Show WEAl HER REPORT Record Rord at al tho tile local weather for tor the Iho 24 hours ending eliding at al 8 6 a in to to today today day Barometer reading at 8 Q a in m Inches Inch at C a a in mn 21 2 2 de us derell rell maximum 41 42 4 minimum n 28 I mean beau S 35 5 which Is t 2 degros nIS below ilow nor normal toni mal Total exceSS excels of time the dull Jh mean meon temperature shire In e the tha first nr t of the time month I degree Accumulated extern excess eX of ot dally dilly mean museum temperature ture since Jan 1 I degrees Total precipitation since simica the tue first Ort of the month 0 Inch which in itt 12 Inch below the normal I IA Accumulated A excess In itt precipitation Jan I 1 60 0 9 Inch Inoh TS TILL 0 P M f SUNDAY Loon Local I forecast for Salt Bait Lake City anI an vicinity Fair 1 lr tonight antI and Sunday Utah forecast taken At lit Denver Colo Cob Fair tonight colder south sauth portion sunday fair CONDITIONS The high on yesterdays chart is 18 central about Winnipeg hits hAI drifted southward s and uM Its III crest crell now nol extends from troll Bismarck m marok X N D to Moorhead Minn It liar has not only main maintained nine Its Ita energy on I but nit also al o extended to the southward and eastward so that now tho the entire nth country excepting the extreme southwest Is II under Its It Influence cite ence The flie tow ow 0 area IUM over the tho southwest appears to be mc slowly developing PrecIpitation was vos genel FOn over the time entire eastern ln portion of lit tho time country generally In the form torm of snow anol In the northern and 1111 rain over or time the th southern part Scattered precipitation ama also All oc occurred occurred occurred over tilt the Middle nock hooky mono moun mountain tain In slop ION anti in portions portion of tho the mid Mississippi and the upper lakes Illk SilO Sno Snow wan wn reported us tea falling this thU morning at Huron St Paul alo Emil and alII NOW New Nt York rend rain at Grand Orand Junction Little lU Rock Hock rk Calm Cairn and The Thu last nina nam named ed td place retorts mckee Inches of rain during the punt past 24 hours hour Temperatures T WHO were mu much h lower oer over the entire country f U J I Observer Temporarily In Charge |