Show FOR THE LADIES LADIE S sometnino e03iltining or INTEREST OF AKD AND IOR ble FEAININE 1 SEX BEL women an n jeuetrlo inectria I 1 lemout ifnruthjnf mints for the & 111ousehold lloacboldltkht miclat miclit iteadinig lta2ln and ad ritliy rithy bithy rui iolue ioluf ruitits tits hut dug to tota tot& a tomea taman ob to be alone I 1 to cospo caspo from the be work the play plays the talylor txiklor talklor tAl klor rory every dr d 11 J a escape iro ironi III 111 al all I 1 ai I 1 have hava done and all 11 II that demalis kmaljf remalis to do 10 lo 110 escape efcapcyc yes even from 700 iou at conly 1only only love itd kaid kiid std be alone alono und and free could I 1 only stand between gray moor and gry ky sky fuere wuere iviiere the wind winds and the tb plover plovers cry and liu no man is I 1 at t band hand and feel the toe iee I ee wind blow on roy my rain ralnwut wot face and know I 1 ani am freenot freunot fre enot your yours lut nay my own I 1 1 rce ace and alone for aba tba tb toft soft firelight and the borne home of your heart beark lay my dear they butt hum being always here I 1 runt to tand stand up tip upright and to cool ray my eyes in fit the air f and to see ce bow how niy tuy luck can bear murdtno jiuriltntto to try to know to learn to growl grow I 1 I 1 am only you I 1 1 I 1 1 am your yours part of you your wife vrlfal I 1 and atk btk bae a no other idee I 1 cannot think cannot do X cannot breathe calinet calinot calnot4 43 there li to u us but thero there Is i not tot llmo11 me and wort worst at your kiss I 1 1 grow contented so 0 o ivcinaa 1voman in an flectrin riectrin Flec trin moment LI smout woman liko like electricity has heretofore been known by effects liko like this eubtllo subtflo magnolia magnello force ebo she has defiled dcnod defled antilysis nnnlysls nntilysis evaded control do elliod clhiod elluod to bo be driven readily glowed to enlighten and warm or flashed glorl florl bously ouely ously only to bowlder boulder and destroy sho la Is tho the electric clement element in human nature mature tho the universal clement in human affairs from no interest great orileniall orile or email niall public or private cm era wo we eliminate her influence and in nono none con can we predict with certainty tho the character of her manifestation for good or ovil evil eho she ie Is everywhere peur p6ur r6ur ing inrout out goods koodaof of blessed light or black cahng cning calng with a glauco glanco and stayingwlth staying vlth alth I 1 a touch eho she at onco once beguiles and bat iles analysis and sets tho the world that cannot get on without her will wild with ite its problem of what to do with bar bpr unmeasured power powort howort etoia ttoia licia winan winln wiwiin tho the lines of nature tirncd t1irned with all their ewcetne siveetnegi and strength in tho the channels of wifehood wifohood w1fohood and mother hood the womanly forces rarely failed of beneficent action liko like the vmystorloue imysterlous agent to welch wnlch wrilch we have likened them that work works no mischief la in its upper world where it holds atoms in chock check opens tho the floods that refresh and gladden tho the life below and ana keeps the atmosphere puro of moision polcon poision taint attract her forces by tho the highest motives draw them to servo serve mankind lankind laikind throu through h tho the tender ministry i buffering and along alon lines of iman aman helpfulness and tho the best beat curits of her being become to tho the inner ld d what tho the telegraph is to the tho swift switt euro sure messenger of alg rlg rlghtest haest htest intelligence and tho the w 7 affeettonsthoubtila sffectlonetho laibtllo ro rov oaler vealer cj man tho the link between the kind ind tho the near tho the interpreter alino rlino asino mysteries of god tho lightning scorches and MIS tho the rttugh rbugh raugh or care careless ciirolcbs carelets lets hand lit li grasps it and fends ite its swift stock jtock cock of destruction det ruction through whatever aver jver tampers with its power and just this ie Is what bos has happened all through tho the ages to whatever hand las hold bold woman back from tho the best beat that eho she could bo be thoro there can bo be no shaking ebaling ebeling off or separation tho the attraction that holds tho the burning hand Is stronger thantho than tho hurt mary lowe J IN cLinson in harpers bazar tor for uouewlre uousewires put bits of camphor gum in trunks or drawers to prevent tho the mico mica from doing any injury to 1 ftcshon he leather chair beats 110 incises aftliees inlises bug u etc i rub them with tho the i adil wdll wdil beaten white of on an egg to brighten carpets cipo wipo w1po them with warful warffl wnrin water in which has boon been poured a few drops of ammonia it Is not generally known that tin tix cleaned with newspaper will shine bolter zetter than when cleaned with flannel A clothes wringer can bo be easily cle cleaned abed aned from tho the lint that collects on the rollers by saturating saturatlrff saturatirg a cloth in kerosene and rubbing it ovet butter or cans of milk may bo be kept perfectly cold by being wrapped in a cloth and sot set in a deep dish con containing tata a luttio llttio littlowater lItt lowater botor wotor where air la Is circulating j do not fan n sick person unless to you it aire a requested to do so or there Is a tood reason why you should A bergous ucrvous bervous person is often mado mada very uncomfortable by it 11 1 keep tho the back especially between the shoulder blades well covered also ulso tho the chest well protected in sifcep aleep adeep lag ing in a cold room establish the habit of breathing through tho the noeo nose and never with wilhtlo vio month open kalled kanled xm104 lr lifis in a tibet among the ib llbcftans llbcans a man marries only ono difo vifo ato &to bom ho he p purchases ur chases from her parents a belle often cost costova costlpi costlva lvA as much as eipl ipl ponies and thirty yaks abo tbo 7110 arico prko prico to bo lio paid for tho th wife is arrangc4 by a relative or friend who adf aof acti aati as go botwticn botw6on and tho the only marriage ceremony Is a grand scroo eproo sproo lasting as long OB As tho the bridegroom can ate af ford to keep ii it up thu life ilfo alfo of a tibetan woman in this part of tho the country cannot bo be deemed a hard bard one a bho she makes tho the tea ten it is truo true but with that tho the housekeeping ends for no ono one anvor ovor nvor drcnms drentits dren tits of cleaning tho the bottlo kottio kottlo afterwards and every ono one ha has to mix hie his own tsamba and lick his bowl cloan clean when ho he has finished every four or five year years sho may & havo to BOW saw a now eucopekin slicepakin eUco slice pekIn pakin gown for herself or for romo ono one of her family but certainly not oftener she cannot herd tho the cat tic or sheep men must do that ae as thoro there Is r danger from mis maruudcre mismuders muders sho he passes bor her tim timw tiaw spinning yorn yarn weaving liigaeoarsa canno ccnno nd adof ndof of cloth out of which bage bags aro u mado turning a it prayer wheel alical alicae add and destroying doitroylnfr dostroying too voracious vermin 1 ifer toilet require rearranging only four or five timos times a year when vihon eho she vial la s camburn kurnlum kamburn Kurn lum or some other fair bho sho no or washes herself or hor garments ments and her children cannot out grow their clothes they have only to lot out ft a little the folds of th tho gown their unique garment tucked up around tho the waist and it will tit them until thoy aro are grown up century help from good llonflfplnz housakeepinig fine find ornery emery paper papor and sweet oil aro are excellent for polishing batol bttol stiol saiol grates dredge a little flour oor oi or tho the top of oake to keep tho the icing from running have a blanket wrapper and hoft soft slippers handy in caso case of night eick DOSS 33033 never wash macaroni tho cooking water dissolves everything undo sirnblo 311711b10 sirn blo tho the host best part of tho the potato la Is not just under tho ekin skin as so many sup pose therefore pare thickly C one ono absolutely essential factor in the preparation of a good beefsteak Is that it must bo be served nt at once uso use peanut oil in the small night lamp it imparts no odor though thou h turned down below tho the point of combustion it is nonsense to think poda will freshen anything in cookery that I 1 lo 10 a in any degroo approaching decompo 6111011 savo save tho the fino flnocoal finocoal coal ashes which collect under tho the oven the are excellent for scouring tin and all kitchen utensils purify clothes that havo have been kopt copt from the air by laying places of charcoal wrapped in paper in tho the folds try the open air first bloos btoos and ranges should bo be kept freo free from soot in all departments A clogged hotair hot air passage will prevent any tiny ovon oven from baking well recipes Kc lp APPLE FOOL prepare some stewed apples with seasoning scaqoning to your taste half ball fill the dish with it thenfill then fill up the dish with custard bake immed dimmed lately oat cat with cream CKULLEKS CRULLEM on OR STRAWS four bulj culj cui j sugar thre cups cream three eggs one ono teaspoonful eoda soda on ontoaspoonful onteaspoonful teaspoonful cream tartar one ono and onehalt onehalf one halt half nut megs flour to ninko mnkoa z soft dough ticurenanie CAKE ono one up butter ono cup cream two cups sugar two twoeggs eggs onehalt onehalf one halt half teaspoonful 0 eoda one teaspoonful cream tartar flour enough to drop it with a spoon POOR MAAS CAKE CANE ono one cup cream ono one and ohalf onehalf one on half cups sugar stigar two eggs ono one tablespoonful butter ono one pint flour onehalf one half too spoonful soda and ono heaping teaspoonful toaspoonful spoonful teft toA cream tartar BEEFSTEAK beefsteax gnavi gnavr gpavy in our housekeeping wo we throw cut out outnothing nothing that is not soured or spoiled when cold rice is loft left over after tho the beefsteak is done dome wo we thicken the gravy with col coll I 1 rice instead of flour FZATHEU CAKE CARE one 0118 cup sugar ono one cup milk two and onehalf one half balf cups flour ono one tablespoonful butter one egg two teaspoonfuls deam ceam meam tartar one teaspoonful soda flavor to taste tasto american household SWEET forato PIB riz A pint of potato run through tbiough thiough the sieve or colander fournell fourwell four well beaten effes effgs cags bags one full cup of sugar a tablespoonful of butter nutmeg to taste makolatoa make makol into atoa a very thin battor batter with rich milk all three undercrusts under crusts and bake in moderate ovea lucullus in farm farn field 3uld fteld and stockman stockinan Stoc kinan servant girls auva auv7 fiftytwo fifty two servant girls in the village of 0 evanston ill 111 111. are out of temper tho the deposed hired girls have formed a union and hey they will fight the coop co op erative ergative housekeeping association at every everypoltit pobat poiat at present there are just jus 1 fiftytwo fifty two girls out of worIc worknnd woricand and the thonen thonew wr scheme is responsible to it thase abo tbo servants r are of the opinion that it ie Is but bui a question of ottlnxo tino when whol fashioned oldfashioned old kitchen methods will again prevail adoll awoll well know kno p lawyer has been engaged aa as counsel for tho the gh git is A mass meeting was hold to boom the cause of the tho se eerr&nts seants sealts ants f A family matt matter er proud lame dame 1 I 1 do not see how you could think of marrying into such a commonplace family ns as that romantic daughter oh pm im not boing roing goingtomari to into hia his family halt goiny to marry into our family yew ntw atw york 11 orelj relj re etly lj |