Show COL CONNORS COMMAND the Sil sli sliver silver verdge urge of the ad states upon th authority of capt rowe that his company and that of capt McLean left fort churchill on monday mondays the for salt lake major mcdermott with one company of 0 infantry antly has been left in charge of the fort seven companies ot of infantry and four of cavalry have come forward which with two companies yet in california will constitute col connors connora command some inquiries have been made by bk men who who seemed to be a little interested in the matter wishing perhaps to make something in the way of 0 speculation as some did when bu chanani cha nans army came here as to where col connors Connor 3 command will be located on its ita arrival near this city but if any one knowd knows I 1 we do not it was announced in a western paper a few weeks since that it wab was probable the cavalry companies would proceed on east as t since then it has been announced that ewas understood that capt mclean couil with his bis company report himself at salt like and the balance of the command mirand co or moat most 0 it would be stationed in ruby valley vailey which may be so and may not the esy gee announced that capt rowe would leave carson shortly after the ad and come through by stage from him on bib bis arrival those gel wel in ei ested in the location of the troops in the department part ment of utah may perchance obtain the sought for information col connor is also expected herein here in a few adv adae nce 1 of bis command since penning the above the colonel has arrived |