Show JACOB BOOKS BOOnS A large lare tock tork hau himm just arrived em embracing embracing bracing time the following titles How lIow the Other OIher halt Half Lives of tiC tho the Poor The Time Making of ot nn on AmerIcan SI 1150 O Children of ot the Tenements la Is There a l Santa Claus Clans 76 71 7 The Untie of ot the Uie Slums Zoo Theodore Roosevelt the tit Citizen en 00 i These rhess hooks are Itle In greut demand as till much Interest centers 1 I in the theauthor theauthor author Mr Ir Jacob J cob nile hue who dolly delivered ered oreti the of ot the M I I 1 A serlee of lectures at nt Hall Tuesday Tue Nov n 3 DESERET T NEWS ROOK STORK STORE No G 6 Main Street City |