Show written for the tle DESERET i r CONTINUED 1 ad 0 TX at 9 7 1 HERMIT 01 OI OF EAN B by the time the soldiers had ri returned turned to tie the party they had bad left they were in an enraged state in consequence of not having found any clue to the subjects of their pursuit mr grahamer Gra hames hamOs pains had hvid become more acute as his sensibility aaa aad had returned while tantrum had become more collected and was sitting in his blood having ills his eyes riveted on the party as they laid down the few articles which they had taken from his dwelling dumica was sitting with the recluse between his legs supporting him and mr nir quinton had just returned from taking A a survey lourid the them point youre up my old fellow taki taking I 1 g a last look of your dingy dwelling dwelling which will soon be like yourself observed the captain sneering sneeringly ly yes said thet ther recluse as his glazed eyes followed the ascending smoke I 1 yes let the fire consume and the grave rot when my iny living spark is gone t the remembrance mem brance of this may be sad to those who have caused this affair an happi happl er for those who never felt the adverse winds of fate blowing the bark of life amon among the shoals and of a rugged buggea strand blit such t such to me has been a living death debth mixed with the bitterest gall a blasting mildew of the tho heart a curse stamped with the deepest estrye dye a krna kria gnawing wing worm that ceaseless freys preys upon the thos soul and nerves with life ilfe ife but to endure its pain remorse Be morse interrupted quinton the gall the mildew and the worm are the ingredients of the curse thou now dost feel for thy tily past crimes ti against the brok broken brokon en laws of god and man 11 foul shirk grinned the recluse how darest thou take his sacred name in vain perfidious monster who would preach the effects of crime dhen when thou art writhing neath it lt lash except thy conscience like the seared iron has lost its temper my sister mary watson aha ha thou witness gracious heaven exclaimed mr grahame do my eyes meet the gaze f one who in my earlier years was my schoolfellow school fellow my comrade and a kinsman iman nan too and gand mur murderer deree derce kaid isaid quinton in a I 1 tow low tone forgive me heaven ejaculated the recluse true I 1 took his life but iut lut mt then lie he forced meto moto me to it yes fullerton berton could witness that I 1 had noot toot filled ltd led the office of head forester on these domains above a month till pride and arrogance uto uro ganee gance and I 1 may add revenge against yo your lur unhappy prisoner prevailed with him that nothing short if insult led to the unfortunate meet ure ng which drenthe drew the curtain oer my iby haure prospects and left ine me on a desert a and a fugitive and I 1 pe liere fiere tile tiie the recluse ceased to speak he has fainted 11 said the captain ilive give him some water 11 dumica helped to ahe bathe his forehead nd tad whined a gry ery cry piteously in his ills car to souse fouse ouse him bronnis from bis his let iet lethargy harfy barty mr grahame sege seemed drat rather er awaken id by the recital and anxiously await his recovery life with the re chis luse ise lse was ebbing tast fast as the blood con inked to flow in two or three places torm imm torn his wounds after a short concision he again opened ili lit his eyes and Ta uttering short ps if still on the lookout look out for some ob feet of his suspicion and di distrust dumica whined and still grasped ills his yand andas as if anxious fr his recovery yes yes he said and I 1 am still ere re i I 1 was saying y 1 he continued abat that I 1 became a fugitive and fate ibl fol owed me as I 1 fled to fill my cup of in the isbit of a groom fled to england and entered as a ser tou tor with colonel grahame grahams a in lincoln ze 11 1 0 my ly brother cried criel dofie the agitated a C stated mr hame bhame te i i yes the 1 lis ils s NN V red the re and tell me ine was you ther there when ewhen fai 07 brother brothen died enquired mr nir gra axe ame krae hine greatly akita ailta agitated ted was waa and would to god I 1 had not abhat thy at vile reptile no Vo inting to orrl oryl bribed me with a purse of roio can earry carry ff his bis son 1 sal sai said sald y quinton assuming sur irise xv never seen nor knew that reh ch aman iman was wag in his honors service 11 49 true tru said the recluse I 1 you were X D inah much the villain without an t hm ent tin inthis this vile affair y 11 cried quinton snatching I 1 one odthe tiie tile soldiers nire fire locks but h i repelled by the tile veteran igi 1 I care arl not for thy imprecations 11 said the ro recluse cluse eluse with some ene energy agy eis vis his hib eye bye flahan flashing 0 as we have seen an expiring taper for heavens sake 11 implored mr grahame ean ein cin can you not qt hear him out though the blame must fall to my ac count tell me watson for this was the recluses name tell me oh tell me that my troubled soul may make redress before it leaves this world the fire that lit up the eyes of the recluse had aimed in their sockets and his head had fallen on his bis breast when dumica caught hold of his b body ody to keep it from falling quinton drew nearer to mr grahame and began to converse convers e in a low tone on the foolish anxiety he had thrown himself into at the disclosure of the recluse who he insinuated might be a villain and a liar and although true by countenancing his ills declaration i it would only expose himself and disinherit his daughter can 1 I retorted mr nir grahame die with expectation of forgiveness when my mind accuses me of the injury I 1 have done against my dearest brothe brother and his onix only child the thoughts 0 of nv which h hay destroyed in my y happiness f bom 0 the nr st moment it was carried in into t effect quinton I 1 am persuaded th that the man who dies under the condemnation deana dem nation tion of a conscience cannot have peace towards god when lie he can in any way make restitution perhaps interrupted quinton lie may have destroyed the boy and wily why be solicitous to discover what you never sanctioned and what you cannot now amend I 1 the captain coming up to them ae at this juncture put an end to their conversation gentlemen said he we must be making some arrangement to get but 0 ut of this yia yla place c e the morning is is g etting getting pretty light lp ht ad and tile the men are all uneasy to be off 1 yes iye s 11 said quinton waving his hand to dumica we shall send up lyden f for r a carriage and mattress to carry ilien r 31 mr r grahame on anda board for the sergeant and as forthal fiend bessems beseems to be dead dumica took no notice of quinton but kept applying water to the recluses forehead I 1 the word wor dentZ fiend and deady fell on the e ears ars of the recluse and a as if n nature had mustered its last expiring effort in him he essayed to cast one piercing glance at quinton and then riveting them on mr grahame resumed his ills confession gel all a debt I 1 owe to injured innocense 0 cense said he in a tremulous tone and to myself and which stern justice demands that I 1 should here reveal the question and the fate of my respected frien frienda frn fri endi dily dill 0 IS speak eak on said mr W grahame beil well weil then continued the recluse the boy was taken to america and left with a guardian and I 1 returned to this thi s place with the do determination of spending the remainder of my days in solitude by the grave of fullerton bitcon 1 helenee science stricken for the crime erime thet thel crime brime aga agn against dinst tho the living whose wrong 1 I 1 could redress I 1 crossed the atlantic found the boy and brought him with it me and again resumed the habits of f my former vow to live in solitude a and nd d di ze die dio near hear the grave grava of her who gave me birth and make malia expiation for the iv wrong rong I 1 had done in ln deep leep repentance for the past I 1 f and is lie living enquired mr grahame yes falteringly said the recluse ilyes ily yes y e s 11 and his eyes closed again 46 ware where where interrogated mr grahame in frantic frantie eagerness oh bear him up tell me shake bilake hini him from his hia lethargy ly the recluse lifted his ills hand and laid it on numida jualda Jum lda ida and casting a look at mr grahame said in hollow accents behold the heiron Loch lyden the nights rights ats of the estate find within my old chest 11 and irod kissing the cheek check of dumi u I 1 da h he sank back in hs lils arms a lifeless corpse the consternation which followed this discovery may be more easily imagined ima lma tiled tried than described hung over ills his dece deceased ased asod friend in the bitterest agony and mr grahame swooned in the arms of quinton the party of soldiers during the recital had entered deeply into the sympathies of the re recluse c I 1 u se and scarcely a dry cheek could ouid be b e seen in the whole group unfortunate being said the captain as one of the men stretched his bare limbs coloured with blood on the rough tough rocks rocks he seems to have repented of his past bast folly and crime until the misery of privation and his desperate circumstances may have driven him to form connections sueh such arwe as we have encountered the previous evening the pockets of ills his old oll coat were searel searched I 1 ed wherein relli they found a comm corn pass and notebook note book in which bl ch was en closed the picture oi of a lady and an almanac A hole was dug wit within hin bin the sea marl mark in which his body was laid and covered the servants of Loch lyden had got notice of their misters md fate and had provided necessary y conveyance farmr for mr grahame who had fainted and still lay insensible the soldiers carried their sergeant shoulder high and the little encumbrance of the chest gun sword belts etc were borne among them as they wended bended their way up the solitar solitary glen lo 10 loeh Loch lyden was one scene of sorrow as their beloved master was carried b by y the soldiers to the mansion door and from thence by his servants to his bedroom mellen hellen was thrown into such a paroxysm of grief when the intelligence first reached her that she had to be carried to her apartment and one of the servants dispatched tb b maybole maybore in quest of a physician the soldiers put up in the barn which they had left the previous evening and the captain who had almost forgotten his commission in his attention to mr grahame was called upon in behalf of the men by the corporal for refreshments the corpse of the per sergeant geant was laid an on the corn chest from which he had contemplated the setting sun the night before and prophesied in musing presentiment the uncertainty of their precarious expedition dumica assisted the ser servants in get ting the sold soldiers lers lors comfortably seated and attended to who were nvere no way sparing in bestowing compliments on the young lord as they called him to the wonder of the other servants who heard of the discovery at this crisis dr leachman Leach nian hian from maybole maybile May bole had llad arrived in the courtyard court yard dumica took the horse by the reins and led him into the table the doctor tabie who was a bluste ng corpulent little man was shown to the apartment by one oi of the servant maids good morning grunted tile the man of drugs which was re responded sponged to by mr quinton A sad mornings 0 work this said the captain exceedingly 11 muttered the doctor as he threw oft lis dis his greatcoat great coat ebat and untied a large cravat which nearly covered his red broad face which was redundant with a thousand pimples Is he lie sensible no sir replied quinton a so much the better beaber said the other as lie he sprang into bed beside the patient turning down the tho bedclothes and commenced tear ingoff the bandage very ivery bad said lie he mi muttering Att ering to himself as he eyed the wourl and drawing from his breeches pocket a leather case ease from which h he e took a small silver wire and began to probe the wound alternately shaking his head as he looked at the depth from the orifice to the lodgment of the ball Is it mortal enquired quinton 4 humph groaned the tho doctor letsa leals auve some warm warm water wafer ald sald aid he and land a little quantity of green lint t the d ball has hhas ent entered ped belo bolo below bolow th the he 1 hou houlder houlden la e blade lade ann and will not be extracted wi without th au some 11 the probing of th the wound und roused mr grahame whose min minu being in a delirious state state called out loudly to the doctor to show him the ri rights ats of the estate bring hellen he continued continue d from Loch loeh lyden that I 1 may give her my last blessing dofred no fredrice my brothers injured son give me your hand say you forgive me oh how happy I 1 am poor watson poor dying watson why did you not make yourself known oh how your father and brothers and sister erwill will Y here he ceased to speak meanwhile the doctor during this efrus effus effusion fon of me mental n abstraction cleansed the woun dand by the application of small pincers extracted the bullet which he thought had not touched the lungs and fealin feeling his pulse said if inflammation dl did g not increase he had fond anticipations of ills his recovery tob ton to n BE E COT henry ward beecher beechen asked park benjamin the poet and humorist why he never came over to brooklyn to hear bear him preach why beecher I 1 I 1 replied benjamin the fact is ive conscientious scruples against going to places of amusement on sundays the savannah Pe publican republican contains a curious statement of the heights and weights of aRen aken a kentucky tucky family of eleven persons the shortest of whom is G feet higland hig high hand and the tallest 6 feet 11 the lightest e t weighs and the heaviest jat jav tile jile last named being the mother of the tribe 11 |