Show oj c 0 gra gna te ha to tes wea 3 PROGRESS OF PRESIDENT YOUNG AND COMPANY NEPHI nephy JUAB cowry thursday morning bl orning sep 4 1 1862 editor DESERET NEWS sim sib knowin the lively interest you in all tha tend to build up zion zin and to furtherance of the cause couse of buman human redemption I 1 presume to intrude upon your well known patience and if apropos that of your numerous leaders readers with an historical glance at the chief incidents of our visit to and though the Bout sout southern bouthern hern bern settlements ca our beloved be lovel mountain home president young and compa company riv left G S L city for the nouh b a little li tle after 7 am of the and aniced a lived at 0 P Rock about 11 where here all rested and lunche i 1 the terree party art then proceeded to pleasant grove ing at 4 agreeably to ous appointment bishop preston offered the opening loli efting prayer after which the president preached an interesting and instruct ve discourse upon the important and interesting subjects of individual the bu building alding t of the temple in G 8 L city the nature of the ordinances to be therein and also described the kind of ner r fons who will he be entitled to receive them I 1 aiss 19 arguments and were impressive and forcible accompanied with an unusual degree der 1 e of pathos elder E T denson bishop R raleigh le agh and your corre apo ilio dent followed bishof with remarks of itea Itta testimony and exhort aton M eider elder lder ider george goddard pronounced the clo cio closing ging sing benediction our company was we weli well il entertained and kindly created by the good brethren resident at pleasant grove tuesday ay iy morning we ive were up and oft on by 7 we endured the dust as best befit we could while passing along battle creek Cree klane kiane lane iane etwas it was not cot so bad on provo bench but bid bad dinou enough h we forded corded the the bridge 1 no n longer having legs to stand upon drove through provo city at a moderate speed s efficiently slow to be within the limits of city ordinance ani am rear reached hed bed all in good go od health except brother calder who was on that day afflicted with the tic here a sumptuous dinter was provided by blihor johnson to which all appeared to do ainsle justice oi ar arriving rivin at payson found that the notice 0 of our visit previously sent by the president bad not been received but bishop fairbanks li c aused used the drum to be beaten the signal for the pe pie to come together to which the people quickly responded and ere the clock struck 5 the house was filled and the tees meeting opened with prayer by eitler E iier lier iler lorenzo snow who after singing by the choir delivered a short address on the benefits and b casings of obedience to the requirements of heaven ohe he was followed by eller john th general duties of the lat er da nay day y saints in Z on prest brigham young youn then thel e cave eave much valuable instruction on the importance ot local lo caland and individual improve Imi rove ament the necessia necessity essit ct learning while here in these thess mo int ains to make good fences and to build cintes plant vineyards and orchards how to farm neatly and economically that we wema mav mat be prepared to go and build up the ut of zion the welcome greeting greetings and anil kind kina treatment we met with were satis fac fas lory evidences that the citizens of 0 layfon have learned the full deanin meaning a 1 of the term brotherly kindness 3 th the e weather so far has been very warm and the dust plentiful wednesday yesterday we were not in a burr hurry g in the morning only intending to t travel ravel to this is city i passing through summit creek 1 I believe those who talk spanish call it santa 4 ulo uio we were treated to some excellent excelled gatei melons the best I 1 have tasted this year aby by br abel Butterfiel dp which were finished at springs about 4 in tue afternoon the western horizon zon bigan besan to be overcast ver cast with blackness blac kness kneas and by 5 loud peals of thunder brought a heavy show shower er of rain from the clouds clouda which co cooled old oid the a air ir qu rich d the p ached dust and made houseflies house bouse b ou se flies files intolerable the farmers here are very busy haying baying and and the car carpenters renters anajo inere appear to DC oe industriously engaged in roofing a new dew meeting house bouse the towe tower r of which is to be eighty feet feel high the building build hig itself ia is forty ly by sixty A meeting was hold last evening at 7 09 at which president young preached one of his fatherly and comfor ing discourses anthe rapid pro progress greeb grees of the great events con necked with the he latter iatter day work eider elder ben son eon bore testimony and a gave spirited ex lorta Lorti tion to good works elder taylor dis missed the meeting during the night the rain fei fel in torrent torrents thoroughly soaking everything capable of bemz bems so soaked ked 11 thia this I 1 s morning the state of the weather is cool and rilea pleasant sant the clouds are dispersing which I 1 fh fives gives gives i us hope tf an agreeable drive to round valley vailey loday today today to lo day daj I 1 am your friend and ind brother in the new ct v auant JOHN V long G laen LAEB LA U M va LL A D E 1 sept 1 1862 i DEAR dealt NEWS it we wi may believe belleve half we hear of 0 f what isi is 1 transpiring in the eastern pastern L world of the 18 ii tot L war ar and bloodshed that bat is ov rahe rate r e earth like a whirlwind A we nolif mon MMA e lali laii tho the tain tunca ca are eadry sa eia ild ry may maj out bu of df in y k joint 11 vet yet moaning joani ng and sighing fiebing siebing will have little effect in ali all alleviating 0 biating t the e mlee ml ries eries andi and horrors of war or restrain the rapid progress in the fulfillment fulfilment f of ancient and modern prophecy ab A away ey here in the hiding biding place in the mountains living in peace and an quiet with ith plenty surrounding us we ve can have little conception of the sorrow sorrows he be tears the thee groans the miseries and heartaches heart beart aches that follow in the train of such hadgu sanguinary inary c as we daily read of n nor or nee need d we wish to know more than to listen to the rental of one in a thou thousand bani sani that comes to our knowledge whilst the earth is filling with broils and confusion we have reason to be thankful to the great dispenser of all good thins things that we have been gathered out and are far removed from those seen a of turmoil and distress and when I 1 think f the troubles and sorrows borrows sor bor rois rots rols this people have passed through for 0 opinions pinions ake s ke I 1 can appreciate the be scripture which says if it the tire righteous are scat cely saved where will th t h wicked ad a d ungodly url uri godly ap appear peary peart As I 1 am a pt poor preacher I 1 may as well drop this prolific subject leaving the I 1 solution and secel of these thesa pon pond erous events I 1 to the great future and speak of such matters and things as especially interest us its as a com after the a adoption dop lon ion of both tit lit theory eory a and nd pra practice c of well doing and aa apt earnest desire to do that which is right and live in strict accor 1 dance with the principles we profess contentment is the great keyword key word to happiness adding to these a r reasonable ea amount of the of life a good man or woman has j abundant reason for thankfulness for aa as the i poet has it he wap wan want wani but bat rit lit in im hete bre brow biow blow b low row nor nur want ehat thai little long yet in the way of adding to our small store ef of comforts much depends upon DOMESTIC ECONOMY in the management of the affairs of every day life and though much has be n said and written upon this fie subject much more may profitably be said as very few understand the term and I 1 propose drop dropping pinza a tew few hints upon itkis this subject that may not riot be unprofitable 1 I I 1 do not consider it a matter of economy for a far farmer merto to toil all ail bummer summer to make a crop for tor which he be has neither harns hanis cribs or granaries in which securely to preserve ve his bis crop but t first let barns granaries et etc b be e nr ir oride ovide and then what may be browni grown ma mav may a v te be saved and prove a baesel bleating n it properly used ubea it is no mark of or economy for a housewife to banter a merchant or out of a few dimes to furnish an elome or big didner dimner di diner riner but that virtue shows it its brilliancy in making an excellent pudding 0 of fifteen cents worth of material it is no mark of economy fora for a man to accumulate flocks and arid herds to perish unsheltered 1 and unfed in lit the wintry storm but the qa quality and condition of the stock he produces prove pro e i whether he understands and practices economy I 1 the trie number of patches upon a garment g never proves the economy of the feminine head of a famili family we look more at the neat neati ness order and anti fitness of a repair to judge of the the economy of the wonna women itneyer it never proves roves the economy of a fam ly to notice the boube bouse and its inmates well supplied sup Rup plied piled and provided with comforts I 1 first scan the premises prem pret Wises iBes to learn what portion of these blessings have been produced b by y the indus ry and en agy of the family and j judge accordingly it does not show economy econome in parents to keep their children out of sch school ool to save gave expense for the dissolute and idl babits habits thus thug engen eagen dered will never be outgrown our grown i in makino mailing a big lot of 4 ork s it shows a lack ot of eco economy nomy to keep a deibig big lot ot b hait halt f starved hogs bogs keep what your kitchen and d 1 dairy slops bran and nd vegetables vill vt ill iii r ren ea well keep all in a constantly w well weil ell eil fi filled ed cask or vat to mix and ferment through the summer then for fat fattening telling alwa always ha hae e grain ground or chopped and ei either elther alls er ferment or cook before feeding it is no mark of economy to keep a flock of half fed fowls to eat your garden stuffs up lip but keep what you can teed feed well and arid you will have both your garden and plenty or of eggs it jt is not economical to keep a large flock of diseased sheep that will lose both lambs and fleece through the winter keep a few well provide dry sheds and vegetables for the winter plenty of rock in a clean corral and an I 1 give them always plenty of salt alid and a little little sulphur and you will have a good increase increase in creaso heavy healt fleeces and show ebow your economy never spoil a ship for want ofa ora of a little tar 2 what ig is worth doing is worth doine doing well veil in this consists t true rue economy if it a failner farmer farmen till double the amoust am loutit of ground he can c in do well he loses much labor and has less crop than one half the land would have produced Domestic economy does not consist in p anch ing oneself for fear of want or to jay u up ifor fori the faure but to t use the blessings received in i moderation adopting the indian chiefs chievs ru rule ruie le I 1 if you have plenty eave all it will be I 1 wanted if you are short save all and you will have enough P you will b be e excusable for feeling an honest pride in prod producing cin from the elements around you as f far ar as possible everything necessary for riot not only n ly your feces 1 cities but for your comfort an and d convenience I 1 do use your own head bead and use your own head bead and something hands aeils male mate yourself useful to your neighbors and that the world of mankind mankin dp remembering ever eier ever cille necho who kho ty by the flow r low dovd I 1 M unit mst mit elther either hold hoid blin hlin seit seif or drive dri e it yon you area man a woman or a raint saint how how bow it by your actio accio actions make maker yourselves independent Inde neti peti J 1 I JS i ff |