Show THE WAR IN KENTUCKY it 1 is a re r that on the ot august dol col met with about a thousand cavalry ard and companies two ot of infantry was attacked al achill hill by col scott with a superior fE confederate erate force of cavalry and artille that metcalf baddo retire from the fiala and retreated 1 to richmond where he rallied his p d when scott came up and demand fc dut gut a the to town wilhe withe he replied thit that ie it the wanted the place they imald have bave to fight for it which cott scott thought ij 40 abfier to do as about that time coh col blet biet metcalf calf was reinforced by three thousand j in ta en enand and became the pursuer further movements of the day Initial e f several skir I 1 1 tash rash tasu miss r ai that occurs etli a sated abed that col I 1 biet Blet fetcak calt calf lost abou jiel tsAL y men A is reported to have hake oc burred jil yli enderson on tee the between a fe d trai eral and guerrilla force in which the lat voad void five killed several wounded and seven teen taken prisoners the same evening near danville two hundred guerria guerrillas las were attacked bythe by the danville danville Dan vilie home guards guarda tome iome considerable loss to the enemy I 1 v 1 lri alb a recent fight with morgan near gallaj gallai ballai I 1 johnsonis Johns onit is reported was was waa compelled t 4 1 because his force numbering beven ven ti 11 undred after fighting bravely some ti tl afif inea b became unmanageable and finally ran excepting about seventy five who with gen majar major anti anil three other officers were taken pris prisoners biers the federal loss in the engagement in killed and wound ea eis els Is at about forty that of the ene en e i myat my at about sixty morgans force is said ta mohave haq teen been been greatly superior to that of gen john sonis orl ori oriette tife Te 23 b i it was announced that morgan Ar agrani rani wade oade all alt guerrilla feahrs feA fek orb ors had c an i t t a ted their forces and add W were err marching fir for bowling green where three indiana lants v were ere of state militia was attacked band as per perre re and ana anh the teet latter the tb most hu got the worst of the dight fight and alid fled hed mf agad ngan was reported to have tave have ov wi h his forc fore on the 20 h lonett day cities ot of louisville cincin nit afifi covington Covin glon ani aal nl all the towns alon aion along 0 river were thrown into the grea greatest state of excitement by the tha that wat den gen kirgy eirby kirby had bad left the vicinity of G gap op with thirty thon thousand sAnd men mas vas 1 marching I 1 I 1 rolt northward hward and haf had reached ed london enly only sixty milea miles from Lexi lexington ington his hia in bing being to march marcu the 8 S ate to I 1 ifie 41 river which the mos most t brave and ex pert peri X encee officers ofil cers of the sederal federal army in kentucky believed be would accomplish despite force that could cour be arrayed against him ji tatjie advice of rf gep gen wallace wailace the work of f gup deafen defenses aeb aes a round cincinnati was im hn ra dutily commenced and great preparations re als ais licad Al aaa aag at every to r breet et rh the enemy on 1 I 1 W 18 n the tae course of the afternoon of tb 1 bi according to be he published statements the fe a vertea e rites rates lave irve lir lit in the itie F federal cavalry 1 R camond where gen manson opi with irith tivo twi tw i in ditth dirin regiment cave cate ae them a warm reception xv sh ot and phell and the enemy fell back t I 1 er sTilIe gj geh ao manson on the that ahat nili niga ni Ii and oe he next i lad lab advance J t a n id d carne up with the them demy nemy enemy when a 6 rp j en 0 t is 13 bald said to have ensued resulted in the retreat of the ibe federals osa oss 13 on b baafi am sides bides was heavy the fede rede gia fia xa ipps weta wera of the new levy and that ia 5 lir sir i hirst first figgat fight they gre iare said to have reu feu b I 1 bu t in conseen consequence er ce of flan flanged ed b ad back abr e Jil mile mlle lier ller manson r atia reto refo amed his hit com aina mina aind 71 aj 71 a I 1 and another fi like itzee tiffi tile xiii in a bonfe confederate d erate eted by a n mover nent oen gen manson orr viARn other othir retreat and feilback fell feil back to bis his former e r enil campi nip ment nent where he be was met b by y gen 1 who succeeded in rallying the fleeing er oice once more but such had been their losses ltd lefco short of ammunition ithe they y soon bad etya way again an and d fled ilea towards lexington the ie report of the battle is not riot very ex licit set bet betting fing ting forth in the firse first lasta rice thai tha gen M mamon an 0 n had bad but two regiments r and after w a ards c presents that he had six rix thousand men besides cavalry tte tle eremya force estimated esli cali mated at from f to twenty thousand tha tile federal loss was stated at one bun e n ty hive five killed asti atti bre hie bie hundred I 1 litty wounded A subsequent report of the battle riga riha near r richmond stated that it lasted from bix six 1 in the morning till biye in the afternoon after noori that the federal army wad waa utterly defeated and ei eight ht field pieces that the list of was as very great the conflict ending in a dis graceful panic and flight gen mi minson was not to be found after the battle had lad ended and it was supposed that he had been taken prisoner pris pria oner t the movements of smiths forces northward I 1 was contIni red ted according to reports and on arthe they entered lexington 0 the federal forces there falling back to covington the stores were removed to louisville from what has been made to appear the i state of or kentucky is at presen present t one of the principal fi ids of strife the confederates regular regulars and guerrillas have been marching marc mard hing thither from tenne tennesee tennessee see and how many thou sand band Federa troops have crossed the ohio river from the northwestern north western states is not known but all the new levies from those states have been ordered there the promulgation of the order for a draft of three hund bund dei del e I 1 nd mn is said to have induced thousands thau sands to emi ewi emigrate grate southward to jin aln jacinthe the confederate armies and if half that has been bein told be true f a very sad state vf affairs exists throughout oid old kentuck 21 2 1 |