Show REMARKS by jay TM II 11 wells WV alv nacle uncle smithy mori morl may slay 4 ls tf BY J r V LONG XONG artt wa 11 fo if I 1 prati gratified fil aed brethren n and al bisters slaters at the r testimony tes emony which ive have heard this morning jarom our br I 1 brethren ethlen who have been c called fied fled to go upon missions I 1 realize for one that it is an tt able privilege which the saints ajoy inesM t conw e together uner er such favorable circum stances ib ances as we do here to strengthen each other to give dive our testimony to the truth of khow ochse these brethren have been called to go upon mis missions lions and arid it is a high and honor igle able calling to go forth as ambassadors of salvati ori and they will be blessed in thia this i allina calling alli nm it i they will ke keep leep e p themselves pure and spotless before the lord L 0 f d they will go in peace and return in safety this blessing is forthome for those who go and have to mingle among tle the the wicked nations f the erth erth while ab bent sent from lome they are encircled with the prayers of the ibe faithful saints and they are en shrouded with a mantle ro 0 o long as the pres preserve themselves pure and holy we nye seal these blessings upon them whenever he they go forth upon this great mission I 1 say I 1 feel feet to re rejoice oice that we have the all ali ability lity me tte power 2 and d authority to send forth these messengers of salvation to thosa those that sit in darkness and in fhi the shadow of death and I 1 hepe and tru t and andt know that these brethren will lil ill be the weins means of accomplishing a good work upon the eaith and of esta lishin lis ils hini I 1 those arn c pies which lead to life and ant salvation in the kingdom of god they will gather the people together ge therin in these valleys for the saints have no foi for the fellowship of the worl t some balber tip up here it is true tor oher other objects J h an he the worship of god but they are not the hahl bihl aft h kind there are those brethren and anil W a iera itra who mho come here tor for the love of righteousness dou iou h ness and they are the majority anek ana sll vil will sil doubtless remain in the majority for this thia dom will never be thrown down nor given I 1 toj another people there are those who come h wi wt h tal U e leaven ot of unrighteousness having given way to the tempter until they 1 goft gota it plant d in their own bosoms they do not feel satisfied when they get here berey for they have not purged out sufficient cien of this leaven of they soon seem to prefer an a i othe othia rUnd edlind of society they feel uneasy uni ss as they can berbere be where wickedness abounds where irei hf ecret secret they can allow wallow a in the wickedness cf of the world I 1 am glad for one that they hae bave to go somewhere else to gratify their 11 selfish propensities they want to go gg to the eastern nations where they can wallow in the filth of the wicked I 1 am glad that they have to go away if it they car chot clot cap not lot be satisfied with the pure principles of f the gospel and eldoy tt emge emse ives in the fr fresh esh air of these mountains here we lave peace lydd ed enjoy happiness and so can all the right ra we have co tenement tent ment and take lit pleading lil nt al n and solid comfort t in real enjoyment for we are are placed us ill on a platform where we et baliga hail ball go fot fo 11 i conque ing ang and to conquer a and nd b here bere ere we can hoist the banner of righteousness kd all ali can ashield bs shield hield d and protected beneath ta folds we can labor to redeem tue lue eana nd ind cause it to brinn brinl brin forth from its ele hents and d draw 0 om m those things needful for tor ju r own comfort and we can thus be diliver 1 e from the power of the y sour pour ur brethren breth rn and sisters have been shame bhame auy oppressed in their native cou con tries they I 1 ave lived where their fathers I 1 lefor afore them ethem I 1 ved and so long iong as they continue in this ivay y they are not cot and will not be able to gain ne iota nor to advance adv ince in the scale of intel ance they have not taken one step to im byre pyre irate themselves or their children temporally liy fly they are arc bound as it were band hand in those old countries but when e goes forth and they receive it in gool anen anin antL honest hearts these fetters are broken olf off ani and ana they are then paced placed upon a platform upon noach winch hey can improve in lct tv theris there is then nothing to prevent them hem im prooro T I 1 and exalting themselves them gives kives and gaining demse hemse ivea an influence in inthe the midst of ye 0 c they can gat gather gatherum herup up to zion r tip hey e y can gain a temporal su support port and IQ inanc de time independent and happy f the ibe pursuits pul pui suits of truth and virtue 14 ts 14 is one great preat blessing which the gospel to many poor persons in foreign counas gub aa wc ln in our obrown own land 1 hwel hwei ewel e wel bre hren bren we have great cause to re jaein jc con ein thebe there things and in all the blessings flow from rom the gospel of salvation we ave a pleasant agreeable country we enjoy m we hace hare communication wilh with the ibe flie klie through that medium intelligence inteLI gence the rminda minds of the children of T men we have bave fia he authority of the holy priesthood 4 which has been conferred upon the children of men from our father and gol GO L how it loomes Lc omes Us then to appreciate thebe these bleg bieg blessings singal f ai ave ye no time fer carelessness but every evry erry bauyan in d moment should bi be e to lorro torro r y f W mote the inter st at of our Father fathers 3 kin kih kingdom u upon pon the earth to preserve the keys and power which the fhe almighty has coner conferred red ted upon 11 p 0 n us pure and holy before him to preserve ourselves ant our influence lefore high heaven and then all will be well with us it is a new erl erk er in which we arg are ar living and it is a new light that has hag dawned upon this thia people and power and influence is increasing and will continue to increase amon among the people of god continua continually ll for this is their destiny and anti although they may not understand t the 0 growing influx nce nee arid and power of this mighty woric wonc in which we are engaged still they are flow ng rig in a steady stream unto this what is 13 there for this people to accomplish com and perform it is their business to preserve this priesthood untarnished hab that hat wisdom may flow unto them through its holy influence that they may know ll 11 how to wield the power there f for the best beat gool good of the kingdom of god it becomes us well to un dentandt this fins that we may not unwisely wield I 1 the power that is and that will ere long be put into our hands this is what hat the w icken nations have hava done with their power but it will noldo not 0 o for us no for if we were to use it in this way all the authority and power ever given would be taken away from naj nap us as it is now being taken from them but it we are faithful power and influence will vi ill lii continue to flow unto us until the ki gadoms of his world shall become the kingdoms of our god i and of his christ then let us step forth to do good and whenever we have the th opportune it ibi iti let us assist in the great work which lies before us anu anti let us labor to preserve this power upon the tre earth that there may be an ensign to the nations and an emblem of righteousness to all people it is the inestimable privilege of this it if they will receive a d honor it to establish the ibe principles of righted and truth and to establish that tat king kingdom doul which shall stand f r eer ever een and ever it is our pr ivie lege e to ab b come picara pillar in thay tha kingdom f b bring ig it fo forth or tu bonor honor and sustain it etisa it is a te temporal l work rork i everything is requisite fon for the k kingdom 1 of go god thatis that is needed foran for fon any other kingdom except wickedness we want to build up cities and to cultivate and beautify the ear b and mike mke the place of the lordi feet glorious every excel ence power potter and add blessing bleating belongs to the santa saints of the alost moat high god if it they will prove themselves I 1 worthy to receive them we have means I 1 to perform borei forein n Ms ons to save the people we have also in means ans at home to bring forth the grain to build up cities and anti temples and to go forth upon the light tight and upon the left to protect the right I 1 and to developed dev elope the resources of the land into which the L rd has brought us to shield ourselves from the wicked frid and ungodly and thwart them in all I 1 things hing all these things have bave lave to be doe do e we I 1 bave have lave lage all in seiona anions to perform s me one kind I 1 and gouie some another we have now before us a tem tern oral orai work in building the temple and in order oner to do this we have to make the state road passable for teams and to ao flo thila thi it is necessary to raise it t in all ali all ali th tho low places to open the ditches ai aid d allow the water ater to run orri off thi this 18 is a tem temporal doral woi wol work that must be to aay day by day lay it t ia Is completed the stone cuta are ly lying in c idle for lor want of stone we do not want the th e ro road ad lost now no after so much laor lae bor has been bestowed upon it there are a great many rumors afloat about the he expeditions that have baie gone one out from I 1 er en and I 1 want to say that th eyare not wor hy by ot your credit and I 1 want to say that it is all right with regard to those expeditions going forth and all will A ill lii result for the benefit of this people the deop e of this kindom are minute men or shoud be and they should be prepared to go as circumstances shall direct and in this way tway we prove ourselves before god that we are read ready to do his will and to do his bis biddi mr tb the e y q n was made by the proper autho authority Ity at washington Vas hington and was readily respond ed to as has always been the case when a call has been made through the proper channel and the compliance with this call will result in god our brethren wilt till i perform their duties ard do honor to their Co lantry santry coti it ia Is our country we re citizens olne olae Amp american rican government and WP we have a act for the preservation of its institutions and we have always done it wb whenever enever calle ampon Appon and we have shown ourselves leady td 10 reamond to our duty as 28 good citizens no matter mattir what usa usage e we have received it in return proves a weapon in the hands bands of this people for their d atense dt tense ense let us feel contented 0 t respond to every call that comps comes from ohp th pr 0 r source let us do it with full faith and cail edli aa belibei ing that it is right if there are urie urle among us who want to go to the world wo rid let etim go till they hey ret their fill and we would lather they would do this than stay here and contaminate the saints of the most high 1 1 let our bre hren iiren wb dare going on missions keep heep t hemB hems elves ete ate arid and frum from the world brid we knut kant we can per form a mission in i the world and mingle with them asfar as far as shall be necessary without partaking of their wi kenness our missionaries are obliged to mingle with them more or less and in fact fact we are a I 1 in the world but it does not prove that the saints are obliged to mingle min le with the he wicked and carry the wicked in their bosoms but they can keep themselves upon the platform of vitue and cleave rose roam unto the lord our brother who was caking s in his remarks co deved the idea that be he had bad a greater creater degree or of the gifts ot of the spirit and happiness the oin cin before he be came here than he has ow this is a mistake in my opinion for the power of god is manifest more wrongly wron bron gly ly by contrast in the world even as light shins abines in darkness here are the ordinances ot of the church administered cont dually an I 1 the healing power is not noticed here as much as in the world if there is one cabe cage of te dealing tealing aling in the world it is a marvel whereas here it is so common an occurrence that a case of healing bealing I 1 ia less noticed or thought about the spirit of light penetrates into the world where the darkness is ench each that it may be felt but bu here it is ia swallowed swai owed up in the be greater light this deop e are ate gaining influence and power with the heavens and ani they are enjoying more of the blessings of the heavens than are enjoyed anywhere else upon the earth I 1 know n clouds spread over the wicked nations this people cepl re ftp it even as the telegraphic wire is affected by approach 9 storms when a cloud looms up over the people in the valleys it is felt to the utmost extremity of cf the earth the elders have borne this testimony 1 time and aaen acal 1 they have frequently w when hen any great movement mavero ent has been about to be made against us known the designs of the enemies of this people a knowledge of what they purposed doing has come as by a shock of electricity and thus thua by the inspiration of the good boil spirit they hare bare knon kno n uhe the intentions ot of those that concoct in ecret secret against the tha th welfare of the people of god and by the same spirit ef c on have ibo the elders abr abroad ad known of any great and important movement at home bome through this B me influence at home here in zion has h as the president seep seen and known even as he has understood a book that was open before him what were the intentions of our enemies and be has often told us their mot mo t secret bombin at attona long lons and device devices the very extent of their hearts has been revealed to him and at the same time their power of accomplishing g what they have designed has haa been bhonn sho to him lim and to what extent they aoud carry out their heir plais plats lie ile has alway always seemed to b be e borew arned to enable him I 1 suppose to take measures to thwart their unholy plans and wicked devices and have they not been thwarted you yourselves are witnesses of thesa these things and as this people improve and learn earn to p deserve themselves pure before the heavens leavens so will the gifts gilts ant and graces of the kinn king kingdom dom be multiplied unto them and as hey they net ret wisdom to operate for the benefit of the king kingdom dom and for their own b brier bri bil nefi cr BO go fast xi ill they obtain the power to carry out their righteous intention intentions we ote should not seek to flave power a y faster easter than we can use it for or good lyell well br ehren I 1 bear my test testimony in ad elltion to lo the he testimony which has ba been borne here bere lere iere today to day of joseph joaeph smith and of brighta brinham young that I 1 kenw them to bf bp good cooj men chosen of the lord to perform a great work in hi the I 1 last ast days I 1 also bear my testimony to the truth t of the gospel which wh i ch we have embraced I 1 know it ia is of god and it will lead those t that ii af are faithful into his presence and that they will ultimately triumph over all enemies and reign upon the earth I 1 know it will exalt all who are humble an aoi I 1 faithful unto the end of their probation I 1 pray god to preserve you and me and help belp us to be useful in our day and 11 generation and that we ire may make it our business bu sineas to seek to build up ill lii his ki kingdom dom and maintain that power which the A aim alm I 1 ili iii clity is establishing esta bishing upon the earth let us I 1 bor to lift aloft the banner of pace peace and ruth and anti walk worthily |