrkcndcli1 jonna jones & co s own anka aako mnka shoots pr or boote boots and tuko take no other othor an thoy are all mado made of bo the beat best selected eol colod stock noil anil by skilled workmen wo guar guarantor ffunrnnloo guarantoo antoo every pair as a spro opro tpro icntod ac &c 11 tod by u us and you xou will surely lind find that thoy they ore are tho tile beat goode goods for thu money moooy mohoy on tho the market our arlzo arrizo 1rlzo atrizo modal school shoot aro are giving giviqg 11a jnlvcrmil inivermal ini vermal satisfaction la in every respect and you should at least examine thomthon thomtban thom thon when whoa purchasing remember mumber rc price paid also tho the service and comfort your children receive and you w will III 111 always buy boote boots and shoes manufactured by kirkendall Kirko odall jono jones d & co alvo lvo tomeko womeko me ko all styles and on any lat lart thereby enabling tho the dealer to fit tho foot toot perfectly in case your our dealer docs does not keep our liuo line lot lot us know and wo we will toll tell you where to got thorn them remember tho the numo to aek for ie is kirkendall Kirkon dall jones & co manu fucturcre facturors omaha oroahn omahn nob A lock out ot doo doos not follow a baseball bateball base bate ball players strike atri ttri kc A cosatt couatt COLI COLT on bonn throat turoat abound ibould abould not be neglected UHOWK unuacnul 11runciiial feocuee t2ocnza aro are a simple remedy and gire give prompt relief 23 cts acts a box money bloney Is i now like many mca men who aavo have ltcloe lt cloe when baby a was tick we w gave ber her caatoite cwdarla Cw darla when the he w&4 aa &a a child the ho cried for autoria cutoria c4utorla Cu toria when he she bacani becani aim xim HI kho she clugg climg cluzg to C c&atoria borts torts ajen tthea njen h hoa b currea cuurea chtijren ctr she garo them ceorl cutorit ctorl Cuto rit it wealth giro gives ease but cato never gire gives wealth before thomso tboueo thouso of prickly ash bitters became general throughout the soulli soutli 13outh and wesl avcat it was iva a tearful dose of awe dwe mass 11 and dally daily doos doses of quinine that was forced down the throats of su suncrcr Rerer from all malarial trouble troub let in la place of such obnoxious harrowing cu mUres prickly aeh ash hitters with ita its mild sooth aooth sootb ing action now hold holds supreme away and after one trial its use when wha necessary noco seary ie Is forever established you who bavo have bick sick headaches sour stomachs tomacbs toma cbs diseased liver or bidne kidne kidney a can do no bettor than to gh gis a it a trial plain K boode poode oods become figured ururod ligured when they are marked down dirs1vinslows blrewlnlotwouthlnebyrupforchll soothlngbyrup forchia forchil for chil drenteethtogs9ftenstheauras teethtot teeth tot often tho rod roduoesinflamum uce laflnica tion allays pain cures wind ctxd 2subottle a bottle tbo abo man xnanwith with a keon noso never loses a scent dining cars west tho the union pacific ry aro are running din lag ing can cars between omaha and portland on train no 1 passing cheyenne Chey enno 7 JO a in dally daily passenger passengers from denver for bait balt lake lakeandall and andall all pointale pointalu point poin talu in idaho montana washington and ore oregon on take all mels me ls inthod1n1nxcaronty75 in abe tbe dining car only 75 cent cuts remom hemom her ber the union pacific ity makes many hours tho the fastest time wot west yjkcoa S wriz ilk X rheumatism ogden midi mich mar way 171830 17 IWO A half bottle of your inyiluablo inyviluable medicine it jamb oil cure curedr 4 r oofrbtu oofrtkeu xn&tlsm end und rheu matle matic swelling oftle oftbe ofthe knee itlitbobcetia itistbebstin the ih universe 1 J af &f U L ponta pontm & neuralgia iineentown ragerstown ud abill apill aplualnq Z im 1 iandothersof I and others of my family have used st jacobs oil for nea ralgia and found it Is a tptedy sp6edr effective effectire ecoctire effect ire earo curve UKS uri awas kttxn kxllzt IT 17 HAS NO EQUAL 50knea sickieadahe to 0 10 tonultflycured pooltivelyeured in 1 A PP tiles lhee ahee e luttle all pll fl UAKI fra ns they iileo s1so saso rollive rolleve 11 CIJ dim tress from trttroialypptplln palkin dytepalkin DyTe digostionand tigoetlonmdtooueart 0 bolleart oolleart f ITTL braung etlng raung A pedott pedftt berf perf t rem ady cdy dyfordizzinmi for dlzzimm&ittueax nix IVE n trowainer46 drcrwinfoe D bad tom taatqh in t abo tbo Is mouth goa go& oofttodisi I 1 MS tongue pain in the bid I 1 TOKPID TORPID LIVER tts 71ev ats regauge rtaute regaute rt aUte the dowels 1 purely vegetable price SS 23 hentsi ccntst centsi CASTES LIE co I 1 inmoas bolm yolm small pill smal small dose small price peice all 10 K L v ASH B I 1 T T E R S one of the mosi most Impar imporluni impartnt tnt aigars orgars argars ol 01 of the tho human body Is the LIVER when whenittailsto it ails to properly perform its functions tha entire system becomes dem deranged liged the BRAIN IBRAIN KIDNEYS STOMACH BOWELS DOWELS all beluso refuso reluso to 0 o perform meir ihclrwork work dyspepsiacon DYSPEPSIA CON STIPATION rheumatism KIDNEY OIS DIS EASE EASF etc are the NSUIS resi lts alts unless some thing Is done 0 to o assist halaro haluro fialuro in throwing C cb the impurities caused by 67 the inaction ot ol 01 a TORPID LIVER this assistance assist allce so necessary will bo ba found in prickly ash bitters ditters Dit ters I 1 it 11 acis dirediy dife0l on tho the UVEH UVER STOMACH and KIDNEYS KIDNEYC and bi b its mild end calharll catharlior calh arll beet effect wd general tonic ionic qcailues quallues qual lUes rest restores or chest ihom thest otlans otfans enans it a sound huttic huatic elilion ililion and cures all diseases arising I 1 cm abele tbcsc lbele causes it PURIFIES THE ITHF BLOOD b10001ei tones up tho the system and rector re4tor rcajres per perfect feet bealle beallh healll kyourdrugglsldoesiulkctp it your druggist boet doet 0 P itskklia AS in fo arderitforyou order it for you sen send aa 2c 2a stamp forcopyal for copy of THE honsetralntb HORSE tirain1 R publlsbtd publisbcd by DC ul PRICKLY ASH ASN NITTERS CO c8 ca sole pus46w tr BT LOUIS TAM 1 04 0 4 0 YOUR xoxeyr OR YOUB YOUR LEM i this question quectlon que4tion Is a 61 pert one but buto m mean it will you & cilfico cil fico a fw few paluy puluy p11try dollars and &nd tnd UTO save your life orvill or vill you allow your blood to become tainted and your system eyfltfm rundown run down until finally you aro arc laid aay sway IQ in tho the grave defter better 6 be in fn time and hold 14bold up your hand hands tor for dr plerct rlem3 oolden bolden medical discovery a guaranteed remedy for all tal scrofulous and other blood taints from whatever causo cause arising it cures cares ru ell skin and scalp diseases ulcers bom4 boma bo swelling and nd kindred all ailment ments it 16 Is power fully ully tonio oa as well veu as alterative alter auve or b blood 00 d cleansing cleansin cleaniint cle ansin in its effect effects haq hwq he ce it strengthens ofle tfle tho system and rrstomt tores vitality thereby dispelling all those languid tired feelen fcclinc feelln fcc linc experienced by the debilitated TSIP especially scially ecially haa has it manifested its potency in curing tetter tet 0 balt rheum eczema erysipelas eryalpel ml balle bnlle carbuncled curbundc carbuncles Carb uncles sore bore eyes boltre goitre goltre or thick neck and enlarged gland world dispensary medical association AMoel atlon maker em no 003 main street buffalo N Y the cod that thathoipe helps to curo cure I 1 Z the cold I 1 s tho the disagreeable disagree aW to tasto taste of tho COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTS COW ME EMULSION of orpurt orpure pure cod liser oil ollywith Olly with hypophospiutes hypophospiotes OV xhxm ard AZTM A r D SOVA SO VA the patient suffering from consul consu3 consumption pt10no bronchitis bkonchitin CO covrig covrii cov rii 14111 co ILI OK 0 stantin 1tast1nk 1tantin r bama b&ma xllseam 114 may at ahi 1hi abo tbo remedy rbl7ltli remedywith with as a muc much h sallstactlor itetftcttoa as be would take milk rhysictaus fbytci&na&ropremrlt are preserlb pres erlb ing ingitererywhere it ererprbero it itlisperrectemsixion li a prefect prfect ualnloa and abjavoadorftilotthproducfr awondorbl gossh ossh producer productr ah xh no other USE THE BEST D bl 61 fur & co lo 10 i a iniutnted mastuted deicriptiv lkscriptive lk scriptive and priced SEED s E E D annuals annualj A NNUAL I 1 for 13 1381 91 will vnibemned be rifled rnfled FP FPEE E C toanspyuc&nts to pplicnt andtolsorseason and to llteaoa a 1 l cut0flgen custorsem custor sem itltbetttrthnnevtri it Is better than ear evr zat zvt eirtpnon ry parson ptrson using cardea cardep flowr xwr owr or fuu berds sffff serds should send nd for it addict addrct addrcss DMFCRRY 0 M FERRY aco &co & CO DETROIT TROIT Dt MICH j urge largest Seeds seedsman sftdtmtn seedsmen men in the tho world j now nprocess P coss DOG bebbus bebous A t ti bunijr dllrbt from tbcr do abbt bbt jfcdl&rrb& caus 4iarrbam dot dots at billit illit it in rnftttoc 1proferia to lothttiriitae4u otherbradsa&4ltmtsx&m tt nw iscon it acu ecu was ro iioond 2 far for round ciric tiric tw ui the iutritnl tri 1 luf etua etuj ofasyothr mothr othr brand 4 for book N baamat anatemont Ba bahmat amat of aei 4ei P la a bwjtk jalk jtlk ad nd disease u kucij kuij prie los 10& pr per ib IL SILM 6er aer ft post b br nu far nto jlmociaixp faxcuxxi 400 if thiafi thifi SL st 1 ra I 1 1 u prownide prow niDe bd d toll fullyou yen djrc drse arse 1319 a as the only oolr oole 01 0 1 8 eclfle cieto fieto forthecenlacur thocertaincure r I 1 I 1 I 1 ad 1d A efthos efthls i4hliidlsr& dis pa tda t da 0 uliunauam 11111011aixam JS J 4 araeterdam actsterd ra US NAZ Y wrabythe wra bythe we hv bav baa old sold clr ulr 111c 0 for or as amewol rainy many yr years and nd is 0 b bu rv en it ur but ot uu t ae atlon ctlon u 01m cak cbk V 0 DYCITZ DYCHBACO jk co ch cblcaeo ill LIT 100 1.00 r4hvntrrtt eq hv g W TACIMA 13litimuntilim at MA VA 1 bt wllrft celli ladiieses iwalljibwftjmtint amit wmit 1 pampttm pie 390 vu ur we kr 01 .01 1 U 106 10.6 mew OW berh xerh ork 11 r ads lds 110 roan cb cbpheniffor b m ta t0 fr WRIDA ltv wtv all in are for ar 1r m &p5u e asl 6sl T KEW NEW baw CLAIM ua u1 pensions pensiong PEN SIONg apply A to wo nihbenm&ce L nm & N attorntv Attorn tv 1 lilt 1419 s sifft wmeilon w441118glon 1 D C r 11ranz11 1 RANCH 011fics15 orrcebutlfd 41ovelaud dut0ilcp jdsu4chkm EN lelcomnluirhiiiatoiithc lucsintmxnwmohhi SIM xtttiaclpkifimlerubfaloa succeitefully fe or 1111 a iliner ininer prot proeeoytee Cli claim duru pims 19ft la a 1 ass wal u ibftdjudlcituaj 144utumung C aim alw14 atty kinoo kiuoo 0 stereopticohssc stereopticons11aftry moint011 & optical oplical co CHICAGO ILL MAGIC LANTERNS aff pff CANIFIELD drcamficld rye re bitin rtil sitin jar par huricud tiurseunt huri cuD 4163 1 l st1411llbleaq 111 111. M th 1 rt I 1 tock stock ol 01 of attlarial Attl artinrt Artin arial rt tam tjm ta t7 i laur we ak vk we1 1 ala A & ftmonmto oonmeas 09 yes pook tj any ad4rass 14 w13 11 tag lar pertlt vurvlsor pert peralt lT 0 to o seloom seloot a ono 41 iwtara ftt4m ablio blio baarw& bl io routsis rkut&f rautsis a orlace owlace arwil trwil ttwi4 by naw a&u nsw ftiteft T t r fthtwt r V |