Show general W F ANDERSON did MD BID ergeon V AND PHYSICIAN alil aut Reel dence jence wards ward waid two doors bovah of 0 factory 28 tt ta persons knowing themselves indebted fd to me for p vlas ulas vias lonal itt iti s riviere ii nr fir the lal lat la l two twos three and aud ud four years yearb are rully fully invited to settle their accounts ceo ceu cco tinn aj kind of produce tak n W P A LOST r 0 m s summit u n t cr crek creek ek iron ck county anty a ted and white F led 1 heckled r 3 Sec bec k kled t I 1 el fer FEU about 13 18 old 0 d I 1 it ta 3 oa ort right ab ulder silt slit and JUKI upper bit in vanal lobain lo lain iain thele theli t mch ach ans last lant been nemr thle llie Vi nethe nelbe the ahe herd heid wen pas pai patlue luv irv W 1 the ladd lata tat tit 1 I 1 to 0 hall hill gone with th lhnn ihma m ot of ler her ul UK be ly re I 1 1 4 eer cal tt d ti tz t Tn antjas P SMITH i iron county tf tra rnA yeb the th tire near lifar me the hot springs spring a yoke ero FRO r ul lim fim litie litle bac wac backed brand branit d A GUN and nd gi at pat kat i lert lit l it borr hori one harb barb n H on left hip hips the lytwa jha lh stol lu i be fare ead iad at ala als a aln tin klinl le e aul mul mui rd r d ta lor lov N branded A gim GUN ant ani na coir corr Af tWIT ster star on n toe moe TOB white while un on flank giad acda a while rigg mond mand the tall thil last latt an la in G S L cay cuy whoever n III lii deliver dellver fieni or give kive af their whee ibia ebi ibi 0 to 10 A sus xun GUN iun in n the khe ample temple block lil kill ill be rewarded rewired fr for their trouble ble 10 3 SM BLACK CLACK mare MAKE STRAYED dout BOUT ten teen day 9 e my unac ULAC dwarn jordn jordan A abour ABOUT from tue the wes wee t part parl rl 0 tile llie acty she had han ou lied ries hait halt eni tri with a roe alch attached on ou nigh jol J t L I 1 she sh lormil torm lorm rl ron roa ou 0 the range be n nith and garitty A laws laiu banyon kanyon aby aay pern who will wiil return der tier to me or give lnora wa udall of ler ber will villi and shail shall be gult sult obly elly J 0 LITT LITTLE NEW KEV tue tuf ha has matte mania arrangements tor for running a coach F for me the ot of the tha will mii s ht hd a ill to I 1 of past pars agers b tween salt silt laike laika c city ity all ogden lich wili will nar n ar SAIL hali lake like city each esch ch mond MUND kundit T as aid ald d ai at 7 aru arn aiu I 1 and nd arrive 1 I ilg lit leave ach each wech and anil S sad aad nr at tto rive at tsiu sir ii it iii tte tle eenink ening at 0 fw each yit fit DAY a coach will leave lve ive ler ter city lg g the ihu banus day lu in uhe ilie evula rare fare sik six cents cent per mlle mile tickets on tan t pa cha eil ih N MW ordice salt lake cly cl y at the tithing office oieta oleta anel ait lit or of the agents at bokr fantur bigton pus put Kir kiv mille wheat received la in hymmi ismal atul atut at ibo lir iier lier bahel buhel bu ba hei hel ali ilo am I 1 AS J xing KINO 4 CITY yot rOT POTTERY TERY rrell tub ul of the bow bov bo nt situated JL ico cpr W II 11 hoper hopet and nii nil known z or lr ealm eals old lore attire are rf dow now to furnish the ills public with ware ot ail all lic lio ile I 1 lip vip mooil od lead leads and provisions ions lons of 0 all kinds taken la in ex log log cartwright IL CO S NOTICE III lil Under sigred having heil tuk tiers torolf or tho tha hilute of NIXON deceased dc eased late of greit grett gre tt sall sll lao imo cly cily hereby etive notice to 11 all ll both debtors and nd that li it lo 10 1 our oar intention to cl se e dp up be ibe bhones hin lin mcg mcm of gad sad bed eed at the earliest date dite I 1 the hohe hote having uty uti settled bul but bui cf voist are ire to corn forward and ano no liquidate the tame time and nl tholo tho iho inbert to puy pur no at t an ear early lyday day itose bavine deman demun 8 ft ih ihl ohl R kint tiit litof cicur coure e present thern tor for or without bearg aked a secund fecund liidi jamrs jamws TOWNSEND C K M BitU HSK R t lof lor laytos MUSIC H L RAYMOND WOULD respectfully ynonne to the cl izen lien of salt lake who arc are diron W pr curlust hils hi as ysis Tits cherol ibe the H MO kobat or OR baij CAN ht that his hl rugg are re such as to of his uia bl a I 1 fw more iii ili ril rii ill terms cerms 16 for lour loar lecont iee lee gont ont one half la to ad canil vanci vanoi refer by 1 1011 to prot C 1 thomas thom and nl mr P D 0 calder caldey ordera orders ift loft I itt ft at the post office cox cdx 93 will receive prompt mano blano forte fortes and tuned and 10 WIIO WANTS WATS wars V vl IN SK E G galt GAll A 1171 F J P TASCOE pascoe kohan mortn zemple TEMPLE SP WARD G S L CITY cirt luford the people ol 01 D seret beret tbt he I 1 Is bin biu td conn cone citon cuon with the IN iltz LITZ ant ani sni nl collit w ORES a got cowl go l or r icie icle tit eit 1 vis VIN egar GAR Y drat frat a illy exe frolli lim lid f lu in alvor quilly quality and nj wholesale egale cgale or R tali tall nu emal tani py rudd it 0 ol 01 t 6 bolot lots lors etc tic tre Ire prepared pared by P F P white lenos left dry or in oil red lead p for ftera orri yellow ceilo abd and BI PA P A carr ocar ch rr putty etc tic and a good ngod of or white while detill tor for digit bear beur iniza ian lai leal lr sr belll t orders js tor lead pipe sheet etc attended to wanceil old oid I 1 ali ebl cal all any baly copperi zing ta d ll 11 lil tf NOTICE CAUTION irr tars bers herr berr byno my ity th hi pi alc b T during the monah f stat star iam U 86 tilty fobil na isaidor ed over tw giten ea by A J t B ewar imlig so aki filow fl low one on laet leet dated lael coni floyd rloyd I 1 23 11 IT 1660 for the I 1 urn funi of on which ahr tn enc 1 the other bearing bearl nf I 1 ts it labib liy ity r 31 IW the mm ot both urle tole to the order of f livingston liying LIVIng atom atou bell uell AL C ob 9 and ana by chont endorsed end tl to 10 sich xich l lasi last groesbeek groesbeck groer Graer beek a iol fol lowr PAT to cholas nicholas rii or LI ll ingston ini Ing talon sion wit co go sald said endorsement endo gemi geme il waa war urile made by ml clate alake and nd contrary so 0 o the express tsi press or 0 the said raid iiii iril groesbeck and ana ba the which was that sata f ment should be duade rus rui dewith with the edition of 6 w hout bout decour a oo 00 in us and 9 4 lG groesbeck bat ba ha t cliine edged hino bino ino ina the gid mid id endorsement wun win 4 md mad but who no now refuses rafn ren reu to have hare be the saine paine corra as 83 pen per bart siad agreement thia thi Is 1 th iti lo 10 lin win all peni perm ons ous against redi redl wins wing sigid aad mid noil noli irom caid cald elih with ehe the he view or anderst D thi ibi we are ir Is any way h b hid ld 14 tor for tt rhe the py parani nani rani thereof therol ther rot hy by virtue ot ld dmd erse arse wd th fl fall t pay ab the paule fanie ja j a layt NO 3 ll 11 CO V HP engral notices LINSEED OIL PR PRESIDENT S H 0 on han ban hand 11 41 11 an adorf 1 for tor mal ail ai a rood good aply 0 LINSE oil parties esi efi wishing t to 0 procure future any quantity of it can dosa by applying to mr r A hill s at me trie tithing oace 5 att ato tf NOTICE lacity L SNOWS CAROLS MACHINE at brt gu cly oly oty Is in full tall operation and nii all ail tended personally by two nen men en of thirty years experience IT 11 woo wool cardi mi diny nire 48 am von voa SALE fy rh north kinyon ward a farar FARM with adame houses house 1 L wells well weil orchard granary and tind mit bobies irenr of erick 0 M 84 8 4 eight atties mites from salt silt like city NOTICE TO TIIE THE TAXPAYERS feyers fixers OF UTAH utan COUNTY T W I 1 LL at tend at m my y 0 MP corn corner corder e r 0 of I 1 cu C u te r rind a nd maurih fourt h east hast stets ft c tsiu talu to prok prow 0 avy tv every WEDNESDAY unil the ut lit of 0 october Oc tuber to receive the taxes now due I 1 d sign kirn to 10 attend one dayn each ch precinct prior to the above dale dile ot of which each pre crecine cinc cIne will hiye hive due notice prompt attert attention lon la Is to save cost and nil trouble lohn JOHN B R gilsett 84 8 4 collector tr for utah utti county instrumental alusic 1 WILL W ILL be hauht by 0 J TUOMAS at his residence main street opposite the old post office on tuesday Toes flay and saturday even egen nga string instrument from roal 7 to st 8 and nd brass brams trem 8 to 9 oclo ocio tk terms Term 15 perau per quarter arter 5 la in advance arrangements can cin be made toi foi private lessons during daring the day arranged arran eed sed for bands piano fina fortes tuned orders received by richard rickard golightly at the globe bakery 21 24 if JUST RETURNED FROM THE EAST por FOR olt the information el of tho e wo who haye hare In trusted me with onders orders for goo goods ig in be the ba na batern tern states I 1 bag lo 10 a ity y ihil thil all uch such ucb order orie have bave been duly excited buted cu ted the train reached fort commey on the tho 16 h aug aop and nl will probably arrive la in this thi tbt olty city on or b bi fore ruru be the isab of 10 6 W S GODBE WANTED T IT DINWOOD TIA ris i FURNi turn A AT opp otlie on fhe telegraph ome ode 26 teet feet ut u MI follows tillo wt S fe tei rei ret t oa inch white pine cotton colton mod pod wod or lir air A ao plank 7 COO feet of 0 one ono on inch irbite pine 2 foet teet t etoir of one and a halt hnit inches of white pine ir inch ch white 41 mv am U 0 tt rent t t ot of 11 by bv 4 inches ot of whit PIH pitt feet of 3 by 4 inches of while or rea red R pine also aiso about 30 or 40 corda rif fit red hrdi P n nc or quaking asp agn www tor tot which I 1 wl wi I 1 text exchange hange henge ut t etl all hing hind Ol lUning vv sec bec etc tic bo 60 tt COOKS dor POR OR the manufacture of i ugar nd syrup from the 1 sorghum or cane no othet other machine nud aud no other rn de ot of eap bas ban yet proved in the manufacture ot of srah sugar ue lie also alfo manufactures MILLS KILLS for CRUS niNG urno OANE CANE df 1 th most improved Im provert pattern 4 now in U ur ua a ern fin phleta full lull of machinery and ance addres ata Ala reet bates nates 3 an sacr odi cat LOOK TO THIS economists I 1 JOHN C TATTON 11 nat HAT A T al A wig U F r X 1 C T U K R rk second house bouse east of court honses houses wards ward rl respectfully thinka thanks hib bla arl nit nig and the ryn fin public tille lo 10 u for tbell extensive and aft arl wish to assure them thit be will continue to merit their rulure future lavor by the gop top of bid workmanship and the econ economy my of his charges ch chrie rie rif come and try liberal prices will be elven viven tor foi wolf fox rabbits beaver skir skit s aad sad lambs wool 37 tt REMOVAL OF business S GL pt JOHN LARSEN gabiner GABINEt marek MAKEK FORMS forus hig his friends and nd customers of having removed INFORMS to the WEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET near dear dar to ihm the constitution ilou llou cloae ae where he be la Is reddy ready to exil exia note rote all ail z 11 order orders with dispatch and at the most economical charri charni arlt arit es white af pf inister quaking bip asp and red pter logs lagg wanted winter IM for tor of furn fuin furniture iture aly a 8 ly C P IV VILLING BEK U SOOT AND SHOEMAKER WEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET sear kear lo 10 the constitution ilowe HAS AS the refutation of bearg the he best licit BOOT AND AKER axer in this thi territory ant an ani t for tor beauty 1 excel lentis of 0 and ant ahl economy in bies wic aca res s all parti a favor taro rlue the him with their orda ord a will ly saied come com e and antl try S lut lul Th iDay a received at PER MULE TEA TEAMS lis NIS r FB 0 M oal CAL IFO A N NEW E W ST STOCK OCK of STAPLE aple APIE an early inspection of is I 1 invite ln irit itil lilt di mi IVAL jennings la i citret cit olt j is mu m u leu lon elcrat jen cral notices SALT SALT f F q I 1 bolted wal d SALT SA LT may I 1 ba I 1 I 1 had bad 1 I 1 ii at M J X ja 9 ath tb r d 0 a 8 L C olty city i t y ais aib 0 tor tot bilich all kinds ot tit grain will bo be taken in tX change exchange 41 44 gin eia weini WF ayen ven yen G up torr tory oll oil 0 ry or GEORGE BONELLI ward BEING reina PRING supplied with some gome ot or the tho most alovel style ot of loom I 1 wish ish to 10 inform th public that th 1 ami aiu prepared execute all kilde ot of WEAVING a at short notice wool b or wicked tre try n on shares cl cioth croth th fr for wagi wacl rill etc ftc tc teete efe efe etc I 1 THOMAS hawkes HAWSES aces FROM LONDON alikes MIKES and HE U and end na PARASOLS I 1 0 ad d parola Pd rola rols rois covered recovered re with silk bilk or gang ging h bual 8 in g anal to it nw n w 8 standal Stan tand tann dal dat at 11 dinwoodie Din woodia cabinet stop and att at T D browna browns store ore on main ula street streets below Nix dixons nixons Nl ions ons ors 3 tt t NOTICE ob all tl yr good rood people who value your heal beal haith balth til ill and think of your cotti cot coi nort fort as a weil well as your tour wealth R guember that now ami now iii lit he time to sweeten your yonn i oue lub ou e w th whitening or lime the cobwebs are hanting banting to ceiling and adil and rooms tooms look qute quie e damai ai as winter or fall ert Fri leits are wui and m mide ide clean and anil light wilh with COOPERS beri bebi mix mixture ture tute ir some other white the crevices too loo which open ao so wide and make a fit place for vermin to bide bides can 1 11 I bo b well weil and made good and sound gound su so hat that bat such a nui nul buia ar ce can scarcely arcely rc be found then talk taik no more of your yunn rooms looking bad when such a good chance Is 13 now to be bad had of having your hou e out oot to view artty debr dear as nice a when it was wag new then give me a call cull before itts lia tta too kie kte late tie nea kear the corner of west and sooth south temple street repaired and whitewashed by COOPER second door east ot stalny nursery leih ward 3 sia sla HOME lloyte SPUN WARD WEAVING FACTORY T THE HN beg to inform wool cardera and eod others other that Is prepared to work on sheres WOOL binm nm jeanak Linsey sp oarce carce blankets Blan bian keti heti sheets shawls shawn or any kind kini of cloth that can be made in th thit territory he fie will also exchange e ciotha clotha ot of every kint tint for tor wool or pr princ duce A tew lew good SPINNER spinners SPIN ners NEBS 3 wanted THOMAS LYON two tico blocks east and one bock pock worth north of 0 UK lilt bishop sut FIFTEENTH WAED WARD TIN TIM SHOP naif half block south sit tit the coun court narles HARLES 0 F JONES n thanks his bis numerous friends an and it the R U public in general for their pitro and nj wishes withes to that lie tie la Is still re rep pared ared sred lo 10 repair and anil manu facture wrought iron pon stoves also alto every kind klud of 0 sheet iron tin 6 anti odil nd copperware person own materials moi roi terlan terian worked up OB on reasonable reA reg nabIe terms call aoi ani and see gee 10 am NOTICE SCHOOL TO PREPARE BOYS FORME FOR fon ME businesses ac to Comm comb commence oce nce 13 september E L T TEACHER apo TO in pian dun Drawl nc with per L pe aej ani sni practical ge metry cry necessary ne in car pentry alo aio to Inc iuie lale lule the th draing Drawl dramins nf and do feigning of every evry aratico of ornament la in wood slone iron ifon or plaster decorative work AN ADULT CLASS etab imbed last list winter for tuition in drawing the dia dla dl armi requisite in building Operal lonio ani now dow be added the drawing of ornaments orn Oro meni ment will commence its lys u sigi segi ti 6 1 with wilh a new class claw for beg ben bew bon r vind on apt sut 1862 for urther further particulars cuir cult apply to B N L I 1 T harris nARRIS OK emigration street opposite bishop detigny farnish cl lor for or conn CoUn cottages krs keg etoi eio tic in any tyle fyle ef of architecture designs also prepared |