Show THE TITE LIVE YANKEE patriots philosophers eis els philanthropists and scio lars have been children among the granite gorges cornea of this nea nev En england giand gland and wherever truth and honor are battling the sons of puritans wi wl I 1 be foud foid eager in the ibe fray but bat we aie ale at e erratic pardon us we aou woud d talk with you of humbler men indigenous plants that nature has scattered upon this sterile surface live yankees truly full of character bum ng 9 I 1 ditth with ente enie enterprise and ald curiosity we meet them lean e I 1 in person as a hunted i dog ond end with a parched countenance in feriance teri ance ready for sorrow or sadness of elastic eh co ii abic steps stepa thou atrul but not db ab bli sli abbed ed patient because cunning ever watchful fa sl at w to anger avoiding I 1 conflict but resolute ute at bay in di es alraya al waya precise and never neven r fop top foppish P c choosing oos mir m lil ir own fashions land and seldom c changing them their toilet tollet betrays them everow everywhere ere the they go the ease case of their language is 13 their desire to pleaseant plea seand their oily words foreshadow a profit they are all mechanics the he history ot mana necessities is the history of their much that a witly curious inevitably come comes from such tuch busy hands and brains the live has BO no home his big love of invention breeds a love of change and wherever a human rail shows itself we ke find him panting oil on the track ile he never pine pineil in foreign lands or grows sentiments senti menta h he beauty of a rier is its capacity for a stean boat its sloping banks checked into village lois lots and its classic waters might do the dr drudgery u pery gery of a cotton mill he looks ulon u on the t h de marble pyramid and guesses at its height ca the stone by the perch and sells bells the magnificent relic at a profit lie ile climbs the mountains ly by hosts and is struck at once with arith the pro nety F ty of a tunnel ile he sits beneath the sh I 1 ering vine and anti I 1 to the rafig sea bea looks upon the w warm arm irm promise of the grape seal seas at and d for gettin setting the holy memories of the land of or bong song son Ws h s fitful slumbers turn the be vintage into wine and make for him a happy bargain you shall find him in constantinople making up in grimace what he be lacks in langu ge while spreading a plaster with his tongue for thae the man of aia Ala mahomet homet go to the sandwich la Is lands or australia and listen to his argument ia in favor of republic republics go here where you lil mill ill from the north to the sultry south from itom irom from earths morning mornine to her night 11 and the iver lver everlasting jonathon jonathan yon you will find arguing or trad lup lug in his ills religion ia is practical be he mourns over the hewlen sand andis is ready to c rivert livert them by the job he ill loves liberty with an impetuous enthusiasm ent and f tilly believes b that his his country can whip the inthe the phlegmatic and i well weil bred englishman tal tai talks ks of roast beef and his bla ancestors J nattan natlan has a pumpkin pi pla pia and a grandfather to match them it the frenchman gros grows fanatic over a fricassee of frog quarters jonathan pull puli out a doughnut and a greening if it the dusky dinsky italian mentions the mad 9 b achin s of vesuvius jonathan is ready to q lench u R with the tello bellowing ing edg torrent of niagara in ibe the argument always spee epe rions lons this progressive gres sive phenomenon tramps the world with the skeleton oli of a patent right in his ibis carpetbag ag a and in liis ills ever open chair bau ban i a pleasant now 11 how are V ye if you would save your pride fr a being it not net in a dicker dicler aitho with jonathan a hali ball his is the true damascus cu bt t rapped P p ed upon the wand of for a olden eolden birdes hs salacity saL sac city is otten often shrewd nese and lih lils sweet complaisance is quit quite often the reflected halo balo of soine bod Is s shilling and arid by education honest he b is always penitent peni tend tenc for tiie elie deeds done in the tha body his ilia hospitalities ard ch char arties artles ties aro are ceremonial duties hi fit piety is 13 the verity severity so of a sabbath but hn his bias is the thirsting impulse of a creative genius chai cd ed to the more solid passion for lucre the live yankee is baat the eccentricity of a truly wonderful people the moral and arid physical impress of new england is stamped e upun the universe we owe olve her our national nationality ity and the w rid owea owes her admiration and ami respect church re C cord ord |