Show INDIANS SOMEWHAT troublesome the indians in and about cache valley are ate represented as being inclined of 0 late to be saucy sancy and belligerent in their di deportment and ibave have hava committed some dorreda tiong and threaten to da do more they are reported to be unusually fond of beef which it they cannot get in one way they will taie tahe take in another rumor says they shot at a herdsman a few days since ethe the bill passing through his ilat hat they also as heretofore require from the inhabitants heavy contributions ot of flour if it is hoped that the people will have pa tience and wisdom enough to get along with the troublesome erea erca creatures tures gibout wi hoiet inciting them to war and deeds of blood which they would no doubt resort to upon a very trivial provocation the indiala in thoele tooele county have havi also been reported hostile and rebellious of du late but mr huntington indian inter interpret interpreter ei who hab hag has been over to inquire into the state ot of indian affairs there reported OB oa big bis return yesterday that the reports concerning their operations had been greatly exaggerated and that there is no danger to be apprehended from the natives in that quarter ARRIVAL IN THE CITY col COI P E conner connera command commanding ln X the california volunteers arrived arx in the city yesterday afternoon nie fie the volunteers remain at ruby valley till the colonels return when the they y will alta alti rial j s advance to the place piar e that wl will I 1 I 1 be selected T aa as a military post ab the e colonel took a stroll about town and looked arou abou edwith an air of familiarity familiari ty that indicated that after all salt like city was Bom something ethIng ot of ft vi place and not be ltv it i desert surroundings edt several Inre interesting ting articles have 44 c pc necessity essit ty been deterred for 01 abt 94 Q wre |