Show HU I p tr PAS f ff a ln I N Y i i f TT T TI l t IT lt I i i Capture of Metre Hill titans Menus I 4 r The Fall Pall of Port Arthur In lit InThe The 1110 ue Near Future STOESSEL WilL Will told Hold Out to the Last lest Man lint Dull Bud The Last Mi Attention tIOU j t Ht UL t DK DC lb V o of th the n news w that Ihal th Ih the Tip 1 anNe h have v meter hilL hilt and th tb report that the I fully tully attempted It Its recapture rc M It the war once office ore lire l to 10 pw pre I i part hors for the l i olden Golden hill hili and Llao 1100 TI Tl hill are higher Una nil dominate Meter Mtr hill hili but bul the l my say that If it the euc UC c In mounting hea hI v guru gun up UI the i latter laUer It will 1111 hs h only a question quo qUI qUIt 6 Inn Don t of ot da a or ni wi weeks c a before th Ih the for or tread Heller HUH there tb rf IK III not UK tilt Might Idea 1111 len n friend that he lie will surrender even lIn If j lit hI should b tJI Ir or ori i derail to do des no so It IN ie Minted that It II la that If the th fall of or the fortress It Is shown photon to be lie Inevitable In the 1111 emperor may mil I Ili In surrender In order to 10 prevent the unnecessary ff aury of o the remnant of o ltd Is brave but hilt It ItI Itle It le I lia laved by who know Gen Uen beat bi t that he ho will make good t I hl hi his throat threat t to 10 hold out to 10 th the lest man cod and U t In Port Arthur j The rho ships In fn the It II win con now be he J Mid Bald All III are rc 11 In m no condition to 10 attempt to tl break through t the Investing inverting squad squadron ron The Tho min Anne II of ot the warships l were long ng pried a el and the marine and ond Bailors hl boon In III tho tiro tholand I land of ot the olio alao r havo havn boon been Injured by h aiming It if thin tho fall falli alii It to 18 s understood the tho Shipp will Mill he be taken laken nod stink mink in deep avatar fIlor In order under tn to prevent the possibility of or their ever boltiK lining of I to tn Irm the The question of tho the ad RII liability II of with the Minsk t IB la by of nt the papers notably the Novo NuO which h point out thAt with the addition o oC tho Black Jack Be sea en nuel ky c will have havn ha 0 n R superiority which will Hi Iii 11 euro Miro victory over Admiral fleet RUSSIANS ASSUMING Ot Fi Hl At 1 nee Dec 3 3 p II m tn Tho rho of or the armies below helu i Mukden Is ti again attracting attention ft hilt but tho the movements In ore very vary or puzzling On Oell ham haa lolly purr pur f Rued n J Japanese detachment below lidow n Ile tar far aa as the river r mud on the tho right mouta hove explored the Hun tun river below Lion Uno YOM All tho ho tell fell Into button hands Th Tho apparently failed nile to chow their Conn Rod nn rig well OH ns onto oolf lint tho Iho edge dICe line haa Juan oft io lighting fighting by bytho h tho tam cold ire bier ther The same game reports say My 81 the threw away ya their rifles lOBI of oC which WEre wore captured Other any chat ahot five no soldiers who refused to face ace the Iho foe oe There wan Waa n bombardment tor to day alone the Ih center and ami right which I Iloh might Indicate that thaI Gen Un Is preparing to 10 ume the Iho offensive It l It hi tho the opinion In military circles that the ho present cannot con continue much longer but It Ill la Is argued that thata n a frontal attack fortified pout pod lions tione along the river la II l bound to 10 be Jw to which liver ever aide side nt nl ati tempts It Any advance to 10 l he e i must be heti by bya a 1 wide ie turning movement as all the ore are Rr too olnee for or tactical I flanking Hanking operation A that thai Field la fa trying to work Kuroki around a roll 1111 pact of ot with a n view lew to the above aho Tie TIt paw pace the object o jd of ot again trying n dc III coup cou but bill no evidence of or Ruch Ritch H a has hili yat yot appeared I the Ihl last Iset few reI days daya indicate that Gen Clan ll li Is I hotly holl follow foil It Ing InS up rip the retreat meeting with oon comparatively little but mime Home fear In il that hI he may maybe ma mabe maybe be running Into ft n Japanese trap Iran formed with the hope hopt of ot cutting cUllin off oft hU hl com coin command nand mand It U le bell ve l he cannot poc po sibly hold hoM a ft position an all tat far south m as u fils river I AFTER nI th St It Petersburg r Dar J 3 t 8 S H ii m ntA A die dRI lal from rum Mukden aye layn H It HI III ItIc I Ic rumored that Oen 1 1111 BH captured several Jq guns IUn find and a R convoy cono with but hut that u Ii force furro of ot ooOO 1100 of or and n Il reserve of ot Japan i t ee se has haa started to turn Unit thank n j nUS FOLLOW JArs JAPS JAPAn t Mukden Mulden Dec 1 tI From 2 JO I r title thU afternoon until late tonight i i of It n k rapid cannonade have hae been beell heard on an the l front but bill no excitement has Ima hR been 1111 li ii caused laut Gen with his hie hi cavalry In III fol tot following lowing the retreating Japanese giving I them no time Ume to 10 occupy u position 1 it that the tha in attempt tt lt Ing lug to M Of III an ao so extended ex extended tended hI aa as to 10 deplete their reserves reserve WING GOING HOMB Ho m Mukden Do Deg 1 The exodus of or cor re Ild military attaches hel ron con Ool Schiller 8 and amid Capt Ca alit lt II of oC the United States army arm and Col of ot the army arm have loft toU Only alx lx Ix foreign correspond I Orr on iota remain and lid omo comae of or those there contemplate plate going home hOllie |