Show mui wUi mw A MODERN LADYS MAIDS DUTY A A correspondent of the london pall madl mall gazette signing herself abigail circulates tae tle the accompanying ln g intelligence there is yet ano another er important part of a finished ladys maids duty which is commonly thought to be a novelty but it is in fact only a revival she must be a competent artist in pastel painting on not from the life and a proficient in the use of or cosmetic cosmetics metie cs paints and arid dyes so general is the use of rouge for the cheeks kohl and antimony for the eyelids pastel for the eye eyo eyebrows borovs belladonna bella donna to drop into the eye to increase se the size of the pupil bistre to stain the eyelids blue for veining the temples bloom of ninon and blane blanc do e perle for the general skin and various acid dyes to discharge the natural color of thelt theli the hair alrand and turn it of the palma vecchio reddish yellow most of these b beautifiers need a skilful hand to apply and are by no means safe when employed yet so frequent is the use uso of them by ladies young as well as old that a finished maid is expected to know how to put them on and how to get them ont off again which laila last is not always so easy sy t A MINISTERS SALARY ix IN THE OLDEN TIME henry D thoreau in his volume entitled capo cod mentions quite a unique fashion of paying a ministers salary down in eastham in the olden time he says it appears that they very early built a small meetinghouse twenty feet square with a thatched roof through which they mig might lit fire their muskets of course at the devil in 1662 the town agreed that a part of every whale cast 0 onshore n shore be appropriated for the support of the ministry no doubt there seemed to be some propriety in thus leaving the sup port of the ministers to providence whose servants they tiley are and who wiro alone rules the storm for when few whales were cast up they might suspect that their worship was not acceptable the ministers must have sat upon the cliffs in every storm and arid watched the shore with anxiety and for my part alfi were a minister I 1 would rat rather er trust to the bowels of bf the billows s on the back side of cape cod to cast up a awhile for me than to the generosity of many a country parish pariah that I 1 know A QUEENLY SACRIFICE the finan ces of the government of spain have been recently so reduced by IV its follies and faithlessness that its credit was gone and the capitalists of london paris and germany refused to give any relief the minister of finance proposed to anticipate the collection of taxes but the measure was vehemently opposed when the state of affairs became critical the imperial cabinet threatening to resign queen isabella II 11 voluntarily offered to the government her entire patrimony except the royal palaces and estates inalienable to the crown reserving only 25 0 per or cent of the proceeds of the sal sai sales es mor for or the royal irlvy privy purse it is estimated that no less ss than reals will thus be realized by the public treasury relieving the wants of the government and perhaps saving the nation from disgrace or revolution management OF CARPETS all kinds of carpets will wear much muelu longer if fine sf raw be spread evenly on oil the floor about abou half an inch thick before they are fastened down when they lie on the bare floor the gritty dust works through them to the floor and as they are pressed down on and amongst amo ngit they will be worn out much more than wb when en kept up from it with straw to aid in drawing carpets up close to the base board preparatory to nailing them drive 8 or M 10 small nails nalls into a piece of wood lood allowing them to extend about three eighths af of an inch beyond the tile surface ninfi similar miar to a weavers stretcher and file them to a sharp point with such an instrument as this hav having ilg I 1 a long handle one person can thrust the tile side of the carpet up uly close to the base board and anthold hold hoid it wi thease till it t israil ed there is some soine science also in the manner of sweeping carpets correctly instead of inclining the handle of the broom forward and rollin rolling the dirt along and pressing it into the ear car carpet b by tafe bearing down on the broom the handle handlo a n should be held dearly erect and the dirt brushed along by touching the carpet very lightly in this way both oth brioni broo nit nip and carpet will be worn less and the sweeping be done better A inc rican agi agriculturist CORRECT SPEAKING wo we would advise all young people to acquire in early life the habit of correct speaking and writing and to abandon ai aa early as possible an any use of slang siang sian words and mases wasps phrases tiie tile the longer you live the more difficult the acquirement of correct language will be and if the galden age of youth the proper season for the acquisition of language be passed in its abuse the unfortunate victim if neglected is ver very y properly doomed to talk slang for life money is not necessary to procure this education every man has it in his ills power he has merely to use the tile language which lie he reads reada instead of the tile slang which he hears to form his taste from the best speakers ers ors and poets in the country to treasure up choice phrases in his memory himself to their use avoiding at the same time that pedantic precision and bombast which show snow the weakness of vain ambition rather father than tharl the polish of an air educated mind tue THE FIRST SWEDISH aio AlO the launch has just been in stockholm of the john erikson the first swedish monitor she measures feet long by 46 wide the side plating ia is five inches thick and around the tower where the cannons are it is twelve inches as is also that which pro sects the rudder the vessel will be provided with six steam engines itne montreal witness gays says that itne ITHE emigration to the united states and other c auses causes have combined to greatly depreciate the value of property in canada and in in many localities farms are at any price real estate throughout canada is heavily mortgaged A NOTABLE FACT the conflagration in richmond developed a curious fact which may be v valuable alu aiu able if remembered some week or ten days after the fire the iron safe of the en enquirer office was opened when immediately oil on the admission of the air the smoke and arid papers were ignited and consumed and such was the case of all other ades afes gafos which adre were not in brick vaults in these the contents were uninjured the enquirer safe atthe time it wa sye open ed was cold externally t to the touch SIBERIA is in the way to become a new poland poles having been sent to that country because of the part they had in the rebellion thousand more lost their lives either in action or at the hands A flyer FLEET r of from 50 to 60 sail salt will depart for a three years sears cruise in the mediterranean about the ath of july under admiral goldsborough the new ironsides and two double turreted monitors will make part of the fleet the flagship will be the colorado she will drop anchor for several months in the harbor of marseilles and then than the rest of the fleet will scatter for various points of the theanea th esea Asea about ten vessels will cruise about the british isles and in the north sea the object of the expedition is stated to be threefold to test the seagoing qualities of our mar marine ne to acquaint our pilots with european harbors and to show europe zur our improvements prove proved ments ants in gunnery nd naval architecture JV Y sun VICE PRESIDENT STEPHENS and postmaster general rea reagan an of the late confederate states iv have arrived at fort warren boston harbor and are assigned fo atoms ins in separate parts of the gari garl garrison son where they can have no communication muni mulli catlon cation and they are not allowed to converse with any one they take an hours exercise daily in the company of ofa sentinel we cannot control the tongues of others but a goo good d life enables us pise pis e calumnies ealum calum nies |