Show THERE FOR A FIELD OF labor LASOR L A OR aai ait w theres theros for all a field 7 of 1 labhai labo lab obi oAi in these music throbbing times time and a spirit voice should thunder in the poets living rhymes were the weapons of earths heroes perfumed breath and velvet hand no they marched arched forth to the battle armor girt and bravely grand what gives men true grandeur grande ut brother Force of thought and strength astren th of wilf will moral power powen no wrong can smother and no slander venom kill though his bis place on earth be lowly hes a king without a crown p ind and heh het ways a sceptre imly buly oer an renown theres for all a field of labor tn in the universe to MI fill from a worm to an archangel from prom an atom to a hill ind nd the world is one great workshop where no idle wheels are made and nd life is a noble picture with a never useless shade bourage to urage brother grow not weary in the cause of truth and right iet let the hope of victory cheer thee fighting lighting keeps our armor bright never yet was soldiers glory won on peaceful carpet field fields and the gods of ancient fiory left no rust upon their blu elds T lucres for ali all a nield field of labor we have noble germs rowers that high as stars may blossom 1 nd expand from zone to zone i the land is to be fruitful we must plough and dig and sow I 1 f oan oar talents we vre would quicken we must think and they will grow 1 like a sunflower closes when coy my fortunes gleams are oer ind the world with thorns not roses crowns towns its saviors evermore spite of all earths taunting roin moin minions ions lons may good spirits downward glide ngel ingel guards on snowy pinions and be ever by thy side theres for all a field nield of labor hab lab in the futures regal morn mory A earth shall wear a crown of goodness like a wreath without a thorn thoin do the angel work of duty heeding not the echo fame whether W nether hether thou be crowned or crow crownless it will bless the world the same |