Show I ft Jt A 0 1 It j L 1 t 1 t t I r eighth find ThaI final perform T I an anre v f of ot Florence orenee Huberts IbertI will be tit t the Theater tonight with i her hr M ry Iry piny entitled Mar Marta Mart ar arta t ta t of or If tho thu Melbourne Me MeDow MeI I II Dow t HI it appearing In part M u sinned here by Hoburt lt and rr fr hl bi old ld id role Willie the week hud hll been 1 one of fair uret u the box will ill hardly toll tell the bursting story It to 10 1 which thIch 1 Mitt Miss Rob flab Roberts unit erts her mummer mUM hud hail grown accustomed tomed on nfl their flu it Lulo Luio visits Th reason tUlOn Is ii I that a 1 full lull just jut ahead ahad of 01 the holidays Is II I too leng an engagement for Malt sit Lake Lak to 10 stand up liP under and that there hIll hns IK hin en too much in III till the th lino IIno Into H a short space of or time limp for rOl or the lust several leveral weeks Huch strung us III the Sou Bou Sousa ou sa concert the and I lilt ii several late theatrical attractions all experienced the result of ot jamming no u many elo together It ft Is Ic a pity that Hie th ner fun fUll performed by ly the Wg hi syndicate lIndl a III in the Ihs Ih thenet net cult thai that semis us Ull u our nur r t title thele could n nt t be La u a opened for the tho proper re 11 of isit If Jf a II Interim were Ire to 10 occur between 11 the th attractions with willi which we w Bit are now flooded niL Hll might make mall money white me of them K g Kaway 0 away In If It u 11 i be he b made the Ihl t i Th ti t u I II I which has hall ln lri Inai HI 11 ll the lo ul t x I have hilI ha n II very vr different Ii I tile lal t II to tt tell tU 11 at al t I the t h enU n of lit If tha tho t season I Thomas Jefferson II in hit I portrayal of Hip Van Yan an Winkle Wink Ul Ulbe be at the Hall t ll Luke Lake Theater Tuesday y evening lUng long igo 10 I proved pravel himself worthy of tf r the greit KHat name lie II bears b rs a II nI na which for fur five th vi ions has hu stood t fo for r nil 1111 ih th t I in Ic 1 heat In dramatic drum llo art IUt He lie ant m l ought to be t king with lIh open ll arms aims 7 I not Ilo ot Imply because II he tip In III I the Ion son of ft a great father hut but because he hug hR ha made a 1 i genuine favorite with thea then theatergoers ter everywhere and we will we ee I I him hili for tor or himself alone Thorn Thomas Imi 1011 Imitates 4 I lilies tates lila lili hi father simply because If he heI I help It U He ile la is a R chip ort off the th old ohl block mid luul r tho thu alder lidor so 10 close cloi J lIP Iy y both hoth In look looka and action that one olle can hardly tell them apart either on or orOff oroff Off oft the The Tho II another big musk nl ni extravaganza comes orne to tn tho th Theater Friday und and Saturday next com coni Inn In ts bended t by Ly Arthur Dunn lunn in 0 t eluded chides three thre I U It ii Wayne vayne L I I I 11 I 1 I 11 t tt I c cIl j I Il dk 1 t tJ tI J t 1 I J I j i iI I f i ti tit fl t J d dJ J I i ii i p pi i Ib IbI j n ni P i r nr I i ii I I i 11 H l 1 I il Iii 1 I J Ji i L 1 I j I I j L I II I t I A IA W I II I i I 1 q 1 I 5 f j jt I I t I J I II 1 I 1 II Iii i i iI t f I I tb A I IlA If 0 iiI J n l lA i j 11 MISS HELEN CARH CARn CARnIn 3 In The Tho Runaways t and has hu one inc if t f Un Ih it biggest choruses I j traveling raveling Tilt production comen romee I from the New York YOlk Casino which Is III h l to Ia say pay that dint It will Include I 11 In the musical ii or dy anti and Rill e line A feature fauro Ihal the tili t hp fF C a I a us In which teD tea girls taka litH urt all u of or r are In tn gowns of or white nt rot t with wt silver fIver They I ir an 1111 au N I under the calcium said to Be d ln At the Ihl th tonight Mr Jeffries Je rl t dealt led till Ills lit rII Ieli blow at Davy Dav Crockett tt The announce I another full rull week ek opening next nest Mon Monr r dry with ami aol and run running fling ning the tho th tint first halt half of nf the week This I offering td ti one on of or the thI I h light musical or order der ler filled with work a chonia chortis of 10 0 unit Thursday wi v tap we to have a II visit from Nettle Nettie Ie the ht by Mel ra ruid l A who hI promise it i ii i play 1111 of exceptional i bI with willi fenery eutry und e S 1 I h hl Wm Mor lor V na In In n suh ci I Ihl Lost Iara lra and ileo Mei et and Women will r jole to tu learn h he I Ic to I lt ui Ut u once tao Ino tint next With the lie lieI I lup of years yeara he tit h tuM N up the th hr lc tales lolen he hI used und to ant ami li IC i now flow doing streight work orI r hl i ort ortIn In Drown Bro being laid said to tu U bt b aa u A ft In the purely humor humorous ous one line tine aa III the lighter tolle of the they day ela Mr Morris for Cor the pat tit several lOveral nral ere tin hn tine been Iwen h en tilling t ti he heroic role of or r and hui only recently r to the Iho stage lila Ills wife EtU Etti Ell i ts is welt well reni for h her r Iatt of at in In ill The Pare IB lit not II I nl mAt but Mr Morris will vIiI bo I 0 by b e Now New NewYork N York Tork Unfortunately his hiM hist hiMI t I tall tails Into IntI Melt sq s a crowd week weak eek that ht he li ii I In tt ii only on ott night nightS S Ca CaThe The Utahna UlaMa theater th er which li Is I now nol fn fit the old It l James Jam hotel hotl and oats can ca take care of 1400 patrons patroni com coat has hi several times lma played plad to the of at the house since IllIce Hie Ut re reon on Not Next weeks vaudeville bill II li an In attractive one on II E GOSSIP Maude Iud Adams Adama returns to the Illinois theater In Ut Chicago Monday Mondoy ron evening Dec 5 for in III nl of ot one week only hn haa hIls The Te Little Mm lIn titer liter season alIOn and sed this will probably probably ably bly bt be b her appearance I In her greatest character creation Lady Habbie one of ot the famous mOll totes OI nf ot cur current current rent hl t t ly attN after the now year fal Miss Mis H I to I 1 ir III In Ina a Il new lie I play piny In NW P k city I 11 t the thi th of hue hu not IlAt it t 1 IK IHn on fl Announced II 11 J In is Miss Mies Adams li ti t tI I When submitted the till bare sad and toga t a atilt anti the ancient footwear toot of the Roman Homans he h fairly airly candall ed hla hi contemporaries David Balanco o has hai secured two tWI nd lit i theater In Nell Mew York and be bl Binning with the nut first of ot the your year will wilt willU willbe U be able ablo to offer David Mra Mr Carter end and Mill dIss Gully This r puts t him on n u much bt 11 tar Itt footing in his hla tIght light with the th te teA A traveling m na er once approached d dAir Alt Air Hayman How much do you think I played to toon toon toon on Saturday night arid acid h ht he Half answered Hoyman Heyman The Th traveling manager what Mr lr Ir Hayman by half Half of lt what you 01 are ere going lf tn t tell tnt me m replied the W oIshi l li will vilI giro 10 Ie her hI I Ill t of The Th 80 10 nuta MI In Wheeling W V Va ft s next rek I 9 tk k I 1 I I I I S k j E I Ir I I r I fi G I I t I I SCENE FROM RIP VAN WINKLE WIt E I I Chicago o supported by practically the name company thit was u with h her r for tor t three years yean It In to Includes ditties Arthur lIron I Je on Joi Joseph ph Charles Wn cotto Mrs Irl W IV V 0 O I Jones JonM Miss Margaret Ion don lion Miss MUa Violet lolet Iolet Rand nAnd and Miss Allan May Ma Sir Charles the English I actor now nOlI appearing In New N York la Iv an nn American by hr birth He It if was waa a Go In the war of at tOt 01 UI Ha lie linn lia brought a grown son eon over 01 with Hit him nail so o 0 Ins Ina hIs liU leading woman Mra Mr 11 Jam AlbUry I who IR is known or a as al tary Moore Mo re says aay II a New York wt wilter Her Ilter MrS Howard 1 Ii a staler anti ami alii MoRes MoHa I Ia Is Ie Iea Isa a nephew all Intensely I In speech and nil manner and aull it trace of or their Yankee ee origin left let Sir Charles Charlea always the social end of ot It very Var hArd In III London Jondon and anti Miss Mia Moore helped him hint Lady Lally Wyndham wa was never lIerer prominent although hartly na Oil nil no n IAl Irving who raver naver r assumed her title new n D I ler er r Tote Tole Loewe The D De Dead ad d Ilon la Is said to be 00 a very vary Vir ordinary affair after all it was w an open secret bat tho the lion Will was and the young Spanish monarch of or ancient times who ho would not brook the of hit lit other than the kal kaip kalor or Thus Thill wa wac w more than u usa u ally city rite In regard rd to forbidden fruits which was 1 Increased when wha performance of or the piece w was WUI a forbidden by b the tue cen ceo sots Hamburg hud had the of or bring brine log ng nr the piece pIet before h tore the public puhl ant ami be La Laig lill ig but bul a fc few hours haul from Berlin M irino mo if f the Title critics Journeyed thither hoping n rid nil expectant The waa trig frig M leI verging on oil a It frosti there ther wan va u II lit JIl tl II and a Ii good deal d al of or n hissing At 1 the muting of ot fh Man llIn n egers er In Ia 11 New York tOIk ork u II mem b br La r complaint o of at having bavins Keen een In u a J a lithograph of H Ii Hf f mr from Canto Cente the lamented which closed elaNd In Gloom at It the tb Ma 31 J tlc Now Kow ow lithographs hue have I been Iteen olD lIv and attI abol by b the assocIation which uses use th tb n newspapers w par r only on I thereby being effect effected l ed od a great t saving In it free tickets ticket unit anti the complaining member er was a disposed to make a fuss fUN I J said Manager 11 a nil of the Academy Mild em of at I Music Musin that th Its lithograph be ht n Mowed to remain rem In as a a horrible example The complaint was wal promptly withdrawn Talma a light lIht of ot the tte Preach French I stage Ila Who ho died dl 1 Oct Ort 17 IR ii I to tn have a Ii monument at Poix the town where he ho pent spent his hI early life lite b beIng lne the tho first player of 0 his liln nation to perform pt orm I ionized the he Idea Idla prevalent there th rl about costumed Previous to his hla tutu time all no mat matter ter tr what whaL their character In the be court garments of 01 the Louis XIV pert perl wl ott Thull Caesar appeared on live thi lb stage tale arrayed In the white satin of ot a Il gallant with heir tied up with Ith bows boWl of If ribbon and after a n tell few brief trials on the ther i r ad taken takes the newest nee t play pillY Into for tor n a run One great danger larer of or modern amuso amuse m Is II their exciting character The champion lady lads lad shaver la is on the Ih other othet did of at the e a oa She Sh Is e a Q feat ufe lit Itt A n music m Its Hit she he shaved thirty men Inen blind blindfolded folded In 31 at IU o that U tA certainly calculated U to start eLart the Die heart hort beating nervously In to the I h play found round founded ed fd on Bret Urft This The Th wick k of oC Hoar Ing In Camp CamPI Ethel tins hall scored Cored another hit nit In nn lIt emotional f scene cene she he scents to have surpriSed tl the New Ne York critics critic who ho arc to frequently I stir sur surprised lately latel Sho Bite had recall which however to annoy some pome Of the audience However f It U Is la hard hardly hardI ly h I fair to object on an opening night to toa toa toa a young getting fretting 1 nil all time the encouragement en ur her lice i t can give her Adea de Income from hi his dif different ferent plays this season 1 I Is said alt to 10 at air a B week The of ot the King has ha leon leonIn In rehearsal by James IC ft Hackett kell It f t was wall written by Mrs Ir n Do nod Westervelt Mr win will play pia the merry me monarch oare Is III trying to get gt to write 11 a play for tor Wilton He II has hu secured urel a II name He lie wants cents to call It The Sew Jew Test Ten are RIe being helni prepared for in lit London which haul this thip turin form of ot entertainment from remit the season sennon Tile y are ate all built on the four COllI subjects Cinderella Hob flat Inson Crusoe Aladdin Ala addIn and j Is III something of an Invader herself no iso It cannot justly complain when It la is treated I real the same ume In A German i J Is galLing tung ready tar for a season 10 In Condon tidan A And even evell set lit of ot pitt r may inny follow tallow Nat NII C 00 line has Just closed a con eon contract tract ter tar a II tv W play ho he i will present prent nt nut next season which was u written by b I 1 N Morris author of ot The Usurper which Mr tr Is la now presenting diaries tc haa has arranged d n R tor for season halOn next nut year Ir for tor E II hi and awl Julia Marlowe who end anti New Nw aw York en tonight Tho Thu Tit joint stars tArs next lext wason on will probably ably be se sn ft In a repertoire including three new hew plays play Frank mn of or th ti th I J lb ven I Holden sends lend news lIel newspaper paper ahead In Jut which the lie h ii f Of t the piece Miss II lane he Kendall thomas receives some mute very et handsome notices |