Show 1 1 I A Good Kind of or Discontent I There are two 10 kinds kind of discontent In this world this the discontent that thai worse works and ami the discontent that wrings its Ito hands hand The first gets ts what It wants and amI the this cond totes loses what It U has Ital There Th re is II no cure eu for Cor the Ural fiat but sue luc O 88 and theres therel no cure oure at all III tor for the especially If It a woman oman has hat It for Cor she Ilont know what ha she ahe wants ant antIM and IM so 10 t OU cant give It to her lIer M Is I like Ime state II ate of ot grace that makes inches you enjoy the he good gowl go t things youve got lOt and X keep p reach reachIng Ing In out for tor tile the better ones onn In tn the here hereafter hereafter after atter after A home what around you but inside InI you |