Show JAPANESE PERMITS FORMALLY PRESENTED Tokyo Tok o Dot Dec DO 3 and of ot Finance lna hone this the of I today lodl un on 01 the of ot the til to mil I of at th bud and Ind measure M Katsura said Id he hI met IEt the time house bouse with wih pleasure til the thi army urmy and awl no tm n thuir awl and N M with the lie and Ind sailors 0 Ito were Wro submitted limit to intense heat unit thou to and who d their and 1111 sufferings their work ark strong strongly ly II I aided by the Ihl united national support The nIP p 1 the opinion that the of general af at Arm rit m II Irs wits due lue to 10 tile Ito union of the time na us nation minim lIon and satti ald ihie goat goal was WAil distant ami that the upon UllOn time the lions hou and uru heavy He Its hoped the tho tOO The premIers remark were greeted M Ith mith the ch rn M 31 Rone said sold hut hostilities v war r opened ol time the people pe ol hail had shown un unprecedented power timid and capacity to 10 hear heal time the l burten nf of the Wai WI The Tho of the p people olo anti and II nil their military strength fh were l These wire were attributable 10 to national unit onit Those happy hAPP strong strongly ly hy y portended the time future prosperity of at time the th The war Will budget totalled Including provision for fol the Interest on outstanding kmim kaiti M tI I Hone Suite added Rd 1 that UK the government had the bud humid budget get Het on all the trost economical hull basic and had proposed the tIme in meet out frugal measures mea u uIn In iii old r to lo avoid unnecessary outlays The minister the sources of ot If revenue saul It II would be 1 1 In iii IWi to borrow only In preparing the program the government had carefully the tho capacity of the people and had hued taken tep stepa to the tho national credit l in Iii ordinary expenditures s th the of to lo the war fund The war va anti ordinary totalled In the this minister urged the house houle to tn carefully the budget and anti the time to Ill the formula formulation tion of Its It financial plans vianI Whon M r Sone Pone concluded lilt his he lie was watt cheered by the house Tiia Ihl budget was Will referred to ft I com coin committee mitt It U Is probable Unit the th diet will VIII a I number of at slight light changes In thu lime financial program |