Show 1 r r NEW NEV ZEALAND It Runs the tho Life Insurance dives Work Workmen OH Ulf men lOen Old Ago se tho the Trade Unions and I 6 POO p PO 0 0 BAH Ia 9 and Hns Itne Many nr Queer Financial Arrangements IJ Whose Whoso Will Scare Scar Undo Barn Bom Prom Trying Simi Similar r lar Experiments I x A Striking Letter Ietter From Frank l 0 O Car Care punter About the th Now New Movements in hi King ICing G Acts as Sowings Savings Hanker Bunker Railroad full lIow ov the Most lost Advanced Colony South of the Equator 11 manager Telegraph Operator null and Hello Girl t I q lP 00 wr n I N rs he h vw n n it WANK G CARPENTER J 1 t I h NeN w of oC R a pendon 11 would you lift Ilke to I lie be sure un Ave How low would t lI after you OU V ar an tI t If it your Income you ou like to Know kno than thai a yr year Uno 1 I ie then theu not more out Jilt W to 90 to hind huid you a Sain F ann am win will little more morD re hoot boot or that If tf you hue have h u a Rive give e you to 10 than Ihan he will yo yoa make your total Income 2007 a they Thin Ii la one of or the experiment They rhy are New Nell Zealand trying In iu trIng It li upon liton did dd men m n end anti old women 1 I 01 ae a well lIell If It an old nun tae Imi h n a wife wire over In InI Loth man and nd wife ICe come un tin under I n of L der d r the lie I law and both holh got get Ht tIO so Ai aj that If It their combined do ilo not apt f exceed WO they may mA together Wt lit nil on onni It un ni unIt annual of or from ruin the government giving them a total Income of oC by hy byno alt AI no mean means a had bad for Cor ono cou couples ples old age aI ageth th Ih 1 This Thin law line Imi ha been hoen In effect for Cor two vi Ij years yearn The fh urn JIll Will was Introduced Into Inlo the ther r New by lIy ar Ir Seddon In III I US and 1 It i t P I 1 loth Already l n one nee and two IA million dollars hn been paid tit It It I li pensions under It and the tax II Il Ito to support It is 18 I morn more than Ihan II a dur r n II eA A year for every mini woman atM I gild gildIn In New Zealand laII there art are Ir 2 nine and ten thousand wool here herP who will tie lire receiving r fir r t ii tl lil more than one mite In hit every hun hen hundred heni i dred drell WI HAD OLD PUN lg HIO SIONI it 3 4 4 If JC similar In to the Iho United we should have i 2110 m old age ase In tits Ills th national emir 1 In New Nt York about 20 roil i m In n Chicago In Philadelphia I n It m ill n notion proper and ti n or ur in Irl IrlIn t TP re reI I In each of oC a score of ot the other r of oC T I the United Stated Slates In the whole noun try tn taking Inking the tIll la last t census nt rat the th round of oC 7 vo two should hove have 7 OOOO old i and If It each Mh received SS the average pension of ot New Nell Zealand In W HO the till fax ICor for thin purpose would amount to con nun considerably I snore more than Ihan If It wo n nil as much touch per capita na ne Now Nell Zet ed edland I I land In la now It would be ba II thorn more than co PO tint It l la hardly I probable Inele t urle Sam will adopt the tho sy ay tent this year ear WHO WIIO mT IO Still BUll they do tI differently In UI New Zealand They have all ports of oC 11 Ideas an a to what n II mon muri can run earn anti and what the do clo to help hIm btu A theory held by IJ tome of Is IB that no man mun should have an un Income of ot more than a year and ancl that If IC he ht has ban hn more It should be lie taxed out nut of at him The fIle theory of or the pension system K t 11 IH IN tint every elery old onto man should 1 have tuft e at lit leas t UGO and It he lne luis haR not flat mi murk much the thu should r help him him to It I Our army firm of la l I composed nf rat old their and chil children E dren The army arm of at pensioner In III New Zealand It is I mado up of or old turnout I workmen and 10 In In lu VI v tailed to lay la up thorn more than a 0 pittance nd for Cor the th day In they th are arc unable t w work rk The law provides only that tho the pension er cr mutt must brit have been n a resident of ot Now Zealand for wenty years yearn prior to his Ills application that ho Ill must have huo Clot lees lew I IIII than Ilvo yi yure uin In the th pent peni penitentiary during that time and that ho must not nut have been boun In Jail more then than four Cour or four during daring the twelve months month preceding It that his hla r must If Lr good at the time of or and that he hi must mut havn been t Wr r and reputable during tl the 10 YUM that tine time Tho Tito application are made nt at the pout post of ot otA off f MN NM A A J I flew where such ns pasa paea the I duns lIum ore arc given each thing Its Ito It II owner to a 11 pension for Cor one une year the Idea being Lei II that It be bo re Ie at rat the tho clone of Ot that time As All far an liS T I cnn can learn title this I Is la popular These are uro but hut few fow old o III people In Clion charitable mute Institutions and Iud tit the beggar Is unknown she Tho Zealand statesmen pride themselves Ie upon new noW laws lave regal regu regula la tabor labor and Thoy rh have hn 10 not and expect ex ox expect liml n a strike for seven years reet none In the future The rho capitalists think differently but Jut that Is la another tory story Today the th workingmen are litO tho the lord lorda of ot Now New anti the tho laws have havo been dictated liy by them therm A curious fell fea lure In IK the till prominence of at the Ihl trade unions und and th Ih the wiping out of oC the th In Individual The conciliation and arbitration laws recognize only the tho No n WJ J unions although It la Is provided that any seven men may register as a union trod and thus thu come came under the law IIII lawI I had a Il chat the other othor day as III to 10 these laws with the thu minister lor for tor labor Mr They The are lire supposed to settle all ail disputes between the em Im employers and the tho employed Under them theta Now New Zealand has been divided Into sit alx Industrial districts each of oC which has I Its ItH board of oC labor conciliation consist lag h g of at members chosen by b the tho trades tradeR unions and th the If Ir there Is Isa isa a 1 dispute and complaint la Is made madu to the board It Il sends for peron and nOli pap ere r rand anti and utter after examination gives Judgment which both parties must accept If the tho union III In In lit the tho wrong It decides against It It If the tho employer Is In 11 the tho wrong he Is told that ho he must male malte tho the matter right und and the decision so arrived at ut remains In III force as liS the law for Cor two years yearN to come It goes BOOS with 1 N W WJ NW WrY HH out mil saying that lint the board Is hi usually y yIn In favor of the unions union and an against tho the capitalists TIm THE COURT OP AItUI Hm If It either olther party larl Is 18 not riot satisfied how however over ever an all appeal can cnn bo ho mode made to 10 tho the court ourt of arbitration This consists of or three membern two to appointed by h the tho governor upon the recommendation of nf the unions and tho the capitalists and 1111 n II third who ho Is tho Judge of or the court of or Nell New This court retries re retries tries tilt the case Its Judgment Is final Una It CUll can fix wages working hours and other 01 her matter und and It can i nn Impose lines not to exceed 2600 It 11 assesses a lesses s upon the parties to the suit HUlt and nil oil the property of oC the judgment debtors can ean bu lie taken tak n to satisfy such nod and It f the Judgment debtor Is Isa Isn isn n a trades union or an nil Industrial association without property properlY the members of that union ore liable to the amount of 50 10 per member SOME smotE CURIOUS LABOR LABOn CASKS CASl S SI I have before me the government reports re rl reports ports of at a Il number of such luch cases The Tho Judgments are curious ones here lIere Is a n case of conciliation In Dunedin being brought ut at the Instance of oC the Iho Dunedin l Painters union The court decided that all nil painters hall work lIerk from Crom So 8 S clock oc o ock until un 6 on five tIc days dB I of the t o week and nom front S until 12 19 1 on Saturday one hour lour being allowed Inch each day for tor dinner except Jt Saturday The rh decision fixes the number 0 o apprentices and It pro provides vides olden that employers shall hire mem members members bers hers of ot the till union In preference to non nonunion nonunion nonunion union members In the case en III of at the linkers of Christ t Church the court decided that thai overtime must be paid at the rate rute of oC time a u quarter for tor the first four tour I hours and ut at the Ille rate of ot time and a u half for Cor every hour thereafter It limits each ellch Journeyman to but one ap apprentice apPrentice prentice und and fixes the term of or alpren apprenticeship at ut four years It provides s that no carter can be bc employed In a n nhaK hobo bake house but flint a n baker may lOa send out his hlA employee ee to deliver bread provided they the do not work overtime In a 1 dispute between the Iron moll mold molders ers of or Wellington and their employers the court of oC arbitration ra lion decided that the Journeymen should not work more than Ihan and hours n u week and that there should be hI only one olle apprentice ID 13 every three Journey Journe Journeymen men that apprentices should work for tor n years and be paid not less than 15 L 5 a n week for Cor the first six months and a 1 rising scale ecale rea Ie of oC wages agell thereafter up to the tho fifth year when Ian they should receive at least a n week As to the Furniture union of Well wa wul Wages es were in III dispute the court decided that the employers should pay nil ull saddlers and upholsterers i per day for eight hours work and that I they tho should pay 25 per pur cent additional an hour for tor overtime for Cor tho first four tour hours and to GO per r r cent for tor every hour thereafter The decision of oC these boards establish e tab lish llah the rate of or wanes wages not only for the parties to 10 tie dispute but for all nil oth others ers cre en nR ot in similar labor For l or In Instance stance It If the Iho court decides decider that n Il certain Lain tain employer shall pay his shoemakers 12 a n week the In other simps will at al once onre demand the same and get Ret It There ore are cases cue In fn n which the employers have hal the best bf At t of the dis dispute puce putI For Instance In not nal long IouI ago JO the tho printers of oC Wellington were crl getting ly lya ft Il week Creek They rhey demanded 19 a week Their employers were willing to give hem 1760 hut huh they were not satisfied and brought broucht the matter before the court The court awarded them only 17 and this thle must mum mU 1 be their wages forthe for tor forthe the next two iwo years THIS TRIO GOVERNMENT AS A LIFE IN AGENT There Is le n big hiI building In Wellington which Is known ni M the Government life Insurance where you OU may find Just how much the New Zealand body bod Is willing to 10 bet on the chances of or life lite and death among Its citizens The government has been carrying ona on ona onn a n life Insurance business I since 1909 and the officials ot tell me that It h pays pa There Is Ie talk lalk now of oC establishing a n govern government ment meat fire Insurance department and th ril are those thole who think th this the govern wont ment should hould manage the banks The Tho life lICe Insurance company corn any uses tho the post postmasters masters as Its agents arid and thus line has Its IIA at nt every crossroads It will viII not nol noll Issue lesue l suP a policy for tor more than lhnn hut hilt It gives a it low rate rul and you me lire fairly sure suie of your money There are lire only now thousand policies In force Coree representing an Insurance of oC about aboul 43 I OOOO Up to 1898 1695 the department had received about 2 In its premiums nod It had paid out to Its policy holders over The fhe Insurance funds arc lite largely large In Invested vested ostell In the tho bonds of ot the th municipal corporations of ot New Ness Zealand and In III mortgages on ml real estate based upon a u valuation of oC tile the property The fhe lc salaries Ius of oC the company ore lire alt all paid by hy the government and are In Independent dependent of ot tho the amount of oC business done The Tile government life lire Insurance com company company company pany Is managed after aCter the sane same man mall OS as our life Insurance companies upon similar calculations of or th the chan than chanis is IiI of oC life lite and death There Is n II eye system tern tem of at up policies 1101 n IL tontine savings fund system Introduced about seventeen years pAr ago ugo then Is a tent tem temperance penance perance section also which grants grabble spec special lal ial rates to those who 1110 abstain from In III Intoxicating liquors and a 11 civil service Insurance which provides annuities for I government clerks after they are sixty I years yeats of oJe oge HANKING IN NEW ZEALAND New Zealand has hilI as yet ct no national hank bank although the government Is largely largel Interested In some of ot the Irl private vote ute bonking banking associations There Thore are lire five live hank banks which have the Iho right to Issue notes noles The Till chief of or these Is the Bunk of or Now Zealand with a n I capital of oC 10 In 4 i per ter er cent ent stock guaranteed by bythe bythe the government This hunk hank has line for tor torn forn n long lon time lime been lIean the principal one In Inthe inthe the Islands It was on the verge of oe failure a few Ill years ago when wh n the tho gov government gO to prevent a n panic came to Its assistance and gave It II a loan of oC a n million pounds At pre present ent the guy gov government ov eminent holds shares shores In It to the tho value of anti there ther are RIot some who think that the Investment Is IB not an especially safe ont one The Tho amount of oC In New 11 Zealand banks Is III steadily Increasing ing showing that the country In Is II ac ne accumulating I cumulating money monel In I t Ig S It was wall only on an only anI ly I about at nt the IhA end cod of oC the next decade It was wall almost and It amounts now nosy to more than 70 0 The Tho present assets of the five 1110 chief hanks banks are about S and their liabilities about here Is 18 far different from banking In la the United States It n Is la managed more on nn the trust system be being beIn being ing In monopolized by these live five hanks banks which have their branches In the tho tilt dif different dl ferent towns lawns There are altogether 12 places s In which Is III done and In addition there Is III n tt 1 savings Lank bank cond con connected with every er post poet office POST SAVINGS BA BANKS nA ms The savings banks are U o ot of course murRe under tinder r the government Tile aro banks of or deposit Interest from 2 to 3 per cent being allowed on all nil ac Be accounts accounts counts cOlin Is The money mo II 1 Is Invested In hr I municipal and government bonds and andIn In mortgages on the big bl estates which the government purchases to divide up among the th people upon such terms that thai the purchasers pay PlY 4 or 5 6 per cent At t present the tilt yearly earl deposits de of oC tho the post savings banks amount to more than Ihan and on the let 1st of at Jan uary 1 their total accounts approximated I hinted making an nn average of about Uto for tor each cadi account nc There are now 1101 about depositors In the savings bat Ing honks blinks which witch taking the tho whole population of or New Zealand equals one to every elor four tour per Iler persons sons Boris or one ono savings bank deposit to h hevery every Ivery family On tho the average about ore are dally dall deposited In such I bunks s and the government annually pays out through them |