Show TO TilE THE PUBLIO Attention is III hereby tn to the fact tact that till time the introduction about premises of ut Christmas greens harvest t specimens and other mater materials lal such ai as cotton colton to represent lIt snow sno nd the like Introduces an aim additional hasard not nol contemplated cont by b the time under underwriters writers In III policies of or Indemnity covering the lire fire r hazard and In this connection we refer ret you ou to toone toone toone one of ot the lie conditions of the standard form forum of It fire Insurance policy wherein It Is III stipulated that This Timis entire policy unless otherwise e erold provided rold by b agreement Indorsed horcon or added hereto hertta shall Hhall ba ha void c o c o cIt If It the hazard be bt Increased l by b any tn means n within the control or knowledge of ot the Ih Insured In addition to the danger to property front from referred to the danger clangor to life lite In tn crowded role stores or OV places of ot touting meeting by b reason renson of ot a ti 1 occasioned occasioned by a 1 tire lire even el It be b small mull anti and an 1 easily 1 lly controlled Is III RO so groat that the underwriters who have made madeu It u study of ot Much mitch would only Iw bj partly their thell duty IU IY should they full fail to 10 this warning Electric displays where motors are ore UA used Ul d and where electric currents are shunted or broken on different circuits for to advertising clI will not bo be ap ep approved proved unless the devices for motive I power and tom for the shuntIng anti and break brenk breakIng breaking Ing InK of curre currents B on different tire uro I Installed I In accordance with Uh require requirement lul ment of or National Electrical Code Colle lOAm OP ot FIRE OF Tim TIU PACIFIC PAC By Dy KArl ari A Scheid Surveyor District V h 10 |