Show LIST OF LETTERS T unclaimed in the post office at R S G S ii city territory of utah the ard 3rd ard day of july 1865 1863 which if not called forbe nor for before augun AUGUST 3rd ard rd 1865 will willibe we sent to the dead letter office gea GENTS TS LIST bist agee john JohnW W 2 devlin ardaman hardaman ir allison john 11 devlan james alexander Alexan dir wm P 2 dee john W anderson andeson petera deyoe peter armstrong wm win P dicken john 31 baird G A doyle thomas barnes james 11 doyle john J bacon wm A 2 do doyle doyie CW 2 bar wellington D downey owney alvah v barnes james doe D oe geon geo W bassett T TJ J D dorton orton john V barton wm B druce jacob baxter willis MS dufina duffy A bennett joshua duncan john beckley Beekley andrew duvall james W bennett martin J eagle silas A I 1 bennett masten G Edden eddena sJohn john bedison geo goo T elmore ambrose ambrase blake wm ellis james baazard john evans Evan john sJohn bliss L 0 W 0 2 biake blake wm farley parley robert boher john 2 fairbourne ed bohman chas falsen clans brewer P C faulkner geo H brown wm J 2 fallon fallen W WT T 2 brown G W 3 2 fennedy geo 8 bright wag Vm G ferguson hubert branstetler Bran steller oscar A 2 fisher jabez M brackett edward 11 flournoy J T brennan james folwell chas S brown lewis V forbes D C bristol levi nevi E freeman chas D brownel john 1 I freese P D bright W G fuller henry brown wm H gassmann henra brown thomas i gardner ruths rufus W 2 brown john P r gamer garner alonzo T 2 bradish edward gardner geo goo 31 brant S 31 garner felix fells G burroughs ira A gallee wm burnap oscar gerbrich nat R burchfield daniel geake cri Crl cristopher stopher carpenter samuel P gerber john JOWL carpenter N P gentry martin carroll silmon hilmon H gibbons thomas camron Alexander alexanders 3 gibbs samuel DI callender cal Oal lender A B gardner R nip nil callihan geo goo W gill GUI john G caldwell james 0 glascock ira clawson john 4 goodman mathew close JJ 4 goodson S D clarke samuel 5 Gold goldsbery D W clarke J JH 11 grace james E clayton geo goo W green samuel 3 Con Conver converso verve vo M 11 II D greer IN L covey joseph t greer caleb T 2 cowsert A B G gurley urley wm win couch P H handy andy 11 john H corbett daniel harper H a rp erca C A cooke richard W harrlson harrison har rison isaac cotterill edward harris wm cook melvln melvin D hague B 31 cottrell chas hason jumes M f cox charles charies hamman andrew I 1 combs jos harlowe coston J N hannum wm conyers geo goo W danmeyer Han meyer W A cox ellsha elisha W har harper r 1 chas D cram charles S 3 haiir baligan n jame james crist geo I 1 hanley wm win crump robert IV hazer levi K cromer john harrinton harrington woodbur dandor dana 0 R fletiker Ilet liet lher iker henry davis bavis james ai hendersen henders en 11 II G taxis P E henry neury Darnold lamoid F FM at heward howard john dahl dahi adam hendrix hendris louls loila D B 2 4 hieronymus A P 2 peerman miles H hixenbaugh geo petersen Hen henr henryta ryVA hixen lewis W r pool geo W I 1 p hiskey wm VJ pratt att ALK M hicks john V tr PU Put irlam triam namBE R E yf hillary dudley ra clings john pi y hogeland J 11 cedil redil eld eid L if howard john R rew sylvester holland james T benshaw renshaw wAS A S 4 hogan john JohnW johnv W reeves gleo gep hopkins geo goo L falm faim balk holtzclaw benj ien len J D 32 2 richmond d johny johnn J b V hollin joseph jpseph richards richar sampe sampa 1 huskinson wm richards if J hudson JW W 2 rickey aaron al B irvine A J riley ulley jim w janes thomas P rogers bogers rog bog ers brawley B awl a jones Albert albertt 2 roval royal 1310 y ijo john a w jones I 1 rogers toga jesse jease if johnson chas roc rockwell kwell kweli geo goo 11 joice james rouse thos thoa J jore joge johnson jo nr onal A L rowell geo B jordine WM runkle geo goo 2 jones wm E rudd joshua jones thos L russell newel kapp john JohnS 2 sargeant sarg ea francis keck john I 1 S salisbury M 2 kerr johnf 2 bargery patrick A kelly neily johnas sands johnh kennady patrick patriel J 2 sapp gappae A E 1 scoville H G keeler geo scott wm H U 3 4 kingsbury wm win scarlett shadrack a kupatz j ohn john sheppard Lysa nguA i knapp dr geo goo H U shaw elton I 1 knowlton ora E S 1 konkle robert 8 sharp arp jesse jesso a I 1 1 lamme woodsen woodson Wood sen men J S shung StUng I 1 4 n fellow ilow geo cleo larkin D S haw I 1 eilez B N leet freeman G 3 i shea bhea rr J E ehman lehman charles i him hlf flett it lewis charlie charile 11 W sill wm i lee nee leeball B 11 1 simpson jatala leachner john A 2 lindsey wm win i A loyster james JAmesW W amiul geo goo W a Lo love nove veAndrew andrew smith hWillard 0 2 t lothrope Lothro pG W smith john A lyon johnson csmith frank A smith jonathan A lyons marion 0 1 marston lea F 2 smith ba ML L t manck jonathan H smith john F mathews john snowball Snow trial john k mann oscar L snider jesse 1 mahalath Maha math wm Snell john JohnW W maynard solomon stephens thomas thomai afa marston lander leander L ander anden F stone frank W 21 2 T manguray Mangu may andrew stone geo goo A 3 malone michael stanton J F barror samuel stout geo martin thos starr H J maynard john W steel stee geo W martin wm G stokes harry Q 2 mackey john 2 steinford Ste Stern stein roford ford E T larhew johns john S ta taylor r geo menefee robt M 31 T Taylor or M MG A menard 11 T 2 ayob 2 mills Mill sRichard richard taylor E F miller charie charlie C tay ore orm rEH 11 miller adam taylor martin i miller D DC C raylor taylor columbia G miller robt D thatcher W H H Bl montgomery W V A 3 2 thomas girda 2 motley I 1 F ta thomas 0 m as chas as nib M 2 monroe james thu esen D DP P moore washington tho thorpe ape ellaa siina mowry john T j thomas GM morrison Morr lson ison sol thomas homas T G W 12 mowers blowers jerome tidd james W moe moo anfus rufus todd jonn montgomery andrew todd WH W H 41 moore moses John A blundell mundell R U K Myer john sjohn twell riehard richard mo M mccain c seth 3 geo W 2 mcclung james ardman wardman Ml geo W mccloy robt wakefield ceorge george W mcgee geo goo N ward amt McHenry WF F walker henry P 2 mchenry franb prank S walker thomas B 2 Mc mckenzie Kenzle kenzie francis al wells Well sJohn john 0 s mcmillan arn 11 welch wm if geo 11 weston JINI 4 Me Williams dewilliams esit B R weed geo goo 11 newkirk A B weed AW A W nelson J A whitworth jaqua nixon james jamesa W whitman J JS S norton geo goo white richa G north L white whito frank W 2 nuckols Nuck olLi olN williams HA H A B 2 williams W lliams george H 2 0 neal james williams john 2 Os osgood C if williams L LW W overson frederic willis elbert eibert I 1 overbeek L W wilard II 11 wa owens robt C 2 wilhelm john 2 park wm W willis thomas A parrish D ball bail paxton charles 2 hudjohn WIl wll dJohn parker cyrus S wickel harmon parke james S wilson robert L parmenter john 31 worsham hamPP P P parke wm F wood chas 8 parsons fronton wood john B patrick wm 8 wright amos parrish E K X nouis louis petersen zeamer jerry 2 howard zif ni merman frederick LADIES LIST Addi addlen sofi eilza ellza J mantin martin A aligood all xii lucy moor alexander der GC G C moor eleanor bassett liddia t mcfall mcfail ann E P barnard sarah I 1 karen it mailia basten hasten harriet r paarsch catarina 4 brown naomah A ehe Phe anna t cassin mary pugh diary alary MaryM ba v chapman cordelia cordella pugh olive clark sarah E r randall mildred E clark dark caroline C 2 ramsden M ar cotterill mrs E lie lic ile bards bardi ann crandell elizabeth root jane damron sarah russell CuA cun kh dahling dabling gAnna anna catrina sage amanda ellen scott agnes doyle doyie fannie shaw harriet E Doy leAmanda M shaw Soph Sophron sophronia rouia roula la Eddy Renley smith sue E en eni england l an mary r A stewart mrs homer L gadlee G a 11 ce mary hla bia J t st john francem frances M haycock H a y coe coc J taylor celia A 2 harris farris ellza eliza betha beffa e thein mary ann endrix sarah th i walte catherine hudgens lute whitman miss bliss E H P jones juiia julia A whitcombe carcie carrie lonberg louberg hanna wl wasey 1 tey aey sarah lla ila laure ure sarah wi kinson leuma Lew new isLee A williams L lucy acy littly rai FAI ger young nir bir E P lutze butze EM 31 young ellam na A mast blast ma mary ry B lk in asking for tor the above plea piea themire they are advertised give date and pay one prie cent for advertising ver Pi persons in ti the t country applying for letters in this list fili should ouid state where letters are expected from no postmaster in the territory has free postage and answer any inquiries i with put out a stamp being enclosed for return postage T B H saes swen STENHOUSE PM PIX G 8 L r city june jane 27 |