Show UTAH LAKE BOTTOM U 8 B Surveyors Encountered Mud bud that thai May bo be iCO Ft Deep Deer Prof force of ot surveyors surveyor has h completed time the survey urey of or the lie bot hot bottom torn tom of ot Utah lake Ink and the Ibe maps map win wIll wIllbe be flied filed with the Iho bureau of the geological cal oat survey at Washington The bottom Is I found to be bt one mean mall of solid mud an on anthe I Ithe the eastern side fide with banter hanter material for tor the most molt part on the tho we t Bide aide The bottom butom ha hit been probed for feet to 1 without finding ft hardpan mod It may mar maytie marbe maybe be tie 1000 feet down before the mud tim lim limit timIt it IH reached Some think that lake lako Is I part of what was wan once a a volcan volcanic ic Ie i rater aster |