Show THE RECENT battles BATTUES BEFORE 0 1 11 washington i there has as is yet bit bt b it littia ibe ite been ell eli made public in relation to the sanguinary condic conflicts ts that took place between the federal and confederate armies after the latter succeeded in i curnin turning the rig t flank of the army of virginia under gen pope and getting between tb th rappahannock Rappa hannock and washl gt agton on alid and before I 1 the former made good th tr ir escape from the i snare suares that were set for their overthrow and destruction and re ri treated within the i k lions at alexandria but bat enough t has been I 1 I 1 made known to show conclusively that the fighting waca was f the most fi fierce ace and ban sanguinary guin i nature and the casualties were estimated hy by thousands the confederates crossed the nock near the base of the blue ridge and I 1 masad at walte waite plains according accordia to reports and ded thalice wherever there seemed to be he t most moat ost favorable av bable chance to operate effectually against the federal columns I 1 but to note their nia Dia march rebin ings 9 sor bor or those of the several trl tri divisions visions composing C get gmt popes army and state the several conflict conflicts ts in in detail i would be la impossible possible A fight Is reported to have taken place on august at Bri slows station between general hookers division and a strong arce of the enemy which last basw lasta d all day in the federals drove the confederates back to manassas step by step with great 1033 loss that of gen Hoo hookers kers kerd army armydia is stated at hun bun dred there was another tattle fought that evening as stated between gen mons I 1 brigade and a confederate force for loy the tue t h e ps pis session of the railroad bridge at bull rui run in which the confederates were the victors in I 1 the course of that night alos new jersey brigade was captured at fairfax station oi 0 1 I the gen mcclellan visited washington and assumed of the army of i vir virginia ginia and al the broo troops P 1 arriving there i were pushed forward to the scene of strife i I 1 gen gep coin iau inu tr rr 11 ilic lite atlo atio n 1 with the capital was cut off on that day his hb headquarters having been at manassas Manis dlan Alan issai sas and etwas I 1 that gen ewall email E wall mail had got in bis big rear with a lof la ge force and was occupying the belt le t bank of the occoquan Occo quan i there was a battle fou tou fought ht on the 2 ath and after its ion lon on I 1 in the he evenin evening gen pot po e made the following followill i report to gen halleck hal Hai leck manassas sas junction 10 pm As soon as I 1 discovered that a large force of or the enemy were turning 0 our oar mr right towards manassas and the divisions divisi ohis ofis I 1 had ordered to take post there two tiro days before had not nol I 1 armed rived from alexandria I 1 immediately broke camp at warrantor War ranton junction alid and matched marched rapidly rap rapi itly illy ily lly back in three columns I 1 directed i I 1 McDo elps ells elPa and corps and reu os divi dm i sious bious to march poa gainesville by warrenton and nd Alexand pike and one of feint zlema us ns sli fil divisions visions to march on greenwich and wi h porteus Por teis teila corps and arid hookers division I 1 marched back to manassas junction i mcdowell waa wa a oi dered t to 0 interpose between dej del forces of the enemy which had passed own vown to manassas Manas baa bas through gainesville and lii iii dimain main maln I 1 I 1 body which was m vung vink down white I 1 plains through thoroughfare gap this w waa as completely co n il ebely accomplished a compi dished and longstreet who bad had passed th through rugh the gap was driven back to the west side tt tle tte e forces at green I 1 v ich wei e design designed d to support mcdowell in 1 lease case le be met too large a force torce of the enemy I 1 I 1 hookers rs division marching towards manassas baa came upon the enemy near kittle river in id the on of th sih and after a sharp sharp actio accio routed them completely kill killing ilig and anil wounding three hundred and arid capturing their camps bac bag baggage age ani many stand vt or arms arins this morning the command push d ra rapidly idly to manassas Mana alas junction which jackson ha had evacuated three houts hours before ile he treated by centerville Cent Cente mlle erville and took the turnpike toward warrenton ile he was ws met six six miles west of Cen terille by mcdowell and sigel late this afternoon when a severe fig ogg fight ht to k place which darkness terminated the th e enemy was driven back at all points thus the addair affair rested Heintz lemana arps vill move on him at daylight from cen cin ci n er erbille ert eri ille lile and I 1 d do 0 not the enemy is to escape without heavy loss we have captured a thousand prisoners many arms and one piece of abtil lery on the there was another terrible battle battie I 1 fought of which the fol owing is ls gen popes report to the commander in chief 1 Head quart rs field of battle groveton near gainesville aug 30 1862 to gen hallecks Hal hai leckt lecki we fought a terrific battle here yesterday x with the combined forces of tho the enemy which lasted with continuous fury from daylight until after dark by which time the enemy were eriven driven from the field which we now occupy cupy our oar troops are too loo much exhausted to pursue matters further furth tr I 1 shall do BO so in tt e icia cj S of at tuo luo corning as bloon boon as fitzjohn ritz john porters corps co canies conies ne s up from manassas the enemy are still in front but b idly us used u up pd we have lost not lebs less than eig 1 tb th thousand usand killed and wounded from froth th aidea allce of the field the evemy has lost at east least two to our one lie ile stood strictly on the defensive alid aid ai d every assault was made by ourselves loar troops behaved splendidly the dhe ba tie was vas as fought on the identical fid fie d of ball bull run ivsich increased tho iho ill lil enthusiasm of our men news just reaches me from the front that the en ell my byard are retreating retreat inZ toward the mountains I 1 eo go forward at once to see we have made gibat great conques a but I 1 am bot not ab able abie to f rm an idea of extent A correspondents its report of the battle sets forth that it was fought by the corps of heintzleman mcdowell mcdow ell eil and sigel against jacksons and a part pirt of nt braggs army sixty thousand strong and that it took paa Pla p laceal ceat haymarket a few miles northwest north west ot of bull ball run ru n there wa was a battle on the as stated which was bommen commenced ced by the enemy who sho having been reinforced reinforce reinforced i with cavalry and ar tille attacked gen pope before gens sam sum ners and franklins divisions arrived the fieting fuli full ting as usual was desperate the tide of battle turning in favor of the confederates and gen pope fell back to centerville Cent erville with bis his lis whole arm v in good condition where he bi wab was 3 subsequently bul bui joined oinie by sumner and frank lin with their respective corps corlis in that fight the corps of mc mei met D well weil porter and sigel are reported to have been enz ene engaged aged the former baring having the ri right bt which was at centerville Cent erville Y the latter the lefts left which was thrown up from manasses manam Manag ses junction towards thoroughfare gap cap and IIi iid andhor and por ter had hai the center which was on the old oid 01 d bull run battlefield the slaughter 0 was dro dreadful adful as reported and the field was covered with the ded and wounded and when the center and left were defeated and tell fell back it is said there was disorder and would have been more but for the movements of who interposed his hia corps to clver cover he the retreat of the stricken on oil monday ay morning it wa was s a ascertained 4 certain cd that I 1 the enemy were ende endeavoring adoring to turn the fedj i eral era right and laud thereupon the evacuation of 0 I 1 centerville Cent erville was commenced ani and the a army efell fell feil back to faifai fai fal fax court house near wh which ch another en argement took place in which gen uen en steves staves ste steves Ste veis veit ves was killed the c inflict was vias severe as reported the federals held the field but the next day the entire army of virginia retired to Alx aix alexandria andrla andria the ibe confider ates atea pursuing and wih uth u th hook rook and Pori eis ers eia d division ayi avi sioni wh ch co covered vered the he ref treat j the th next that was heard beard of 0 the confederates they oppre making nicking demonstrations to tol wards the potomac aa as if they were ere intending to cross the river into maryland which it is und understood unde es tood stood they have accomplished pa pil is shed h e there here were many k nights fights abts and skirmishes during th the e marching of the army from the Rappa a bannock baDnock to the he potomac besides the ones we have mentioned and in the he couise course course of the movements gen banks binks with his division i I 1 was cut aff off from rom the main army and had to i fi fight bit tit his way rough through it tL he did not noi jol joi join nGen gen isope pope pops till after lie he had bad reached centerville Cent erville gen burnside with his corps evacuated fre de vicksburg about he the time lime that gen pope reached alexandria and fell back to acquia acquiat creel creek and from thence proceeded up the potomac to washington these reverses caused great excitement in washington ton and throughout hout bout the cities of the north all cf of which t gether with the movements of the armies was k ept pt from the public lic ilc as much as possible and there ia is but little 1 known hown as yet as to the gutber of casualties and the amount of losses that were sustained it is understood that the destruction dest Jest ruction of life and pro property perty pirty was exceed ill iii ly great LEAVING US mr jur john ohn R yontz the first of the te operators on the western line and who has had bad charge of its working since its opening in this city left last evening an by the stage for sacramento whither he has been called by the superintendent from what we learn mr hir yontz will will give an eye to the condition of the line as he passes along and will see to its repairs or improvement in order that the line may be in perfect working order before the storms of winter attack it mr yontz will aill probably be retained I 1 in ll 11 the sacramento office ile he leaves daves heie here with the entire satisfaction of the managers and the respect of his hig friends H he has been very courteous to the public and will no do bt win 1 hla his bl hia wa way y in sacramento |