Show r The Th HwI Ii delivered In MurraX and every try J 1 Barlow B r Orders tUI h r h mil lUll ments Telephones Office N resident ajA Independent n I The finance vas I appointed at lit the meeting ol of the th farmers of Bull Luke Lake county Urn lime ago 1110 to dial deal with the smelter problem met in the Murrey Murll word Thursday night Reports from fro froth the th different of or tile the committee ere given Two tto petition which hid bad previously been prepared 1 present presented ed ld before th committe Both l oth i are to be about aboul anion the for their sl I One on In I to 10 the board of bUb and the theother other to the county commissioners It Is I understood that thal til committee is II with the Deal ot of success UlC In raising means to tarry on the cam palin against the which are the poisonous smoke Lout Last week a II during attempt was Viii made to 10 enter tV t e home of ot Marian Gordon Gordona a R widow who lives on talt street be between tween Fifteenth and Between 3 I and 3 in Ir the nuon Mrs Irl hOI her homo to go 0 for a drive as she llIe was U Uh place she noticed two auspicious ha the mad IlU sh hl nothing ot this and pio 10 on hit her Boon after she ht had left her son on Pete Pele who hll lives some distance from his hll plan came along tho and no noticed two men mn coma from behind the Ih house He lie did not but bUI 1 the parties had haa to 10 seti III his hll mother In the even lilt when Mr Mra Gordon returned horn horm sh x found roum the lock of 01 the back door doOl piled off oIT Laying L near by Will was HII old file nl which the rob bets bell had used to 10 gouge IOU a II hole In h the thedoor door Ilor sill and lId pry the loose From all Indications they would have Ia accomplished Iceo lI their purpose If It tho son on had hadnot hadnot not happened along when whan lie did When told lold of or this lie It was II quite Indignant tu think he dirt did not nol In the l st question their thell purpose when he ht saw law them com comIng Ing 1111 from the place He UI then recalled the appearance Rp of ot the men gave the following description of oC them Ono was short and stout with u 11 very ets dark complexion wearing dark clothes clothe The Theother other was wu tall and much lighter Utah the 1111 wearing light clothes K 11 PLACE Mrs also a 1 widow who lives II on State between Fourteenth and South MIS the next to 10 be he annoyed by b som attempting to gain n entrance to 10 Hi house houle Friday evening Ml Helen tha daughter who teaches cho l ut It Mur Murray ray was 1111 awakened noon after retiring by Mine on on the root of ot the Ih house making considerable Miss Helen tailed to 10 her mother and then thell they Ih struck a Ii light at that the noise e ceased but th the frightened women kept clo el watch during the ot oC the night III hl the Ihl next morn mornIng mornIng Ing It found that the boards II which lulled over u on tho roof had all RII been removed No doubt the parties were driven aWay aW by the women discovering their presence MRS lIta GORDONS NO 3 Sunday morning between 1 and 2 o lock another attempt was Wal made on the Gordon home Mrs Mr Gordon and an daughter wn asleep In their room Oom when they the were re awakened by a tinkering noise 1101 at the hack back door as they th n i t the door they the could plainly hear the sound ot footstep They The hastened hut lined hack back to their room where whre they tilt quickly e 8 l and anI slipped out th Ih front door The trembling wo women ro romen men hurried to the home ot oC the aon 1011 and 1111 Informed him ot oC the Incident Air It took his gun anil hastened 1 to the th old home hOlM but could find nn no trace of or the Intruders Whan hn daylight came they could 1 I plainly tracked across the soft Oft ground In the rear ot oC the 1111 house Those Thole who are arl connected with the Incident think tha Ihl Intruders were scared awny RII by 11 the nolle of ot the front Cronl door shutting MRS PLACE NO 4 4 morning soon lOon after the th at nt attempts tempts on the home a Ii similar attempt was lUll made malle on the residence of oC Mrs who lives Iv ell on street This lady Is IA R 1 widow also but she ehe hii a mn tIOn who lives live with her son lion was sleeping in the when he was wn awakened by trying the window which II beside his hi bell bed Looking out of or the window he SAW by bythe b the dim moonlight n man standing at It th window lie slipped quietly out of oC bed and Into Inlo his hili mothers room ask uk asking ing In his mother for a revolver er Securing HIM gun he hll to the hll window hut but no of It the man lie he seen tn Dur During DurIn ing In the past week the officers made several arresta of or suspicious characters who have hao been about the city and no doubt the who made melle the above at burg burglary bur lary have hae been planed behind the liars although no evidence could b obtained of which would directly connect any the with the same jAm CITY COUNCIL SESSION There Thore MRS RII full Cull membership of or tha city council present at th session Ion fue tiny day night A communication was read from Crom the th Rocky Hocky Mountain B Dell H Trio phone It wu UI In answer to a 11 favor tavor which Murray city tit nuked of or that company In regard to the tree free UM o otheir 01 their poles on Oil which to put 10 extra ara lumps The company stated t that other cities of ot Utah have entered Into Inlo contract with U It providing for such use of their by b which they the pay a small sum eUIn for tor the use 1158 of oC the saint jointly erecting the poles with them or RII u them together Also that It Mould hardly hurd be consistent for them to give he Murray the privilege of ot the 11 free use u ot oC their pole ole when other cities pay Ilay for the th same IMmer they lire are for tor the lIle city of or Murray Murra to have this privilege providing they Ihy Pay pal for tor trill same as a other do which is II 40 to cents per y eor nr for tor hr ime lile of ot Mch It Is II Important to note that such usi of oC Its po poles by IJ which the they Telephone company allows Murray city the free u c of It pole without any RII also when It frer us of ot the city II om rial It readi readily ly agreed to 10 Install I U 14 where whre the 11 company complained nt fit furnishing three thrle The clerk w u Instructed in lit write the Doll Del company and Ilk ask It what kind of ot arrangement It would want the city U tT make Inke tn to stat v vU U It that the city elt council thinks In Inconsideration consideration lOn of ot favors the Sell BPI com company has hB had Hint Murray Murra la I to III pany the freo tr UM of or Its Il poll poles Marshal Marshald ft presented d the name nane at oC J H 11 I White Whit as ns tAnt deputy marshal whereupon Mr Whit While Ny appointed by bythe the council I Heusser Bros Oros and Joseph JI ph till their bond and application presented II en I for tor retail liquor license TIe The same j examined and allowed and the I license ordered The monthly report of the city dt road roal I supervisor r wa waa read rad MI or ordered dered drawn on the treasury far Cor th amount of oC This completes the 1 contract of oC grading Main lain street On motion the street supervisor w wall wallIn Instructed In to 10 repair is la known as tl Wast i n t H I ai a J y th fire l Hint tl mH ball lIall held In the t JU that Ihal the entrance w u to tu be tightly doI This Is violating Ihl fire The i 1111 re requested 1 quested Unit the bo hI In to tu notify nil II persons owning or 01 having the control l or m nt of oC public buildings to provide name with wit I Are ft extinguishers tIlI in with the Ih fire nl oro The road Ind I r ih lh 0 O 8 1 L Hallway company com lAny In let putting In extra switches and the ditch cl to the tide lrI of Highway Ni S 10 county by b sampling nl II I and have hf left the In a I bud brill The clerk derk was wae in writ the n O M 1 L 1 compari and Inti IKU them to put gravel aI ui sall rOd ruu l l i eret News N WI allowed lid 0 for rOI II I Deputy Marshal tall Mas id lid to 10 appear before the Ih and give an on account nCI of ot himself was Ilaa pres pla present enl ent stated that he tI had worked for Cor forthe the city of ot Murray Ahart or ii Months and during that time lime had ha not ot lIMn been off duty dillY with the exception of one OM time and aM that was the th night of at the th lilt upon Mr 11 He II that on certain night I he went lIt to t the Highland Hoy and WM gone about ab ut two I hours houll Mr MI Graham has hn a daughter living near Mill the Highland Hay Doy smelter who ho had h u II hk child lying at atthe the th point of ot death dalh He HI elated I for going h hI trip I sev ral times time to toI i I get 1 her by phone hut failed CAlled each ach time Mr further statH that at Itt I times limn Ihn thE lIt to 0 be bl l hv hI goes IOE mid Iud Rill Bits In tho room where hf olin can be bf Jot got by b phone He also allO said Mid that he h heard hertl the remark that ono one person not nol work for tor two 1 at nt one time lime that he said hi WRIt was the time he h In the of t live for tor two days day he h said laid lit lie waa VI not off the street one hour during the night Mr Ir Graham thanked the mayor and council and said hi h he wa glad lad they had requested him to appear p before them Ihm and rive an account of himself If It there had hd been complaints made him Marshal stated that he hll Graham always worked In harmony that he hud no r lIlt or 01 com complaint I plaint to find with with the exception of or one on time lime and that thai Will was the night of or the upon Mrs lr H he h had bill always been found If It lif hll wanted anted him All 1 bulu business being 1 meeting adjourned for lor one on week k COli It Dyer Der Tom Durk and Lewis Lewi Jones Janel were luring tIe the week k for IlIr vagrancy Nab wire were given 1 I min minutes utes utH to lit get out of town tOWI or 01 bo subject tu lu tuii luI I ii ii tea av One and Imprisonment Dyer Imd 1111 Iwen IIII supporting himself by b b ber g When arrested he h had on a u bottle of or odd he hll touched on his hi arm frequently keeping u I large tore eore nn till the nl Thin he would show to people to be a II plumber and that one day while Mt ut work u II bottle of o him causing a 11 large lall KM he had unable to heat heal This lie he claimed bothered so 10 at III times on to disable him from work Lewis Jon Jonell has been In the lite county Infirmary several veral but Iut refusing 10 o York work has h been turned out of ot that Institution Some time lime ago II go I the Ih county authorities bought Jon JOliett a ticket for tOl Mont In order to gel t rid of oC him hut but Jonet Jon hilling hating to 10 break off olt his acquaintance no suddenly sold the ticket and on a DIM th the r re suit 1111 he landed Ie in Murrey M ii r f William waa 1 arrested for and an fined nned U Jacob Lademar Ladner wa fined Jio SIO for tor AND A D Thomas Martin of or the th Murray Coop spent IllInt a II few tew duys during dUrin the tore fore part wrt of lit tho tha week out In Tooele t visiting among The Dagle RII le hut h been closed lur luring InK ing the past week as ILl a there was WK no paper this week The fhe Independent Telephone company have or it line of ot poles pole from Mur Murray ray m east on Seventeenth South to 10 from there south along the county road towards Cotton wood canyon cuon Tho wires of IC which there thre 10 are II now strung as nil tAr far us II Halliday lp They The are at aleo allO stringing a up thu thuAt At wood road and from there Into Union Lewis Drown rown who W was confined to his hi room with typhoid fever U I now able to be about U 1 M I the nIP nt I attorney has not IlOt been bien able to attend to 10 business for some ome time The Implement com om company pany are erecting a II large 1011 tank lank which will hold about gallons of water VAter this will he be filled from A lowing well neat nul by b used for lire 11 protection Albert and mother of ot Idaho Id ho I Hid a 1 visit tu Mr Ir and Mrs I J W WI I the harness hArn man during the week eli Mr recently returned from a mission to 10 W W Markov of or Grant ward has bought u II neat nat little cottage JUar on Atwood street near Orson Onion Sanders where he Intends to make his hla permanent home There will be a unique 1 hall ball given In hi Inthe the Ih Murray Opera Oper House Friday even evening ing Illg Dec Dp 10 IG known knon as iii the Lemon Party All 1 kinds kind of ot lemon dainties will Mill he hl on ou sale I |