Show APPEAL FOR Sill Salt t Lake Association Issues Call to Business Mon Men of City rho Tho Salt lAke Uke Charities association lUf the we following appeal to the Iho busl bual nets nell n men of or this Hits city As Ia A the Is II aware there ther MM cas wa or orIn organised In this thu city cUy In last an known an R tha Its Suit Snit Lake Charity At t that tItUs time Dr Ir T TH TB I H II was elected president J II 13 Evan secretary and M H it treasurer A i hoard board composed of ot Dr T II 11 J 1 II 1 Evans M Of 11 H Walker t r D Wood Woo Simon Joseph W V 11 H W Mont MontI Ferry I rr F 11 A Druehl and Rev Un RImer I IolI olI n Wits waa appointed The Th Theme gentle gentlemen gentlemen men m n have qualIfied lItell as directors t rs and have h e incorporated the organization This Thill board has h entire charge char of oC the plan Ilan and action of ot the association Th The personnel of the board the character of lit the mimed t Is I to guarantee a Ii broad and ef eC fl charity charlt work This association lute Ima for fur Us Its purpose tho the or ot poverty the time helping or at worthy people I III lu used need to help and the re rell relit It H l Is ll lit f C of distress anti and suffering proposed to 10 do tb away with lute ut bel and wal If it I thin or M Is I provided with the time funds needed there will 1111 t iii be no occasion for fOl Individuals to ui assist i t seekers lINkers after charity chant The Snit Salt Lake Charity vill ill III Investigate all nil caes seeking alt aid and It If convinced of lt its worthiness will willa assist a to IU Its U Lull full extent M hi f M I Woods Wooda this hUll appoint us fin 8 the superintendent dent of ot the Ih ark ork and arni hU lila with I lIlt time the UI charity chArlt wore wort and needs of or the In thU depart mont The Tho Is JI now no In need fleet of ot and ready to receive funds hili Ill It If It U does dod your Our ciU work york It must have OUI hi In harty arty cooperation n It Is III hoped and ami that a general response will be MIn to this call and that the soche lion tion will be furnished with mean tr t enable It to do a large work and nd re no relieve lieve the needs neela of all who are lire In ht want If It In our OUI ott opinion the need Is I Imperative end and nd It Is I asked that checks be sent ut at met t tonce once to the treasurer M H Walker at ac Walker alker batik bank te |