Show S I I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Unity hall belt bright tan I t night In Inthe Inthe the red and Aud black of ot the th High school hool Streamer swung wung from the center of oC time the Ih ceiling to the four corners ban banners bAnnen ners nen hung hun about the and find the Ih school ached Hap JIB waved WId tram from the platform at III atthe time the end of ot the hall bali or orchestra chestra rendered Il a program of both new end mt old favorite dan tunes tune and the affair was wn thoroughly enjoy enjoyable enjoyable able abie The museum han hall of at the Ile V U of at V U was wai also a Kne seene of ot delightful festivity last night Autumn leaves were vere strung on 01 curds cords about the hut hall h l and with the col college co lege malls an effective tion The music was we delightful and a aIrle large Irle number wore were rt present to 10 enjoy the affair Next ext Mrs III B E X 8 S Ferry wll wil give gh an on elaborate tea ta In honor of ot Miss lU Head whose marriage place ilace on Dec SI ii IIII S t P Mrs III A 1 D 1 Melvin Melvln will give five t aa an In Informal Informal Informal formal r next nett Tuesday In hon boo honor or of M Mrs hire John Used net of ot The hours will be ho front from 4 to 6 a Mire Florence lorenCe Jennings entertained a n afew afew few Cew friends At nt luncheon today Sc Mrs John B It Woodward entertain st at t a luncheon at RI time the pout post Po A I next Wed Wel Wednesday |