Show ra 4 FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS MS W WILLIAM I 1 L L I 1 kii kil 11 II HOOPER commissioners to locate university lands IRA ELDREDGE CHESTER LOVELAND ANDREW J moffatt ireat freol salt sall lake and green rime river counties FOR councillors WILFORD WOODRUFF ALBERT carrington JOSEPH A YOUNG GEORGE Q CANNON great salt sall lake county FOR REPRESENTATIVE representatives 13 JOHN TAYLOR ALBERT P ROCKWOOD JOHN VAN VAX COTT WILLIAM JENNINGS JOSEPH F SMITH 0 stitt OF 0 FOR GOVERNOR B BRIGHAM it I 1 G 11 A ill lil y 0 U y G FOR lieutenant GOVERNOR HEBER C KIMBALL ir i R representative TO CO CONGRESS eGRESS GEORGE A SMITH of iron county euf teft 1 eff e eft ut salt lake thoele and grcen green elver river counties FOR SENATORS WILFORD WOODRUFF JOSEPH A YOUNG ELIJAH F SHEETS gref oree rc f salt lake bunty county fol FOE representatives JOHN TAYLOR A P ROCKWOOD WILLIAM wllliam JENNINGS |