Show A LIVELY RUN nUN There considerable excitement on street ot at 1210 1230 today owing to 10 nn 1111 alarm alum of ot fire being tent sent lIt in to 10 headquarters from th hJ hotel MII The Tile apparatus from No 1 J responded but th the firemen found no DO bias 1111 In III pi pie err After Atter the hose hOle wagon find end steamer went WI I to tu the station a second was turned In end and till Ibis time N Nit NO NOa it a also aIM responded Aa Ai A the hose Mae wan wagon from title this station dashed across Bait 1111 sst I Temple on First 1 South stiNt 1111 one on of at attha tile the horses named Coach clIpped on the pavement and nd fell The Th horse hoPe was wan not 1101 Injured beyond H yond a II emit cut on the leg K The hams wits was broken slightly but no particular done The Ill fit consist of Qt some come bunting rag rags on the Ill root roof and no damage whatever wee WI done clone |