Show SECESSION MOVEMENTS IN NEVADA TERRITORY the inhabitants of the territory cf Nevada notwithstanding C so much has been said there abo about it reve revering r in the old flag hag and the conati aution it deems are not all loyal lovaland loy aland and it is said that about one third of the beope in humboldt county are open sympathizers with southern se ceders A few weeks since bince ethe the inmates of a large tent at unionville Uni onville the county seat f humboldt Humbo lilt are reported to have painted on its side a representation of the dla dna flag flay of the confederate states with jeff davis name in large letters in its centre Abo above the fda fla dlag flag wag wai painted a gun gud and below hurrah for jeff daviet davist perdition to h hs s on the opposite stae aae bae sae ot of uhe the len ten lent tent was pa uaea haea I 1 a cannon moun ed on its carria a large larg e cheap of balls near and the inscription thia abia tur fur the enemies of the confederate causel the bold display tuut made maae by the disloyal band who occupied the pavilion produced considerable excitement in the town an d some intimations were given hat that bat the obnoxious 1 pavilion with its ingerl eions ought to be I 1 abated whereupon tha iha rebellious limners gimners I 1 threatened to shoot the first man who attempted 4 to remove their flag or deface their feces filon slon piet pictures utes in this critical emergency the she sheriff of the count county y wab was v as sent for who seconded and aided by the citizens not cf the open sympathizing class abated all that was wag offensive to 0 the i eyes of the anti antl but no violence is lr reported to have been offered ered to those ho thad had taken that method of showing their political ii predilections neither did they put their threats to shoot into execution subsequent to the disloyal demon raulon tation at as a company of thir abir i ty five men armed to he tho teeth with sharps 1 rides rifles revolvers and knives and well mounted left that vicinity for the east supposed for the purpose of aidin aldin aiding alding a in the rebellion in missouri alasso ri they were very saucy it is said boli bold and abid impudent before their exodus and it lis ils is believed they will be heard from before I 1 athey reach the f on tiers tiera and that the telegraph 1 wires may not be h considered safe should they pass down alon aion along 7 the line on cri their way to join their friends frienda on the Atlan atlantic tib tit slope alope A gentleman who had bad made tha th tour ot of th the humboldt mines on his return to carson a short time bince since Is reported to have stated stat about one third of the people in that region are sympathizers with the confederates and should the federal arms meet meet wih wib any serious reverses fully one half of the inhabitants of Ilum lium humboldt boldt county would jubilantly jubil anty ants throw up their hats hala and hurrah for jeff davis if the report be true of which we have no doubt teso tUSO commandant 11 17 11 of the department of utah lose no time in stationing a foit port portion tion of in that vicinity to keep the se secede ceders nin in subjection the tel tei terril hil ril oi ortal vaten fatEn en erp rise of the uit uli in speaking of tik ilk til fil secession mover movements rients in nevada territory 8 a aa I 1 W thin the past tid weeks some secessionists have bae lett left gold hill for ane 11 countr country Yi or for bode sone rallying point bey hey belond on where they will perhaps joun join oa the party varty whick left the humbold bun bul a 4 shor abor t time abma e s nce nee the rendezvous Is eup supposed posed to be a small valley seme same somewhere where about the head 0 of f th t the e humboldt besides those that have lef gold hill others othera are said to have gone or are about to leave from carson and other towns in the territory those who left gold hill were all well armed and mounted they boua boug bought lit their arms aims in gold hill ifill also their provisions which were stored in a stable in that town the captain of this guerrilla party is a man roan na med meo davis davig from aurora Est Eainer neralda aldr aldi formerly from california it would b well for col connor who is now on the overland route pretty well on towards ruby valley to keep an eye open for this party from the statements thus thug made it is q quite 11 ite apparent that the elements of secession exist throughout hout nevada to a great extent and that the late order of col connor has had but little tendency to kep keer ker it hid bid from public view the emigrating movements move mints of the sympathizers thi which have been and are being made may moat probably have been induced by the suggestion that the se ceders cederg would d do 3 well to seek some more congenial soil f for or the exhibition of their sentiments and the inculcation cul cI cation of their political creedia cre edif they wished to escape the punishment that would be meted out to them for treasonable disclosures those who have started for the states will probably pro baby give col connors command a wide berth unless they intend to t make him some trouble as they pass along which is not imp improbable ro bable babie |