Show miscellaneous EASTERN ITEMS A arrests arrests tor for treasonable sayin barin sayings 7 s and doings real or imp pied pled led are reported to have beed been made in numerous instance of af late in nearly every state north ind the Pott iwic as well ell eil as in places south oi of those rivers rivera occupied by federal troops since the pro gation gatlon of the presidents order for 0 the army by drat drafting tin g three hundred undred Ti thousand thoda thona and aDd men many ot those who were opposed to tha the arran arrangement ement ard and also to the thea measures lna ina titu ted to encourage ing C have given glyen too free utterance to their sentiments under the mistaken notion that freedom of speech was guaranteed to alem by the constitution unconditionally notwithstanding the contrary has been so unini staka bir bly made to appear since tte t e notion has been involved in an internecine war A lare iare lar large c p ruenta 6 of the number who have within the last month ironsh bren been d in forts and oher places for tor beings traitorously inclined have been editors edi eai tArs and proprietors af newspapers papers who have been accused of or endangering the safety batet of the free institutions of the country by their offensive publications at the late sebson session of the JH district strict court of the united states at indianapolis Indiana it Is eba il the grand jury iury indicted sixty individuals for it frenses senses against the government sixteen of which accusations were for treason eighteen for conspiracy to take and possess property of he be united states and thirteen for conspiracy to deleat defeat the operations of the law there were two hundred witnesses examined and amon among the discoveries made by the grand inquest was a hotbed hot bed of treason exi exl existing stin in the form of a secret association there are probably a hundred such tiong tiong or associations in the he hoosier slates states stance I 1 I 1 which nii nil niilo lt have havi been Ais als discovered covered if proper j bearch search had hal been made A at t the recent election I 1 in K X er T rj y person wishing to vote lote had bad to take lb the e oath prescribed by the provost blai Alai marshal shai before hi hs could expertise that privilege capt wem weis wen and Judge C bagby of ashland Aa bland refused lotaki fo tak the oath and consequently their votes were not received rece ivd d they I 1 hey hay immediately instituted suit for damages P of the election which was c uusi ered a c for militar military ani and and their arrest bythe bytho by the marshal eoon followed they were as reported sent cent to gen boyle for trial and it was ex expected that they thep would bould learn a lesson of 0 obedience before they would again enjoy perfect freedom about one hu hundred adred citizens of kentucky who bad been arrested during the months of may june and july luly and taken to camp chase in ohio where they were confined mad made c complaint cipal 11 it to the governor of kentuck kentucky Y before the recent meeting of the legislature that they had bad been illegally arr rested and were deprived of their li birty without dus due du cou course nse of law la that they had not rot violated auy any law of the state or of the united states that no trial known to the laws lana ol 01 their commma country had ben extended efte ded to them and none as in prospective and aud asking the govenor gove nor to lay their case before lefore the lew lee legislature that spee speedy dy action in their behalf might be taken and ancl me tle so s of Ken kentucky ml ht not be per pey in to lay and rot in prison in violation of cie the laws of god and of man the peti toners boners t boners were still in confinement at camp camo chase nevert nevertheless beless Leless at latest date dates s with no prospect of relief being extended exten ded Aed to them fope FIRE IN THE thirteenth wajid walid we regret egret to learn that the laboratory of cf mr P r A H F ft mitchell was empe c mp e ely destroy destroyed id by fide fire ohi on alandar night t mr al had been engaged 21 during 11 the day in his laboratory aril aid ai ard d had bad extinguish extinguished ea all fire by five wha caused the fire between ten and eleve elere n is asyet yet jet a mystery ms tery we regret the heavy loss this must be to mr milchel Mil mii ceel cKel for bis his il ting labors and experiments in developing the resources of the territory in his particular branches of study deserved a better reward ile he is mane mafe male made a of the bulee stuff that will vui rally again and we feel assured that the community will hail his ht future alture success with pleasure sid sin AccI accident dent DEXT two little bo bos bob s chas chaa K H parker Parke raged aged eleven years and ed balser baiser Ba leer aged eight years were both dro drowned nea ned on mon MOE day afternoon in a slough slouch a short distance dist anga auca above where it empties into the jordan at the foot of jordan street we have not heard beard of the bodies using being recovered it was a sad bad acci accident deuL |