Show f THRILLING LING ADVENTURE THE PIONEERS LAST SHOT we ve question on he her in all the history of bair sair air breadth escapa es cappa capra O a parallel to the fol rot lowing can easily DC ne found the story was by an old and valued friend now re 0 the country nedr near this city and wh se early staily dabs dam were spent near the scene of the tragic adventure here liere re coned led jed we ave give the story as related to us in the words of our hero abou the year 1765 that I 1 settled jn in VIF virginia near the falis of the Ca camasho Cana nasho sno suo thi the country ai aai that time was an unbroken but bit few settlements tad iad been made thed then by the whites and they were so far fai apart as to render vain vault all hope of assistance in its case of at ais attack from froin hostile indians nuin numbers bers of baom still infested the neighborhood bo 1 I med wed here alone with my wife for several unmolested and Is dint of untiring perseverance bem being then young and hardy flad had buc BUG ceded in making quite a large clearing in it the forest rarest w ieli leli I 1 had planted with corn corfi and which promised an abundant yield IR ne atler ailer we had 0 air orr ur humble bumble meal and I 1 had just prepared to venture forth upon my regular routine of labor vj noy toy atten attention tiou tion was a rested by the thi tinkling klink of a aimi cow beil belt in the corn fild fi ld id there said my ui y wife the the cow is in the corn fiala 1 but the ear of the backwoodsman becomes by liy eda education cation catlon very acute especially so aiom the fact thal that his hia safety oft n depends on the dlce cice cultivation of tuat that sense I 1 was wag not easily deceived listened the sound was repeated pita ted that y sald taid 1 I in reply to the of my wife aas was as not the tinkle of a bell upon the neck of a cow it is a decoy horn flom some indian who desires to draw me into ambush believing this to be the ca cae e I 1 took down my cay musket 1 I had no oddi odd i and seeing that it was property properly loaded I 1 stole around the field toward the point from which the sound bound seemed to proceed AsI As I 1 barlau bad had pec the e in a cluster of bushes crouched croue ned an indian waiting for me to appear in answer to his decoy bell that be he might send the fatal bullet to my heart 1 approached approached without discovering myself to him in until within shooting distance tuen iaiser iny my piece ilia lite c e and fired the bullet sped true to its Us mark and the indian fell dead dedd not knowing but that he might be accompanied by oth rs I 1 returned with all speed to iny cabin and haing having firmly barricaded barricades barrica ded the door I 1 watched ail all day from tho uhe port hae h ile rie in i of an attack from the companions bethe 0 the indian I 1 hat has ha f killed to add to danger and arid seeming hopelessness of my situation I 1 dincov red that I 1 had fiad but one charge of powder lett left I 1 make but one shot and ard then if it attacked by num bum numbers berti berts I 1 should be entirely in the r power determined to do the best beat baat waat I 1 had I 1 poured in my last ca charge of powder and put into my musket fifteen slugs and arid then waited for the approach of night feeling confident of an attack night came on at itu lauth th A beautiful moonlight night it was mas as too and this favored me greatly as I 1 would be able to observe the movement increment of the enemy aa as they approached my iny cabin it was two hours after nightfall and as a yet I 1 had bad neither seen or heard beard a sign of the indi ns no wuen suddenly I 1 was startled by the barking of my dog at the stable I 1 L krew knew rew new that the indians were comin coming b the stable stood a lit ie le to the west of the tile cabin and between the two was a patch of clear ground upon wh ch the thit light liht or the full moon tell fell unobstructed judging from the noise roise at the stable that thy y aou d advance from direction I 1 posted myself at the port hole liole on that side of the cabin I 1 had previously placed my wife upon the clogs cloia pele pole in the cuir liney tiney so that in case our effected ao a eutran e to the cabin she inight flight climb out through ibe the low chimney and her escape for myself I 1 determined rot to be taken alive all ali re and end le ie solved to sell my elife ilife life dearly 1 with breathless brea thess thesa anxiety I 1 watched at the eort port bole at length I 1 saw them emerge emerge from the shadow of the stable seable and advance a the vacant groua i toward ahe cabin one I 1 jao jwo wo three great he heavens avenal six stalwart in ill tana tang armed lo 10 the tee tte 0 and urged on by the thi hope of revenge revenue arid aha I 1 alone to oppose f tt ts tm 4 wi it but one oie charge of powder my aly cage was waa despe deepe desperate indeed ai wi h quick but step in close binge singe fie fi gie e they ap a ej and were already within a few bundred dundred yarda of or the bouse house when a alight slight change or divergence 11 in the movement of the forward india fndia changed tiie the posit on of the entire endre ai six siv so iliac lal jat a coition of the left side 0 or edib edeh elih was waa u covered in range firm arm aim ouid would cover all quick aa as thought I 1 aimed almed aio aitt f gired fired As the smoke cleared away I 1 could hadly ha adly cro credit dit what my sensa showed me roc as the result f my hot the fifteen sings with hith which I 1 had loaded my iny musket had a done their work well five of the indiana indian S lay dead upon the ground and the sixth had bad disappeared although no enemy w 9 now in sight I 1 did not riot vent ere ire forth unni until mornin morning there the bodies of the five indians undisturbed together with the rifer rida of the other S curing the aona anna and am sin uni ion lon on of the fallen in daan dilna s1 sa I 1 followed up lip the trail of the missing 1 odie ofie shtil tt it rea red reached chell cheil the ri aler beyond which I 1 could ch scover no tr traces ac es whatever drom prom prom thi amount of blood which marked the trall trail together th ith the unmistakable evidence imai iwai that he had picked hn way w th difficulty I 1 to beleve had bad beair mortally S wound wounded fd dand and in order to prevent I 1 hib his is oda body from falling failing into the bards bands or of his white f foe had groped his hia waymothe way to the niver river and thrown himself into the current which had borle him away the indians had killed my cow and that you yon may be assured was no trifling lose loaa yet in my gratitude tor for my escape from the merciless savages I 1 would have been entirely willing in to have made much greater sa orifices I 1 was well tro provi iro viled led by y means of arins arms and I 1 ammunition taken from the slain blain indian indians in case of a second attack atta cia clr but this thia proved to 10 be my last I 1 adventure with tiie tile savages not one of the band llad escaped 0 t te I 1 the tee tai tag tae and incite his bis bret brethren brin hrin to rev tige uge the death f their comrades 1 I t J atil aill exclaimed the old man while the tears gushed from his eyes at the memory of that eventful even eveh trul night that was a glorious shot the best I 1 ever made the hero of this adventure lived to see the rude wilderness i here he had pitched hh bli lonely cabin transformed into smili s g fields and peopled by ha dy and enterprising 11 pale paie I 1 fate f ces cea among whom his last days were passed in peace and plenty undisturbed by his bis old time foes |