Show nim M 11 anig afis cint tint lito 3 9 r 13 STRA T 1 A beb 77 3 M flaus flanc FLANS WILSONS SEEDLING per very and large VI per very fine and productive large I 1 MAGNATE per large farge good flavor extra productive VICTORIA per LARGEST OF or ALL grows to an ounce excellent late the above are my choice from over twenty kinds they are all quite hardy HOOKERS SEEDLING per loo of good flavor now is a goof good time to transplant any kind of pay taken T W ELLERBECK 1 11 4 G 8 L city WOOD IV wanted WAITED AN T E D tir TIE subscriber win will tny a arfee wod weon waton tor for WOOD or will tiva riva ibs iba of 0 flour per coro corm for a limited quantity deil dell delivered vired att at his lis 14 h ward 10 2 JOUN jonn tayl TATI olt eon FOK SALE TWO T WO good FARMS hy by TIM THOMAS V AS rull trill wellsville tache cathe county term terin cabs cb stock or Stor Sto repay pay i inquire of t THOMAS iga ward G a L C city ity 1103 10 3 LOST hast LAST L AST week in th tb lith ward i a spotted PIG about 5 we aka ell fil sold old oid jbf whoever ever eger hee bee found the tiie am earn and wll will report toDis bor HOAGLAND nOiGH yu or to FRANK FRANIZ pirvan PITMAN win will be berei re aided to for roe their trouble troubie la iii lii 11 1 lost 0 OK 1 I sunday last lift between farmington and the ai liot springs a new fore wheel any arson flad tug lug the sime time me will confer conter a favor by leaving word at joun JOHN A SUTTON BUTTON or ti H cumberland 11 2 mh W ward a rd S debt or union squi 0 notice NO I 1 ICE A A FAT lat in exchange for a rood good milk COWs COW 4 yera years od 0 d easily milked an and d very ery gentle genii apply to SAMUEL read HEAD news office iii 11 1 NOTICE ht that h t picked op up my y SPADE near the alb I 1 ward school housdon Hou house seon on tons tins esth august branded LE 11 ou boull do wen to tore return turn lurn lh betanio to me or leave it with sith dr sprague Spra rue 11 2 Lb vin VIE ath ward FOR salk gaik GOODA dolle dolie HOUSE aud lot LOT in the 15 h ward wari tle sie blicks wen wed or of the tabernacle fur terms teres apply to ILLUM BILLUM B HAILSTONE 11 2 aieaz market don ron sane SALE K A laugn doub doab double jaoue and iuli lull LOT well fe need JL some somo i ircle trees tres out ou honea houes well ol 01 water good gunil crup crop on lot will exchange chanse ts for stocks stock land s etc cheap for cash B kr af kh WAr tAchooi I 1 litt if A S BECKWIT 11 ron FOR SALE nale A HOUSE itom aud aul ant lor LOT two blocks west from iron ha the A T bernacle ie 1 L lon lor or five rod rods on teet twenty rod back will well weli with apple apricot peach ad pdt plum tree ail all beart n ircle alp nip etc with th kile heny beng bedroom bem room but buttery tery terr and tind two iwo C chambers at a bers A eil eli ell eu of good water with chain pump pomp ill lil it cannek CANNON NOTICE ALL A LL persons having ert lett ett S with wih me farre n are pst pdt 9 are reque ted to cill cil tor lor hem them bem between now lid mid october us as I 1 bhail ibl leave leayo oon moon akkir for lot the coton colton condry I 1 have hava riv gome some oky city property fon for or sale sie for ca call cail 11 en fm ms MO at my chop next door but cne one to K rabat in balls ls beote G S L 0 olyo ayi sept tib IM 1662 litt 1111 11 11 TAKE particular llo lio NOTICE who hwo fic in f I 1 T hep REP herbst hernly aly notay all tepsa tome tame to call ind rud and lud i meiyo iber sher accounts jf f thu bia bid I 1 8 don den danei it win ba be to gave ace any say further credit cret lic fic ll tf W S GODBE H ALL I 1 roil foil SALE oil oft EXCHANGE ex A A yuli TOLL r 74 corner corri LOT well d for irrigating walh vath 1 I a good food rince tence fence all around it nd lil lit 1 aboul about fifteen r as i south southpaw pat eat 01 the 6 0 b h wa waid ward i d school ilo llo uee 9 on anad a d art emkes Is a gowl W 11 of atra a coclis H wa w weib fth abree ettre 0 rooms well veil an I 1 pai pal cited a two varry stry g ema era granary emanary r n nary aryai d other litter out gut corral ec tb there is a crop 01 corri sast east cn ean pota hota pota kota toe boest leet teet carett carr tt etc etc ete together wllis with va nety hety 0 of truit fruit and tre trees I 1 will iti seil isell ibe ile above cheap for or ezeb anre the same fanie for neat nest stock and wages or mules and wailon wagon f I 1 af L davis 11 4 eth rd 0 I 1 L prom FROM V he the iga ward on ot ls fork mondy bionday week wept one sorrel arre Ls N alle alar fave five it ve years yar old oid while white stripe in 1 ice ipe ce lir advil adril with vt ith tria tigi on left side aids one grey grer main MAKR eight years old spanish brand brit on n left lert moulder and ftp nd I 1 A B bon in lert left abnia kb lo 10 the onner owner or K x ve into of their thair whereas wiil will be tse I 1 frei all eli v rewell rewn ll I 1 jl I 1 tf if J 13 ich ward IMPORTANT A 1 rane T i HE subscriber design rua ing ins id a caka caw CAI MILT MILL at t tj h in the 14 ward G 8 L oty th tace is com coming ing lug se fealon aison stion 11 eving ing added to the pra cIcil experience oot oyt 0 sem yeM late ite vellable vera vela able abie n ob falner kr e x yit yiu r 1 m ton U he be will eui gui guirantes rantee a one oc article articie of syrna s i p to all ail U who favor tavor him with i heir patronage pi wom WOO wanted in exchange exe hango bansa for moia mola lolae Mo lae a allf te A iving f FOR SALE H VALUABLE parm PARK in dafa centt it miles north LA of d JC jayr yr eonta ining luing abent about 70 acres acre ut tarin farm ib an a j i anes ol 01 rely vely raj eu su perlor perler quality sr I 1 A v LOST F frow FROM the willow point west jordani jordan a reds pS 3 year yr old ad back athe fact brine arine tc erme mv whit whitt on ba b a buttocks and tal tat tall broad brod horar 0 o brand brands vl vis via bl was lat lan seen en cri the iba sax werl wert wrt public lublic Squar eon ron on iba iha evening or of he the 29 jh uil oil place pice he be was w bought of MUI auh two aweeka previous any ani one lib til ill end ind will b leg ing him hita to 10 J 1 I G Cham chambers bers berr new news office or give information of 0 him h irus trus than thau be at iti 1 JOSEPH J T IMLAY INLAY HOME SWEET HOME WHO WANTS TO BUY KUY A 11 I 1 L n AVE and dd da do airel tor for 3 slie sila kie tie it bertan certain tan lot of orr aunis ia d at thil this morah 0 L count about th 1 cultivation aua ami alt wail sit rie nott doht there Is 1 a good ona dieling drow also 10 lo corral and ani all n cebary mut out aini sini nl oa pr charl tharl af about irrea consisting of 0 peach bwy a cherri elc etc budded and In crafted graftEd wi wib b ih uhe the eb VP lee let the tv 11 lis s calit liht t miles meles from rom rem great salt tk jake chy chr and lie the tie ciway cou ity ra ru OA uda OAS S me tte dor oa on li a i a C g 1 for r A will with 1 I b w woj a t 1 power nt tr drax a v mo chinery machinery 9 the th bave tave liolu i ate pose post po sino sinn e sim floo and in n lo 10 title lilie for fur furi luri furmer ir apply on the tue PF mu S 11 ilif iilo lt if G arran mir creek j batches HATCHES loh lor eoll tue THE MILLI ost WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT THE AZ KA V al ATCH FACTUM f MAIN STREET G S L CITY throughout throng hwn hwu the stole are invited to jt TP send eind nd lu their orders an rii til i act at aboor our car agents r u e 0 of fail fall 11 ll kinda kinds galen gaken allt aul hul oali rm 1 in th the tc ev inde nae rae com commodious fe Is opened IL COU COW ION lon dalot where the arii aril zan zau zant aud 4 manufacturer io in all may tind cad a market fr ter twel their thelt 1 lief ilef 11 tf FINDLAY MARTIN E CUR cun tirl till SHADOW MR erz EUS THE SUBSTANCE rane raue 1 diess bless rs SAVAGE OTTINGER attention the or of the t to heir their un i 1 collect lin of views etc etc tin in 11 tiie thel dio miff rn I 1 tries tj ies jes I 1 it photographs AIND COLORED CARTES DE VISITE AMBRO A TYPES CRAYON AND SOLAR PICTURES 4 PORTRAITS IN oil 0 L WATER ca 1100 AND INDIA INK having received a fresh stock of goods rom erom the ka nit to patrons at all prices aloni oue cue to t fifty doll bollara do iiara llara ars all work to give or no bale rate the ng ns of our conr mountain frame hhorn may obtain at our pur roaf any aay and sni ani eveny every of portraiture tbt that is I 1 cash woody grain har her irr fir and other rodica taken I 1 iti ili toms one door doer north of the salt lake late house houe male hall street if UNITED STATES external INTERNAL cje TAX THE T awid nive give netice notice to the t he be bas ba teen tren app ipp anted in cd by uhe ife P ct of loe lot united hatm oli olt tf tire u uder der theace ach ef er con eres i baly 1 entitled an art act to internal devenne fostir fiort the go earm mii mit nl nd to pay interest on the he P D abt bt for or the ibe can CAW Clon cuon D ion lon he the ert err tor ot 01 lab 1 I ah asree Agree agreeable alie aLle to my instructions roin from roia the commissioner ot of infernal kevenk rev Kev enu I 1 shift ittin la to ap lint tint in tor for andt anat Al aitt tt I 1 ant fi i of lolae capacity of wen wed st cliar clia acter aeter for wild and of f i hearing bearing that the hedw Is w m ay mann r roell ft be red reB dered derfl radio ta the p oni ont T I 1 the tho D ettlel fido lito divil DIVI I tik and alix imm imin d aly lly vely the aipolo aipoln moenia fl for r the he aresi assefa rient or taxes and ID to proceed to the tx tax is s cou con by liue itte ivd t sty pit I 1 shall cue caute to be froma from time to time llin irneli t p par options tiong ilont of 0 ibe lw an as will immediately interest ion lon rett resi ah h that they insy be pr epard d to act jr H the tle joe P of me i nf V U ah b bs has ln beny amassed hmel and surd r and the ibe folloni Bf appoint ru n been reen mie mje nm 0 m as dettl n no 1 comprise na salt alte ite Ls e cur car cartr J B lt simmons S AM A tnt nt A sor asor bor G 9 L eity oily 13 h wara two wo dors lira eastok th tk Th patr vt j t division to no i S viii viki wll wil corn cora colaire nire nore aire age D 1 is at abar styner struer st iyler oafs s or R U ff ung act Z ton yu 0 dirt Dirl siti alti no kwil 3 u ja vre tre pr mav tabe tase am q nan man ass stant stunt ammor ambor R cogaer cog ien fen city division ni awl 4 will comprise dx D x T H er cony co n ny Y aprial thin C W ish as 1 wor ibor nit ait a it derlo durle d bigham oty nty ity D division I 1 vision no nn 6 will comprise cache e rinty nn tv j jn q r IT mur Mir gaeu lineau assis assessor sor res ite benc M city Dl devlon vlon ion nr nn 0 ww win comprise comp riRe normn M cainey cat caI nty go G D W ahn glon ston assistant militant as sebr bebr behr jl morgan morgin ville divilow dh ton ion an a 7 3 pres cuini su lint t and green coun canning lieari V re I 1 xa 3 W 1 0 a feb peb impei fes 0 or H R heb neb 1 mie NIT DI viton TIton c T i f and ani sat Sai saichi nhi ubi h i if af gaeu ceu CLU ar as meant assen r 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