Show continuation OP OF PRESIDENT E sf y YOUNGS TRIP TO NEPHI we arrived in pa payson son early in the C evening ve ning of tile the wa where ere a treat awaited as in the sweet strains from the salt creek brass band we spent the rest of the evening in the enjoyment of a social party wherein to good bod music we went forth in the dance danee an escort attended the company from pro provo vo under the command of col pace who vilo is ig always ready friday the brethren of the twelve went oil on ahead of the president to summit or santaquin san han sen sett lement lament letri ent ont to commence the meeting appointed the president and those with him hlin left payson about 10 an a ua n and arrived at summit about noon where we found therne the tho meeting ethl y progressing elder wilford woodruff fl having addressed the saints on spiritual to nd ud temporal salvation elder franklin D richards ichards JR urged the necessity of training our children in the faith of the lord jesus and in every kind of useful education with a view to their being useful in the kingdom of god in a time to come and and wished the parents of children to observe the counsel of president young and keep their children at school instead of turning them out on the prairie to herd stock and study mischief elder geo goo A smith was giad glad iad lad to see the people here so comfort comfortable alYle aizie and increasing in population he expected by means of some mormon magic to see abood meeting house springing up upon this beautiful site with a spire much higher than any other in the territory cal cap hooper was presented before the people as delegate to congress the vote in his favor was unanimous elder hooper tendered his thanks to the congregation for their 1 Ac reception eption of him as prospective delegate he spoke of the blessings of unity and the benefits of education he urged the people to educate their children that they may be able to carry on this great work when we are gone and touched upon the importance of il laking making our cities plasa architectural horticultural i J a and n floyal 6 V I 1 I 1 tc huty buty t aate elder eider john taylor dis cali call politics defining them thern as they th eai cai e now exist and showing allowing how political t men feel fe elarid aud and conduct themselves s towards each other we are get at correct politics correct morals morais and correct religion and trying th d ng coilin 11 ou the best possible lanfier manner in which too to obtain batain the common necessaries comforts oni and luxuries of life then we have to inform ourselves on the politics and laws of nations to understand them for our own benefit while we are loyal citizens of the united states still it is part of our faith that the time I 1 will come when nil nii nations that will not acknowledge god and his rule aill be broken to pieces and pass away to forgive iivo give place for the kingdom of G god 0 and an the rule of him whose right it is to t 0 reign those who seek leek to stop the progress of the work of god may as well try 0 to o stop the sun in its course we are in in the hands of god and it is for ns us to know his will and ho do it as fathers and mothers and as elders in israel that we may be prepared to receive the blessings of jehovah upon the earth and that our ch children ildren lidren and childrens children may be owned and crowned the sons and daughters of god forever pres young addressed the mee meeting tin half an hour dinner over the president and company proceeded edeA to nephi which was reached after a very dusty drive from santaquin San about 8 pm cherep where p social party was attended at which all enjoyed themselves in the dance dince with zest and spirit elders orson olson hyde and amasa M U lyman had reached josephi during the day lay and were awaiting the arrival of f the president and company i i neplir jf baturla saturday 71 june h this morning at ten 0 clock elock the j tew new house of worship was filled with gai gal 9 ai its i the meeting was called to order by i president brigham young when elder geo cleo A smith offered the the following dedication prayer our father who art in heaven we come before thee in humility at this time for the purpose of dedicating unto thee this house which has haa been erected by thy servants a house for thy worship we e pray thee to cause thy holy spirit to rest upon us that we may be united in heart and soul and mind who are now engaged in this dedication that thy spirit may dictate such words and sentences sent knees as shall be pleasing plea piea shig in ift thy sight we present before The ethe lot or parcel of ground which has been set apart and appropriated for the erection of this building and upon which it stands and we dedicate same unto thee for a of worship that it may be holy unto the lord and pray that thy watchful care and protecting hand may be over it that it may never be pointed by wicked men but ever remain holy for the worship of thy name and may it never be occupied for any other purpose we dedicate unto thee the corner stones which have been laid as supports forthe for tiie four corners of this house aia ala may y thy ble bie blessings sings rest upon them that they may iway remain firm in their beds to fulfill fulfil j the duties reposed upon them in their places in the foundation we also dedicate unto thee al all ail I 1 the stones composing eom CoM the foundations of this house bouse and tho the sand and lime of which the cement is composed which binds them together may thy blessings ble bie sings be upon all the ma the foundation which underlies this structure may ruly it remain in strength to the praise and honor of thy name v y hear our feeble prayers 0 lord as we dedicate unto thee the brick and morter molder and lintels linkels lint els and fastenings and frames of which the body of this building is composed may thy blessing rest upon them and may thy watchful care and persevering arm be over them and may thy peace our father be upon them may the several workmen wo rk men who llave have labored in preparing the rock and in procuring and putting the material of this h house 0 use together be ie blessed in the labor which w they have performed perform L d and may they rejoice therein all their thel r days wilt thou also cause causo thy blessing to rest upon all the tiie material of wood rood of which this building is is composed let thy protecting hand be over it that it never may be consumed by the devouring elements but that it may be preserved from decay and remain long to be a blessing for thy people ople opie let thy blessings be upon ait alt a r the m materials a serials of brass and iron upon the bolts boits the screws the locks the nails and ana tile the springs and upon the glass the paint ti the tho e varnish the oil the putty and the plaster all of which we dedicate unto thee as offerings and testimonials of the labor and andi faithfulness an and 1 I diligence I 1 of thy th y saints who reside in this city called nephi cause causa thy cholee choice cho i blessing V rest rie lie oath bret it en and s rs an ana friends ve to the erection e c on olm aim 0 I 1 u mathe th el light I 1 lit of athy it up 0 akl themas they ey nto thee to thy r worship that thy saints may asse assemble ble bie here in peace to worship thee and partake of thy holy sacrament and to receive instruction and counsel and wisdom that the light of zion may shine upon them and cause that no evil dominion shall ever be over it that tha t it may inay never hover fall into the hands of the wicked but let it be preserved a holy house unto thee as an evidence tile tike fidelity faithfulness w d austry justry of thy people and as a blessing t e ss n unto them that therein they may receive instructions and their children after them in ih all things pertaining to salvation to truth to light and glory while we dedicate antor thee this house we pray for the bishop george IV bryan who presides over this department part ment of thy kingdom with his counselors elders ciders and teachers and all those who are associated with him in the ministry of the gospel to this people may the tho inspiration and power of taj the holy spirit rest upon them and make them ministers of salvation to thy people in this place even to those over oven whom they preside we pray also that thy blessings may rest upon the singers and musicians who will make sweet melody within these walls may tuy peace be e upon them and inspire them continually with the light of bf thy irby holy spirit that they may sing with the spirit and with the understanding also aiso and in a manner nef nei acceptable unto thee we dedicate unto thee this pulpit which has been prepared from which thy servants shall speak aspea forth thy j truth and dispense thy word to thy saints together with the tables attached to the pulpit on which the bread may be broken and the wine poured out to represent the body and blood of jesus i christ whose body bodi was mangled and whose blood was poured out olit for the redemption demp tion of those who believe may aray this stand never be polluted by wicked and unrighteous men nor for evil purposes but may it bearese be preserved d holy for thy service we also de dedicate leate unto j thee the seats and enclosure devoted to the singers and musicians also the seats and benches with which this house is furnished may they thoy be holy unto thee and when thy people shall shaft assemble in this house to worship thy rhy fhy name then let the peace of god which basseth all understanding fill it and abide upon them and here ma tha tho pendant sinner find peace to his bis troubled spirit the sick find health those who mourn comfort coni fort and consolation consolation and the wavering and unbelieving strength in the lord may thy th iain kain blessing be upon thy servant brigham bri whom thou hast ailed to preside over kahy saints I 1 in ane e last days give unto him a h healthy alt ait by and strong body and a powerful and active mind and wisdom above all ail me men n an and enable him to foresee the may threaten himself and which may threaten thy people that lie he and they th may ilide themselves and let every 3 arm that is raised dinst him everi every and an against thy be paralyzed and ana an d may the th elight light of zion shine through thy servants unto thy people peo ile lle who arg alej scattered upon the faco face of nil all 31 the earth earthm and may he live to lead lend thy saints back to jackson county to ili lil the land 0 OR the new jerusalem and of tile the grea great temple which shall ball be erected in thata that place in these last days Be remember member 0 lord thy se ryant servant he heh 1 ber and may thy spirit rest upon him in power and healt heap his body and corni coni fort his mind and enable afi him to magni fy his high and hol hoi holy y calling as first counselor Coup oto to thy servant serva nt brigham and may he be live ion lon conr upon the earth coald to aid ald in rolling forth thy great work ork for the redemption of our race may thy ani ana peace bace rest upon thy servant daniel daniiel and we pray thee to give unto him that understanding ano and ability and power to faithfully perform the duties of the calling placed upon him that he h may be enabled to magnify the same to I 1 the honor of thy great name namo heil betl he I 1 liis ilis body bod y and let good health rest upon tipon him and may all ail those of thy servants servant who are associated with him in ln I 1 t the h european euro ean mission have power to dei dea de dep a liver ilver thousands of the honest poor poon who desire to serve seve thee and brigg bring them tot tol zion there to keep and observe thy holy word we pray lahee thee to remember the twelve apostles of thy church alyd arid quicken them with the gift and power of the holy ghost and fill them with wisdom and knowledge to magnify their calling before thee anamay and may th thy y servant orson hyde who presides over this quorum of thy church mand tand north forth fior flor tirl on the of or h the people as si d gaming b elet ilet thy ble bie blessing sing all jers bers of oll oil alis quorum gourch collect collectively ivel and individually an Lupon dupon meir melr their beir farni families hies fies and all that thou has given unto them bless thy servant john smith patriarch of thy church and enlighten and strengthen his mind mind and may he be enabled to stand forth in the dignity and power of his holy calling and with power preach salvation to the world to 9 se his tongue apat that he may utter thy d i 31 may ay the earth I 1 tremble under ese ele is feet and great fear rest upon the udd ulf jg adly d y and may he be filled with bless in n s to thy people may thy blessings be on the quorums of the seventies high priests bishops and elders and upon all the members of all the other quorums of thy church in zion and in all the world and let iet thy light shine forth through them from nation to nation that the kingdom of heaven in the last last days may maya be like a ca city eity that is set bet on a hill bill that cannot be hid hi i gather out from the midst of thy people V I 1 e in the valleys of the mountains all hy hypocrites nn and those tha that work iniquity and are not willing to keep thy laws put dut ut who come into our midst for the purpose of making mischief and of bringing br ibling oppression oppression and misery on thy deop people e A may ay they be powerless in all their evil designs and be made to depart art from zion may disgrace coyer cover them hem and inasmuch as they will not r repent may rhay they be cut off from the f face ace of the earth and that speedily look down in th tily great i 0 o t mercy upon I 1 I 1 the Lama Lamar ittes ultes who yag dwell v el 1 inthe in the midst I 1 of this land and who dwell wah thy people incline their hearts unto thee and cause that they may receive leach beach teachings ings of thy servant brigham and his brethren that they may come to a at ia I 1 knowledge of their fathers and ano cease hair their thein barbarous and savage custom sand learn the waya ways of righteousness and may those wiio who refuse to listen to the counsels of thy servants andio and to the voice of df the holy spirit and lend will continue to shed the blood of the innocent and who will cling to the rules and regulations ions of the Gadi anton robbers of old may they wither away and be destroyed may the hand of death fall heavily upon them and may they from this time henc honc henceforth henceforth efort i be unable to bring evil upon thy aby saints but may thy saints be preserved and all the honest in heart in the midst of the mountains bring the Lama Lalman ites to a knowledge of thee and of their fathers 1 ers that they may assist thy T hy people and unite with in up the new jerusalem in the last days w which ug ich leh thou hast promised t to TI thy y people inthe midst of this lana lanck deac ve now pray thee to remember our enem li 0 I 1 ren ven the enemies of thy work corll find kingdom k r i dom and look upon poll them in he mi midst is s of th thy r wrath rath ind pi dl in in thine liot displeasure consume anem who have hed shed the blood of ehe fhe me prophet or consented thereto and driven and aMic afflicted ted rhy fhy by saints from place to place andi and those who have laid plans and concocted sc schemes herries to bring mischief upon uron thy why people let them cease to bring r imi vil vii and distress upon upon the tho righteous inu na anu in the language of thine i ancient prophets prophets let lett them be cursed anddess geroyed oyed from under heaven le thy Tb lessing 0 lord rest ra bountifully upon ali ail all 11 high minded honorable men who eek seek to preserve unto the children of ot men their constitutional rights and privileges es and who do good to ko thy th peo people p e and let eveny every jev eryman man who oia dia shall shail raise rais e his h 8 runy puny arm and |