Show LATEST FROM EXCHANGES tiie THE springfield republican says saya the large I 1 number of unemployed ministers and a lid iid destitute parishes everywhere reveals a singular and not riot very pleasant state stat c of things does i it grow out of the demand for sensational preaching 0 brigandage is reviving in the papal states the whole coill country itry is in a state of terror and no man dares go go luto into the mountain country jorfor or fo r that V ta matter far from nome home except ulion upon the t patrolled roads AN IMPERIAL manifesto has been published by the czar of russia proclaiming claiman the Grand duke alexander alex aiex ili ail heir to the crown I 1 tiie THE colored people of tennessee have started a weekly paper at nashville called the colored Tenn mean gean edited by V B scott I 1 A TERRIBLE STORM passed over a portion of johnson county kansas on the night of the 2 ith of may blowing down houses fences uprooting trees and doing much damage several persons son s were weke badly injured I 1 but no lives were lost the storm also entered missouri missour sour taking an easterly course and infliction inflicting extensive damage until it reached readied st t louis at sedalia several cars were blown off a side track and a freight train into them completely wrecking a the engine and six cars THE TirE worms are laying waste the apple trees in all directions in this state the hartford conn times says they have eaten every green leaf off nearly all the apple trees and from half the elms cherry and other fruit trees are also suffering apple trees everywhere look as if a fire had passed over them theu of course there will be no fruit of any account about hartford in other towns the visitation seems very un equal some summering suffering more than th another otherS niev nev new haven register He gister 1 IN ix the dublin international exhibition two american artists carried away the prizes namely miss hosmer and mr storey their productions of statuary were the theme of universal admira tion from a paris correspondent we learn that according to the latest published returns the increase of mental disease and the consumption of tobacco gos gog on yearly in the same ratio it appears that from 1812 to 1832 the tile tobacco returns of france were and the number of inmates innia tes in the public mad kiouses iio lio uses was waa now tobacco wd add there ure are persons pers oli oll 4 iu asylums asylum asyl am some bome ome mad niad mo more struck with weak weakness nen nex of intellect softening of thel the brain iraln arld arid n id other horrors 0 exhausted intellect In |