Show HOME ITEMS ve learn from the ilon hon J A young that crops at and around grantsville grants vilie ville are looking exceedingly well the best lie has seen this season feed for stock on the range Is excellent cel lent horse drives were occupying the attention of stock owners in that region the early part outlast week supposed Il aw and ea trays traya rapidly turning nato the intense of owners sern serri a short distance west westor we stor of ogden we understand has summered suffered considerably by the tiie late lite rise of the weber about acres of small grain having been destroyed destroy ed the river has changed its channel in various parts for about two ulous bious to that place having washed out for itself anew a new now bed since tile water has subsided the farmers have been busily re planting with corn oafs oats barley and potatoes where the tile sollum soil mas was s not washed away f Is 13 heavy ona on a settlement cumbe numbe numbering ring only some 22 families and their industry and energy energy coin coni men dably of 1131 mormon ormon onmon pluck tho crop cropf mat that have haye been til ul took tooh eplen did Is i desired tf hired sired respecting tho the whereabouts of a mrs A A E taylor who left leit cape town africa about five live years ago any pai pal particulars tie tic ulars ularm in relation bolier to her that can be forwarded to president tf youngs office will nil oblige a bria tive th c in england transpire in the progress of event events s it Is deemed adv advisable dable Lable a as N fast t as convenient for those who have not done done so to declare their intentions of becoming citizens of the united states and anti since some though in our opinion without good ground grounds question the legality of naturalization papers issued by the probate court to avoid all quest questions loiis it will bo be best to apply to the district court or its clerk clork of the DI in which the party re resides sides the expense estlie is tiie tile sainer same hame in either case 0 1 10 being charged for a declaration of intention and 52 1 50 for the final p papers ers patrick Patriel cr lynch iq clerk of the ad judicial district proffers to pa is through the settlements in this district and attend to the business at any time it may be im desired and probably mr john mcewan of provo would in like manner accommodate the residents jn in the tho district as also the clerk of the ad whenever judge mccurdy appoints him A declaration of intention will wili w ill ili entitle one to privileges under the lct ket vet as are enjoyed by a citizen HACK tho thue fonder of bathing than thin sponging can be accommodated morning and evening by 11 II J faust fautt fau tt who runs a hack after a good team to the waria aprin apran spring bath our typos patronized the on thursday evening last list and spear of the bathing arrangements anti and tho ride tide particularly of a deep deela rut on the v Y ay that brought fc foreheads heads in rather sudden contact aua and prepared them for their ablutions on the fhe principle of the doctors noted prescription to be well shaken lefore before tal tai taken ceri tell F elt fly ly antl I 1 NC dr B ph ineas U youn yonn informs ta us that thal hollas holias a siberian arii apple which bore last year when only one year old from irom root grafting and lf ua again bearing ear car zing this year a also aiso a pear tree now bearing bealing only two beare bears from the root grant graft gi aft BILK hilk ix UTAH utan we havo have on ort our table a beautiful ua specimen of homo home produced silk pre pro bended by bro 0 urseal rah of thirdly who wilo showed u i at the same time a quantity of finely formed cocoons end and as good an article of raw silk as can be seen in any cou con country he ile has ha had d several thousand silkworms silk worms at work tuis this season and intends entering largely into worm breeding and silk producing ile ho reports that of eight serious dr diseases ceases to which the silkworm silk suk worm li subject but one and that taw th least serious of the eight known simply as the yellows yellow ha has yet manifested itself here her it isi iss caused principally by feeding brog D watt also diso hi pRayed a frame solen aldy filled with goow weli well furt fort fortnet ned he lie bm hat experimented with worms the eggs of which he procured from br ursenbach and his success Is likewise highly gratifying the greatest difficulty experienced Is the procuring a sufficient quantity of mulberry leaves for feeding purposes this was foreseen by pros young in the first settlement of these valleys aho who vho not only taught the importance of producing silk here but had the seed of the mulberry tree brought on and planted and has distributed the young trees largay through the tile territory he has now about young mulberry trees growing a large number of which are bea bearing hing fing ills his example crumple is being followed in a limited degree by others who are planting out young trees so that w demay omay emay reasonably expect in a few years there will be sufficient feed for enough silkworms silk worms if proper attention is paid to the matter to supply to a large extent this tills article of demand in or our community br watt suggests the planting mulberry trees on the dividing lines between lots which would at on one afford shade present a pleasant appearance and yield food for an increasing sing quant quantity quantify liy of worms the home production of silk Is 13 a subject of considerable importance to us as a community andee and we hope the satisfactory experiments thu thua 14 far made v will ili iii induce more attention being bing paid to it in the future than has been in the P past sst ast ARRIVED judge mccurdy and family on the and hon J JM 31 ashley of ohio on the ith fth notice sabba sabbath meetings theatrical and several other items are arc unavoidably crowded I 1 out ont this tills week |