Show tern reserve being one of f the men menthal alt cut down the woods and introduced agriculture in northern ohio he served the ite lie republic public in the war great britain arltain in in 1812 15 1 helas he was captain in the ohio militia he was baat baptized zed in kirtland in nov 1830 and was at that time the owner of a good farm and considerable property which he devoted to the establishment of the latter day work in a revelation given ghlen june he was appointed to travel to the land of zion missouri in company with ezra booth preaching in by the way he was appointed councellor to bishop edward partridge and continued in that office till the bishops demise during the month of july 1833 3 and while in their heated frenzy the jack son county mob had demolished or razed to the tho ground the printing office and dwelling house of W W phelps co and tarred and feathered the aged and respected bishop edward partridge isaac morley with five others stepped forward and offered themselves a ransom for their brethren willing to be scourged urged or die if that would appease the anger of the mob t who on that occasion were gathered together to the number of five hundred armed with rifles dirks pistols clubs and whips in 1835 he visited the eastern states on a mission in company with bishop partridge e an on their return to kirtland in no november ember joseph mhd prophet wrote the word of th eLord came to me saying behold I 1 am well pleased with my servant isaac morley and m my y servant se edward partridge beca because use of the integrity of their hearts in laboring in in my vineyard for the te salvation of the souls of meu men 1 11 ho ire attended the dedication of the kirtland temple in 1836 and received his endowment in the same samo after which lie he returned to missouri and helped fiela dd to 0 locate the city of far west where aber r ife tie h e settled his fail fali family lily at a general assembly of tho the church in nov 1837 helas he was chosen patriarch of farbest far sar west and ordained to that office under the hands of crests joseph and hyrum smith and sidney rig higdon don he remained at far west until the arrival of gen clark dark and army with tile exterminating terminating 6 order of gov boggs he was one of the nifty fifty six citizens taken bythe by tile military and marched to rich mohd to await trial and turned over to the civil authorities ou the lith of november and was one of the few discharged 1 ac arged by judge u ge king eing in on the upon on t the tho e ninni final nal nai ex expulsion of the Saints fro from t the e sovereign state tate of mo he located cate in illinois near lima the settlement made by him and others outliers was rame name named d yei Yel rome where lie he began bega n to gather round him the comforts of life ty by his industry being engaged principally coopering in the fall of 1845 his houses coopers shop property and grain were burned by a mob and lie he was zain gain riven driven from the ashes of his hard earned home to nauvoo where he rem remained tuned until the expulsion of the saints from illinois he removed to winter quarters where lie he buried his bis wife he immigrated to great salt lake C city in 1848 and in the fall of 49 he be took charge charge of the company which settled san pete valley the winter which followed was very severe and notwithstanding the supplies of the settlers were barely sufficient to subsist upon the Indians were not allowed to starve some of the settlers had bad to shovel the snow from frona the grass tuat that their animals might have something to eat cat these things nearly disheartened heartened dis most of the settlers yet father morley was never discouraged but exhorted his brethren to dilli gence faithfulness and good works and encouraged them by telling them it it would be bd one of the best beat settle ments in the mountains he lived to see that valley dotted with therivin thriving villages and termed the granary of utah he was a senator in the provisional government of deseret in 1851 he be held heid a seat in the legislative council of utah territory as Coun councillor ciller for sn san pete county to which bebas elected reelected re in 1833 53 andin and in 1853 1855 during the last ten years of ills his life he devoted himself exclusively to jo the duties of ills his calling aa patriarch con blessings on the fatherley fat herles rlou piou e was of a kind and gentle bisp disposition i ion lon unassuming in his manner and his public dil nil alic preaching and that of his fellow ta laborer bishop partridge was spoken of by joseph the prophet in the following characteristic tern terms is their discourses were well adapted id apted to the times in which we live and the circumstances under which we are placed their words were words of wisdom like apples appless of gold in pictures of silver spoken in the simple accents of a child yet sublime as the voice of an angel 11 communicated J |