Show f E ELECTION NL NOTICE aice OF SECRETARY OF STATE fon FOS zhe THE anel STATE OF or deseret CITY july 1 1865 I 1 the quail qualified fled fied voters of th the state eState of deseret are hereby notified that at the annual election to be bield on the first monday in august next a governor lieutenant governor and depre ct mutative to congress Con oon gress gresa will be elected by the state at large and senators I 1 and representatives to t the ilc tic general assembly wl win 1 be elected as follows follow IV I 1 11 a iest JEST nay KAr I 1 HAVE in my possession one estay COW colv 6 years old with a young calf she elie slie sile Is wholly black branded berida J G on tho the left reft hip and has lias a swallow fork in each ear JOHN TOPHA If pound keeper 40 2 Para gonah 4 iron county TAKEN from THE inmans INDIANs 1 A sorren SORREL HORSE about 5 years old white A A sti bif ip lp in face aishor short mane and tall branded t ii on left thigh and ads same me reversed versed e the owner Is I 1 requested eques ted to prove pr property sp erty pay charges and t taise talle ax e him I 1 GEO VV V BE beas 40 at spanish fork earm farm akl 30 I 1 gT strayed RAYED one brindle COW CONN lu lump in under ben iier IL chin branded R DYE ward lerz in roman tornau I 1 etters tars on left horn and Q G on left ribs one dark red caw COW branded G on left ribs ono one On white ewhite COW branded G on left ribs and C A HARPE HARPER R on horn I 1 will pay the above for thes thel delivery of said cows or gio for each cow or for information I 1 will reward liberally Imor matlon mation to be given to B R dye ward G 8 L city or C A HARPER KARPER 40 af big cottonwood estl ESTI osay OtAY NOTICE T r HAVE in my possession the following cattle JL I 1 one brindle LEIFER HEIFER 2 years old white under belly crop land and two silts slits in the right ear on one light red HEIFER 3 years old white spot on right flank and crop off right ear aw one brindle STAG 5 years yeara old drooped horns white hind feet one red and an dwhite white STAG 3 years old did in the file left ear one dark red BULL 3 years beaks old no brands brand A or ear oar marks one yellow COW I 1 p 4 years old in the right ear one brindle BULL 6 or 7 years old aho no horns and a few white spots one dirty brindle bob bobtail tall COW 10 years did fid oia rid A on the left horn crop oft ot the right and hole in the left ear car split out also in the left I 1 one red STEER 3 years old white under the belly white hind feet brands on the left thigh illegible crop off the left and unde slope siope in the rl liht night right ht ear zine zinc one spotted HEIFER 2 years old corp off the left car and in the rl eight right ht one speckled OX 6 years old ord branded R X G in two places on the left horn crop ro off night right ear car one red and an white dwhite cooley 9 cow 5 or 6 years old half balf in the left ear car one brindle STEER 4 years old white in the face white hind legs crop and split spilt in the night right car I 1 one brindle STEER 2 years old crop and under half in each ear one red STEER 2 years old swallow abrl forr fork in the right car brand on the left tip hip illegible one red COW and cain calf 4 of or five rive years old split in each ear one red HEIFER 3 years old branded on both hips illegible no ear car marks one dai dal darm dark re red shelfer helfer HEIFER 3 years old white spot on forehead one bright STUV dappie dapple lebay bay HORSE 4 or 5 years old oid one bay STUD 3 years old three three white fedt feet and white strip ih in the face one iron grey STUD 2 years old one bayST bay STUD gry D 2 years old one white foot and white strip in the face one bay STUD 2 years old two white feet recta lod tod nd white spot on the forehead one cream creim colored STUD 2 years old white mane and tall swelled ankle on the near fore foot one bay MARE MARF white stripe in the face branded T T near hip one bay MARE MARK small white spot on the fore h hea hoa e a dand on the nose branded T on ibn the near I 1 hip L owners are requested to prove property pay PY charges and take them away or they will be disposed of according to law DAVID UDALL lo 10 loit lt salt creek juab county honses HORSES I 1 THREE year old bay HORSE ban branded J A JL I on right hip and 0 8 H on near shoulder one 2 year old bay STUD branded ini I 1 M on left thigh one iron grey mare MAKE branded P on near hip one iron grey mare MAKE awhile feet branded 12 on right hip and right shoulder one dark brown MAKE mabe and COLT calt branded L on near shoulder and near hl hip one white HORSE brandeS branded 7 on rig rip right ht hip DAVID UDALL pound keeper foit io 4 lt 0 salt creek juab co IN mr MY possession BAY DAY HORSE HOME about 5 years old owner awill A A will prove property y lin kie pay y charges and und take nim him away W CLA CLARK clarr i pound keeper mat wat 89 it leht lehl city acm wnm ta L it 1 ta riye E CANE SEE SEED D TW F agricultural SOCIETY have some aripe J ripe CANE SEED raised at their Gar gardenas gard Garf denat lenat ane mouth of emi ebion kanyon for sale at FIFTY CENTS PER POUND also some bome fine PEAS at FIFTY CENTS PER QUART and a small quantity ot or SEED apply at the 31 tet tee historians HISTORIAN S OFFICE job 3 OS rac I 1 ill ALL uhl VHS st AT LOWER PRICES than the saide of goods can be bought for elsewhere I 1 in n the city I 1 we warrent our work AND REPAIR IT r pree FREE of CHARGE I 1 A LARGE LOT OF NO I 1 STATES SOLE lettner LEATHER 1 just received and FOR SALE at GURNEY gurhey CO MAIN STREET 0 0 do dm doi I NW iab hen set wet S co |