Show i inexpensive inozpeuiva inoxpensive ddlghti ioilght& A middle amiddle smiddle agod man nwn awn with a satche satchel between his foet feet sat in front of a canal sti oet bet hotel the other evening when a pedestrian pedes trian accosted him woll well are you off beg pardon sir b but u t you bao banu the advantage of me replied the first well woll well but thats queer we bavo have been together four weeks you arc are not 1 I am ka bush ky tho zulu who cant speak a word of english und and prefers raw meat to cooked you yea aro am tornado tom tho the celebrated scout and indian slayer and aro are modestly credited with having killed thirty seven indians wo we both exhibited from the same platform in the museum Thin thunder derl but eo so we didt well whats now I going home to indiana tomorrow to morrow tho old man mart wants mo me to help him run the grocery and I 1 am tired a 0 tbe abe zulu business too much sameness about it have to hold a peachstone peach stone in my mouth to produce proauco pro4uce the gut lutteral guttora1 gutteral teral and it wears on my teeth which way aro are you going in back to toronto im tired of libis this cowboy business public ask too ninny questions fellers come in every day and d want to SOQ see my scars scam ive got dakota kansas and nod nebraska all mixed up la in my geography and somebody gets onto me every day for a deceiver if I 1 start out azain aerain azaln it will be william bolding belding tho the australian murderer who was sentenced to be hanged banged seven different dtfforent timos times but who finally proved his its innocence lano conce woll well Torn tornato tornaao tornnao Torna nao ao so long I 1 knabush knaush ka huh ky goodbe good ba b3 be e and may luck go with you 1 l new york bun |