Show J ROSS BOSS BROWNI BROWNE 1 of the history and travels traveis of this 11 gentleman whom we noticed last week as soon to pay our city a visit for the purpose p e of extending ills his travels seeing and taking 0 notes and lecturing oil on his adventurous adventure us career harpers weekly V g gives ives the following 10 interesting cr sketch J noss boss browne commenced his adventurous career carier hy by starting from louisville kentucky tucky on foot font and making a tour of several months through the western states he made several trading voyages down the ohio and mississippi boatman to i rivers in the capacity of a common boatman atman at the ag age of 18 ile he became police reporter to the louisville adreen wi then a student in the college of T medicine mst edl edi ehle chie and subsequently a stenographic reporter in congress in 1842 maving having avill sas sal saved ed up 15 he started for europe put up up at the astor A S to house and got rid of tile the bist hist remnant of his money in about M two 44 days he then betit down oil on south treet street saw a sign i calling for wha lemen nd shipped on iru irk a voyage to the indian inda ocean browne was one of a crew 0 of 15 13 men chiefly portuguese and ano lived lvcy ived in the forecastle q S u bat to all ui afi benedits bone bene rits of hard bard fare and i nt harder labor duning during this memora biej blei voyage lt lle lie visited th til vi azores cape de verde and canary islands madagascar macumba Ma kumba and the co comoros cocoros moros and ind finally on abe breaking out of a mutiny mu tilly occasioned occasion 4 by cruel treatment of 0 the them crew geft left the vessel at Zan zila zlia near efflo tn E east ast co coast st of africa and JR livid 5 kd for oliree months among the arabs arabi from Zahi zabi zanzibar ibar lie he worked ills his passage asne home honic in ilia iila a vessel bound to the t h 0 united cited states si a tes from the persian gulf a and nd touched oil on the way at st helena lle lie paid a visit tto to napoleons tomb of his perilous adventures in the whale fishery y lie has given a graphic account in a narrative published bv y haifler harp er brothers in 1844 18 entitled etchings of a whaling cruise which has been noticed by the edinburg renan and other english journals in favo navo favorable favorably rabi terms resuming I 1 ills his place as a reporter in the senate lie he followed up his old business ness s till tile the end of the session when whon lie he toc tor i chata I 1 i ata 0 f t the 1 P 1 books 0 k g I 1 in ii t the ile lle 0 flipe 0 of f ithe itaf sto ste SY at i J that time mr robert J walker became secretary of the treasury and gave browne a confidential appointment this he held until 1849 when he set sail in a passenger ship for california under a commission as a lieutenant in the revenue service at elo eio janeiro he was detained some three weeks by a difficulty between the captain and rin pin passengers as A new captain was placed in command and after many storms and adversities the sili ship rounded cape horn and made the band island of juan fernandez with ten comrades browne started in an open boat rowed 76 miles and landed on the island his adaven tures in this crusoe land were published with illustrations in the february march and april numbers of harpers magazine for 1853 stop stopping ping a coup coupie couple ae of weeks at lima in peru he reached california in august 1849 with just sufficient change in his ills pockets to pay the postage on a a package of letters one of them con bained bained notice of a reduction in the revenue service and ills his own removal while looking around for a situation as a washer man or mule driver he met an influential friend who appointed him a deputy postal agent and aud he traveled through the southern part of california in that capacity when the convention met to form the state constitution browne being the only regular stenographer in the country was appointed fo to report the proceedings for this job lie he received ten thousand dollars cash lir irr advance during the debate in the united states senate relative to the admission of california it became necessary to have this report and the senate by resolution purchased two thousand thousand copies for which they paid our lucky adventurer three thousand dollars alth with the fortune thus acquired lie lle built bulit a d handsome house near washington and reul refu retired red for life three months of retirement answered his purpose besold out for cost pulled up stakes and started for europe we next find him by letters to the national ranging through austria hungary the various german states italy sicily greece turkey and the holy land his adventures in syria and palestine have been given to the world ina in a popular book entitled a ci czir Crit sade sude in tie tle fic east issued bv by the harpers in in IS 1852 32 busset ausse badra nadra the re dragoman who conducted mr nir browne brown p through syrna syria is the most perfect type of his class in our literature on his return from this extensive tour lie went wont to washington 1 received ill an lil appointment as general genera I inspector of customhouses custom houses and public depositories repositories Deposit ories and in that capacity visited all the collection districts in the united states including those of minnesota california oregon and washington territory to ry in 1835 1855 he bought a small homestead and settled in california and for the ensuing five years was special agent of of the treasury and interior departments for the pacific coast and visited all the indian tribes and nearly every acre of ground between the straits of fuca and san diego he has made altor aitor altogether rether rethen six trips to and from california g before the close of the buchanan anan administration he got himself into trouble with the powers at washington for exposing the frauds committed exposit in the public c service A spirited account of this part of his ills career 1 is 14 given in an article on the indian T reservations in the au august 11 st number of or harpers harpell of Ma lagaine oya aya gaine inea Y on losing 11 ills his official head he buckled on his pack and blanket and started on foot for tile the silver mines of washoe where he set up tip an agency his hardships trials and misfortunes there are amusingly described in a series of papers entitled A peep at washoe oc also published in harpers magazine in lie he left the pacific coast for europe and during luring the last T 2 years lias traveled on foot nearly all through germany made tours toura through spain ain aln portugal and algeria poland russia sweden and norway and lastly denmark and iceland various sketches of his adventures in ill these those interesting regions have appeared illustrated by himself asa As a lecturer mr browne needs experience pe peri perl an fn ie nee ence he talks well only when he lie is in perfect rapport with ith ills his audience when thi is the ease case his quaint delicate humor comes cornea out As lie lle hebold told us the other d day a 1 I have traveled hard roads in my lay aay day but this of lec lecturing turin I 1 is the har bar hardest dest his lecture on iceland icalan is a success henry taine says that two to nations inhibit frince the one dieg dies sleeps aps dwells and dwells in paris the 0 other tiler i thinks ears cas wa watches watcher tebes talks and inhabits inhabit ts the tile pr v nees the tile latter is led ca p tive live liv flip the f farmer firmer rnear like a snail anali |