Show a E f OF THE FOURTH he anniversary of bf tiie tile declaration Q of 6 independence of our oun katip nal nai birth birtia was yesterday celebrated w with rth ith becoming fitness by our citizens and we doubt not nt equally appreciative loyalty by thle tile entire citizens i s of our territory ap other p people e ople opie can enter so fully as we wb can into a participation of the spirit which animated the revolutionary fathers for no others profess or possess such a breadth of faith in the inspiration that moved upon them or look forward for such suell truly happy and bli bil bliss Ss fui ful results as tho the consequences of their acts by this re kwe mean nothing invidious to our fellow citizens arho aho vho differ from us in opinion and religious belief it is simply a truth growing out of our faith in the revelations given in these last days we look upon the tha work which the fathers of our countr country y consummated as directed throughout by the almighty to prepare th the e way by the framing of a goveria government ment free and liberal over all others fon for the ushering in of f the last dispensa dispensation til n laden with blessings ble bie isings above every 0 other ei that has preceded it to dilate upon these matters at present would only occupy space which we cannot now spare as the account of the proceeding will we take it be deemed of greater present interest the following was the pro gramme of the proceedings for the day arranged by the committee whose names we gave idour in our last number I 1 the Ceremonies othe day will commence with a salute of thirteen guns at sunrise by a detachment of artillery which will also be a signal bignal for raising flags throughout the city and for music by the bands on the state house and theatre 11 II trades I 1 professions schools sas associations and all others anten intending dl ng to join the procer procession sion slon are require required d to be on the ground and ready to taka their ge places laces in the procession procession at a quarter before fo re eight clock elock 0 a m III lii the procession will be formed at eight a m under the direction of col E R T burton the 21 marshal arshal of the day and his aides at the intersection of first west and first south streets near fourteenth ward assembly rooms ORDER OF or PO PROCESS ion lon stars and stripes martial band pioneers and mormon battalion battalio n deseret agricultural anam society agriculturists k horticulturists architects carpenters and Joli joiners teis leis blacksmiths quarrymen lumbermen stone stonemasons masons and plaste plasterers cabinetmakers cabinet makers upholsterers turners and coopers paperhangers paperhangers paper hangers bangers I 1 carvers and alid gilders gliders I 1 tanners and curriers carriers Curri ers boot and shoemakers shoe makers saddle saddie and harness makers carders calders Car ders spinners and weavers tailors hatters furriers and barbers machinists pattern makers and gun and locksmiths Lock smiths tin and sheet iron workers potters carriage makers and wheelwrights Wheel wrights millwrights boat and bridge builders builders millers bakers Baker and sund Confection confectioners ers butchers I 1 brush basket broom match and comb makers paper makers engravers E nn ravers gold and silversmiths silver sliver smiths watchmakers watchmakers atch makers and Dent dentists lits I 1 typo typographical graphical raph ical association bookbinders bookbinders I 1 mail mall and telegraphic companies livery stable keepers brass band committee of 9 Arrangements orator of the day I reader leader of declaration of independence chaplain etc temple of libert liberty I 1 thirteen young men representing the thirteen united united colonies thirty five young ladies representing the thirty five states nine you young g ladies representing the territories federal offic officers rs civil and militar military y territorial county and city Off omm meers officer and member r of te the bar par medical faculty I 1 banker bankers merchants an and clerk clerks deseret IJes eret enet dramatic association associate on Desere fc musical association t r 00 J deseret academy academe of arts deseret Desere fc university 4 and DI rectors serenade band r w select and common schools a citizens on foot citizens on horsed hk citizens in carriages IV three guns will be fired asa as a signal for moving the procession which will march along first south street t reet to tb first east street thence down first east street to fourth south street ne ner x emigration square thence counter count dr march up the same to south temple i street thence along said street to the nowery bowery proceedings PROCEEDING SIN IN THE BOWERY music by pheband the Band hail hall columbia ay national hymn by the deseret musical music a association i prayer grayer by the chaplain elder geo A smith song bong by the musical association 4 t reading heading of the declaration of independence n hon J F kinney music by the band star spangled banner oration by hon geo Q cannon musie music by tee th e band yankee doodle dood ae 41 41 song by W C dunbar esq chorus by the deseret musical association is speeches toasts etc 1 song by J D T mcallister esq anti antl chorus horus by the deseret musical asso cla cia cia cla clation tion i f music musie ft benediction by the chaplain i at 12 11 1 m a national salute of 35 guns at sundown 3 guns hyill will be fired which will close the exercises of the day at sunrise a detachment of artillery fired a salute of thirteen guns the theia 1 pug nal for raising tile the national I flag throughout the eit cit eity city the stars and stripes were soon floating from numerous lofty liberty poles that inthe gort fort court house being feet high the morn ing was agreeably cloudy inclining to bp cool with a little sprinkling of rain but as ar the procession moved from fro nithe the tho place appo appointed anted for forming th the e s sun un shone forth and threw throw a cheerful glance over the face of nature wo we made mado extensive notes motes on procession reo PEO CESSION I 1 as it moved along Z a great represents tion of the industry skill taste mental ele eie elevation atlon and loyalty of ouri pun citizens but put to give them in would with the tile space at our disposal be imposible impossible impo sible i when stretched out it was a little over 1 a mile in ift length embracing represent j natives of the trades professions I 1 ties I 1 associations ae ac of our city taste fully and many of the companies uhf 1 firmly dressed bearing 0 beautiful I 1 vian tian f I 1 ners with appropriate mottoes a ariu arid ak carrying characteristics of their voc vocations vocation atio atlo hil hii amlong among many things worthy of hote we were pleased pi eased to see the ag r I 1 e d ri and horticulturists bearing specimens 0 of f the fruits of otheir their thein labors product the in shape of bf fruits of the season beautiful flowers and and some vegetables the blacksmiths hard at work with bellows anvil and andai fire 7 in a alaon improvised into a loco ido 7 motive workshop attracted atte attention ti an the carders calders Car ders spinners sip inners and INTe weavers avem I 1 were graced with the presence of several young ladies from president brigham i youngs cotton factory neatly dressed in uniform the gun and lock look smiths and the tha carriage makers bare some specimens of their handy work I 1 il 1 and the butchers were busy ilu sy wielding iia a cleaver on a chopping block I 1 the telegraphic school under the thy th superintendence of mr tur jno C clowes bore a neat operating instrument the I 1 i academy of arts had a very tasteful little pavillion papillion pa representing the ams arts supported on a graceful structure decorated with pic pictures but we are reminded lil we must be brief one great feature of the procession was the stemple of i liberty the tho cynosure of all spectators it bore the names names of prominent scenes of recent becent victories to the northern arms on the base baso of the structure s truc true ture was surmounted by ky a star spangled dome doma rest in ing on four light fight pillars and bore a young lady m in ampro i iti u eos costume tume as columbia the Desere deseret tw dramatic As socia tio 4 th the e D eser association and the schools 4 presented a very vory pleasing and graceful appearance as indeed the entire procession the 13 young gentlemen representing the tho original colonies the 35 young ladies ladles representing the states and 9 young ladies representing the territories were particularly attractive i presidents young and kimball kimbail alid arid others joined thear the procession c slon sion opposite pres youngs office but tut we must hurry on to THE proceedings IN TRE bowe BOWERY nowery RY on the stand which was very tastefully decorated with evergreens ever greens fruits boquete and garlands of flowers we noticed of our leading citizens including in predl presidents dents young and kimball the hon J al ashley chairman of committee on territories and some other gentlemen gent leinen with the members of the committee of arrangements after hall hail columbia by the band and the national hymn by the musical association prayer was offe offered redby by the chaplain elder geo A smith another song preceded the reading the declaration of independence and I 1 after the star 1 spangled bann banner bannen i er b by y the band the hon geo Q cannon delivered the following I 1 I 1 ORATION vi FELLOW crt js 1 we meet today to UP day to celebrate the th a anniversary ni of the granland gran grand dand and glorious birth of f our nation eighty nine nind years ago this day the representatives of the united states in congress assim assembled bled bied solemnly published ad and declared blared to the universal world that the united colonies were and of right ough tito be fulci and STATES A nation was ushered nto being which had for its basis these impregnable and seif self evident truths enunciated in the immortal jonn joun ortal declaration of independence that all men are created equal that they are endowed j by their creator with certain inalienable rights i that among these are life liberty and the puri suit of happiness a biond foundation upon which to rear the glorious fabric of free freel government under which litell vi all the nations and peoples of the earth might enjo enjoy the fullest civil and religious religions liberty to us who dwellen these mountains tho the anniversary of that memorable day Is endeared by ties of a peculiar character with many ath of july orations may seem trite and hackneyed but with our peculiar faith and views there are a thousand reasons why we should reverence this day and find food for constant reflection and thanksgiving in contemplations the mamen tous tons consequences which followed uon sf of independence the tae self denial and patriotism of the revolutionary fathers have pd magnificent fruits and though they could not foresee all ali tho consequences of that act yet a sufficient degree 0 fp the spirit of prophecy rested upon them thea to give them glimpses of the tho gior glor glorious iolas lolas futura future of the country mor tor which they they battled so go nobly and for which acy ies risked po so much th that t she might be free whatever I 1 may be our fate salol said john dams adams after the adoption ot 04 the be declaration independence be assured tim alm that this declaration will stand it may cost treasure it by toay cost blood blodzi but it will richly comben gate tate for both through tile the thick gloom of the present I 1 see the brightness of the future as he the sun in heaven we shall make this a glorious una ona an immortal day when we are in our graves our children wm will honor it they will rele eele celebrate brate it with thanksgiving with festivities kith rith with bonfires with illuminations on its I 1 annual return they will shed tears not of subjection and slavery not of agony and distress amt ut of exultation and gratitude and of joy sir afore eforo god I 1 believe the hour has come all that I 1 have I 1 all that I 1 am arn ali all that I 1 hope for in this life I 1 am now ready here ta to stake upon it mid tod I 1 leave began that live alve or die sink or swim survive or perish I 1 am for tha decla decia ration it Is my lIvIng sentiment and by the blessing of god it shall bo be my dying sentiment independence 6 no now and independence for ever these were the sentiments which animated tile lne signers ortho of tho decoration W of independence these were the hopes in which they indulged they anticipated and with good reason tho the most glorious consequences froy from their sacrifices I 1 throughout that longani long iong and dreary st struggle ruggie when in poverty and in distress they had battled ti edwith liedwith with the tile proudest nation of ille the world for ifie he freedom of und and their country I 1 they hey had bad felt the sustaining inz ing hand of ahat that power is greater mak maa they knew that it iwas las god Go godana dand dana and ana he ile alone who had haa given iriven them teeb signal victories aver their piou proud dand and im jila plia cable cabie foes such signal i as they ud ad experienced dye aye them the str strongest angest I 1 s ns to hatm tiie flip highest anticipations the doshit detill do tibi till of thi the country i the luyi tuyl iwen laen the abe thae instruments in the of god od of while the fathers of the republic indulged in the brightest anticipations of the glorious future that awaited the people of ahe united states they were nevertheless harrasser harr assed by fears that the people themselves would prove unequal to the trust reposed in them it was an experiment such as the world had never been seen and such as europe seo scoffed fred at and denounced aa as utopian monarchists had declared that man was incapable of self government and bind cited the history of previous republics to sustain their position from the disorders which had disfigured the annals of those republics acs the partisans parti of despotism had drawn arguments gu monts ments not mot only against the forms of republican government but against the very pleon civil liberty they decried all free gov vern ments as inconsistent with the order of society and indulged themselves in malicious malic lous louB exultation over its friends and advocates imbued with a feeling of deep anxiety for the welfare of their country washington madison and oth othet wise leaders lifted up their voiced in tones of solemn warning to their countrymen indicating clearly the dangers to which they were liable though they were confident in the integrity of their own motives and were satis nned fled as to the propriety of establishing such a form of government yet they were were fully aware that its success success and perpetuity deti defy depended ended altogether on the integrity and correct deportment of the people they fully realized that by the indulgence in local prejudices and party animos anamos atles under the guidance of ambitious leaders occasions might easily be found or created for the introduction of f sectional agitation and strife that would result unless checked in the dismemberment odthe union they were not blind to the evils which monarchists predicted Would attend attena the republic neither did pass off the stage of action without solemnly warning the people against tho the fearful dangers of disruption they knew that the gifty safe ty and pre presort serl of the union and all the blessings of a freo free government were dependent upon the integrity of the people that so long as they abstained from local prejudices and attachments from separate vie vic wand and party animosities and accorded corded unto all the same privileges they claimed for themselves theniel ves so long the union would be preserved intact the following is the sentiment of james tames madison Mad lson ison one of the |