Show DRESSING W WITH iiii T TASTE A S T E FROM tire THE MIRROR OF or FASHION it is strange that with all he time amerian w men bestow upon the r dress go 0 o few know how to prepare a simple toilette with taste to be well dressed means with most to wear near rich material made up in gorge gorgeous oui style and with all the usual accessories or of lace and jewelry 0 to o add to the magnificence 1 of the general beneral effect never ws a greater mistake to be well dressed is only to have attire suited bulted to time place a d circumstances made in a becoming manner this attire may be a obil hilling linz calico or a rich sil sll blik silk kand and yet in either if it is adapted to the conditions we ave mentioned a woman may be said to be well dressed where the household duties have to be performed and the care cafe ca e of coldren caldren c ildren devolves partly upon the mistress of the house a neat print dress fitted gracefully grace giace fully to the fig figureid figu ure are reia rela reis is much better for mori morr morilia morning lim V wear than the faded I 1 reina remains ins of a more pretentious cost costume ume nothing in looks mo e forlorn than to see ee a would be lady pert part aming household offices oil ices of not the most moat refined character in an old torn or dirty silk dress or a soiled and draggled dragg led open wrapper I 1 one of the he secrets of dressing weil well is to dress appropriately another to be careful I 1 ot uhe the Ae takis laila the minutia ot of the toilette th aia rough personal cleanliness glossy well brushed hair bair n at shoes an i stock stockings lugs ar are arc fully ai ca es to a good per pers nal appearance as the material and fa fashion hion of the dress indeed a lady who la is particular in these mi lnor inor nor non mat ers can hardly ever be said to be ill f dressed As this delicate refinement will not only excuse faults but naturally show itself in the good taste which wil will guide her s se e action no matter malter how small the cost may be some persons have an extreme horror of bein being a 11 caught J as they call it in a morning dress IV why by they sh uld be so sensitive un on this point it is difficult to say if it it is clean and adapted to the work in which tuey they are en engaged aged there is no shame in wearing and above rill al it ought to be remembered that no attire is good enough for the whit chih h is not good enough for mere acquaintances wao who may choose to favor you with their society it is much better to be caught in a plain ning dress than to be caught very imich over dressed as some unlucky in dividu la are at a a small evening party in one cabe case there is real cause fr fur mortification in the other there is i on one e bl others mothers should carefully impress tub lub ebis this lesson 1 upon P their daughters mamy many a young ladal lady ha ilaa 1 lost t an eli ell eligible ible ibie match through the discovery that the gelle lelle belle beile of tiie tile evening was mas the slattern of the morning and that she paid more attention to the number of her flounces than the cleanliness of her person more care in un the brilliance of her beatt beati dress aress than the condition of her har civilizing INFLUENCE OF RAILWAYS IN INDIA the wild tribes of the deacan are cutting 11 ways for commerce through the hills bills instead of e easing travelers of their moneys and depriving them of their lives as they were wout wont to do thousands of men mn and wom wonna in who some ten years amo ago ago t vere were in lit the habit i of wearing 11 only a rag of clot ciot clothing hing bing are now covered with the produce of the tg of manchester they ca can n afford to live in huts hills instead of hovels and even their children are paid while being bein taught their first legs leis ns it in trained labor tuese are facts which b h ve taken place under our very eyes and within a few hours ride of poona for these last three years adamson addinson and land clowser have scarcely had bad fewer than people employed upon the railway woi wol ks which they are constructing deacan herald GRANITE A germa berwa german savant deian estan ff ian tan herr berich I 1 ft benas tue follow following ing on graniter grani tet I 1 granite ia is a symbolic substance it in common with ma inaba ba ia is the historic stone As among the lion flon ranks as kinn king kin bin being the isea ivea of noble qualities and py hyscal power pow eras as among plants the oak presents a pic diceo lareo nr and endurance of proud coil temp Y of storm torm and weamer weaker so branue represents all ail that is un P and inthe kin kingdom 9 dom of dead organic matter it is in atif mater lii iii sense a substance of |