Show CLUB CHAT CIAl CIAlOne One of ot the most Interesting sessions of ot the Daughters of ot the evolution was wall held last Saturday at tile the Exponent of ot lice 1 A notable program WItS was 1 rendered and for tor the coming year lh ct wl id the following being chosen choHen Mrs Irl Clarissa Smith regent Mrs irs P 1 T P Mrs tr M I A 11 H Cannon vice lCt r Mrs lrA Webber Ibber registrar Mrs In Sarah Smith recording secretary Mrs Lucy W Vu Smith assistant secreta secretary ry I corresponding secretary i iMM MM Mrs Irs Myra Ira treasurer Mrs Susa Sulsa SU I Y V Gates historian Mrs Irs E 11 II Wells chaplain Committee on pro 1110 program gram grani and entertainment Mrs Iu Henry Henr C Lund chairman Mrs Ir K E J W Clara lawson Clawson dollars were veri voted for tor the tIme Valley Va Forge Furie bent fund and ami dollars for forthe forlie the lie sufferers It was decided to 10 hold holt meetings regularly on of ot each ach month for ten tell months adjourn adjourning Ing In during luring July Jul and August Exceptions x to the regular d te of take Ink place on occasions of ot o dates dUes otna Importance The next meeting V will occur on April 19 1 as that Ilay day I the lie anniversary of the batlle of ut Lexing Lexington ton A most Interesting program has been mapped out for time the next years nars work the topics to Include the follow Int In April I Colonization a n Growth Oro th of Colonies s population b nationality from what class cis of society te c I Len Lan Language guage religion Industries Miss Kathe Katherine rine Wills ll Government of Colonies n a new aNew New ew England l middle colonies South b Charter proprietary royal roal proY province ince c Leading cities Miss Mabelle Snow June HI Great Political Parties a n Whigs and Tories In England and America b Famous leaders lenders Cc c e Their influence Miss Clara September IV V Causes nules of Amel can Revolution a n nights flights of ot Eng Englishmen n ln M Charts establishment of the time house Houie of Commons petition of ot rights Charles I bill of rights 16 g etc tc of or people under such Ib b relation to American history ec Cc c Oppressive la ji 1 and nets and thet et ef feels on colonies coloni MM Mrs C B R WillIams J October V Important Events tB of ot 1775 and 1776 a n First Continental Con Congress Congress gress place of meeting purpose of ot President noted not delegates etc b Be De ot of tb war Bun DUll n ker k r Hill HIli c e I Survey of opposing forces etc II d Siege of Boston d Time The Declaration of Independence Mrs Irs Hyde November VI From rom 1776 to 1783 1183 la a 0 Geography of ot the American Revolution outline the battles movements etc nail locate Important Im historic hl spots spols train from Lexington to Yorktown Mrs Lucy Smith December VII Government of oC tho time Colonies during the tIme a Congress articles of Confederation and Ind the State governments b Lu Great lead leaders ers rH Mrs Macale Cannon January VIII Close of the War a n Winning of or Independence b Ii The den definitive treaty of ot 1783 c The fhe extent of territory ceded to the time colonies d eI Our commissioner In Paris Mrs Mr Webber February IX events Con COli Connected on with the a n Boston ton tea ten party part Nathan Hale death of ot Montgomery Arnolds treason Andre Andr AndreL L Lee at Monmouth surrender of Corn Curn Cornwallis wallis etc etc te Mrs A S M Home HomeS S S S The Round Table will meet meat on Mon ton Monday Monday I day Ilay with Mrs poet of or the day Is III William Wetmore Story antI Mrs Arthur Drown Brown will be chairman S SS The subrosa story stor of ot the D A B n meeting at nt Washington makes makell decided I entertaining rending reading It embraces plots and counter countr plots tears teRrA and and hysterics and an ac accusations and of votes otes that would have put burdened Politician to 10 blush Illinois particular particularly ly uy I seemed to be bp i In n a terrible l state slate of ot mind miami Inti and a as aA for or the tho huge hUlle Chicago chapter Unfit itself JC It tt appeared to be bp In nil alt kinds of or distress It Is II said paid that when the local Candidate for the vice presidency dency general was defeated In the 1111 stats state meeting by a n vote of I 17 11 to 11 she In silted upon appealing to the national meeting m for fir nomination and running against t the choice of her own State th Chicago chapter which went down With the recommendation re to cast Its 1111 otes for her weakened certain memo mem members here bers en withdrawing their support Among those thoe withdrawing Mrs In McCormick Is IA I named Mrs 1111 McCormick Is III credited with having announced at nt atthe atthe the reception she held heimi for tor the Chicago chapter that she Mie he would not vote for tor the candidate and would vote ole for tor the out of own on one It Is ev even n whispered that the sister of ot the local candidate urged her to withdraw from the eon con contest test teat but In La vain lID Ot count cOlin U It wu waa u a t nn clover clever step to have hlo the Illinois regency settled the time nomination of or president I nt general was Vaa monde In the state meeting Everyone concedes that lint V Naturally the State could not remain quiet anti and AnI see se all the plums fall into the tho Chicago lap The fhe und and determined stand taken by time tho Influential chapters In the time central and of till the State Hate told end there wits was nothing for Cor It but to yield the national notional Omle Since the Incumbent of title this has the time power to form chapters and to hobnob person personally p personally ally nil with Ith the greatest women In the tho society nt at the thc board meetings In Wash WashIngton WashIngton Ington It In Is really higher and anI of more Importance than Oman the State chair Time The women whisper of ot an tin Illinois Daughter r accused of deserting her can candidate candidate I and ot of the Daughters dissolution In tears onil subsequent retirement from public view It H Is said aid she took toole the matter so 0 much mooch to heart that sho she went vent to 10 her tier hotel and find to bed overcome by tho the terrible Injustice They The they do say that one of the tho candidates who MIl hull been be not asserting In organ tones tOMS that the State chapters were wf Imploring her hor herto herto to 10 let lee them name nomo her was deluged with I letters hearing bearing the pOstmarKS postmark or III var bus lous Illinois towns asking a her to do the theOne fine One arid generous act of withdrawing win In favor of ot southern Illinois Some o of at these letters letter It Is asserted were writ written written ten len by tho tim very verv ery women who were men mentioned mentioned by b the tho candidate ns na urging her hei herto herto to stand firm S S Other gossip relates to the clever cleer step of one of oC the candidates u Ii defeated one It ItlA li is sold salt In calling a n meeting for par drill In one ono of the tho coaches on the way to the capital Some Seine of the time attendants thought they the understood and some come understand at nil all but the tho politician recognized the time purpose of ot the gathering Of course when wo women 0 i men tire are absorbed In practicing parlia parliamentary parliamentary mental forms their tongues are arc not It employed In electioneering Mrs lr prospective position lion tion as a the tIme wife wire of ot the th American minis minister mInister minister ter to Austria puts puta her out of the race raco for tor the chapter regency which every everyone everyone everyone one concedes should KhouM have base been lleen hers herA In April had she ulie chosen basso to run for It One of ot her hel zealous friends said In the con congress gress giess When Mrs Ir McCormick comes hll k she can have the time post of president general The canary conary birds twitter Oh I 1 dont know knowS S S S The State federation of ot Tennessee Tennesee seems like the Illinois body bOIly to be di II directing Its ItH efforts In iii the time cause of or edtina ion This year It hits has succeeded succeed Id In get Kt getting getting ting ling a n compulsory educational bill Into the thu hands of or the legislators le Mrs Chas ChasA A A 4 Perkins of the he federation president has ha been Indefatigable Inlet In be behalf halt half of the bill It may not be Immedi Immediately acted upon but Mrs Irs Perkins hopes holes that lIat It will be he aired to develop public opinion In Its favor and so st insure Its itA ultimate passage S SS The Brooklyn Womans club had a 11 meeting the time other oilier day da and Ernest Irnest lEeward Howard Crosby Cro by was wall the lie speaker of the occasion Among other things timings he said was va ln Society Is not going to remain as ns asIt asit It Is li We WI are me not going to continue to tol 1 lead l 11 the time strenuous life that we do now no of or which Is delirium Hem I II IIa ens en Some a me women are continuously ly In tin the I throes throe of club especially those who imo Join seventeen In two seasons and andI let I t the tha children look hook out for tor themselves I S Mrs Mr Louse the president of time the Na National I federation has Just mad made a 11 fruit fruitless less WR visit to tr Richmond She went vent to try to tn net get et the lie big womans club dub to Join the National federation The presidents was wall earnest mind and eloquent but hut It lift had id d no effect At Its close one of the time Richmond women arose spread out a 11 copy of ot The fhe and from It read tho the report of ot the tho action of ot the time Chicago Womans club climb on the color question The subject Is IA too distaste distasteful ful to mention further said the Rich Richmond mond mood woman Then she sho he retired and ani tea lea was as brought In Those women forget or are Ignorant I of what they the are nrc doing and what this may ml bring on writes Mrs lrA Annie Annl E fl EJohnson Johnson president of tin tho Georgia fell fed federation em This Thill federation line hug dy given Riven notice that It will present re ent an amendment at the sixth biennial In sorting In the byla s of nf the th general federation the word white which If voted would result In making the th fed fN federation an organization of white wo woo mens amens clubs It has hall been said In club circles that If Ir the Georgia amendment falls fails to carry the tIme southern women may withdraw This would ouM mean incalculable able loss los to the southern clubs elus II said a n as the time federation has hRS been ben beena bena a great factor In their development I S The Bath club unusual ns liS It Is with Its mixed privilege Is In suggestive contrast t to the In general In our country which Is Either distinctively ll masculine or feminine means for the min main an al 81 alluring luring lining retreat for the enjoyment enjo of f a Il Rood goud dinner linner good stories anti and a n smoke with probably a 1 little athletic exercise For the woman means menns a it 1 great striving LIter ur literary fads and n title lItlo Isms accompanied by br really realty ex cx excellent practical work In education re reform reform reform I form amid anI philanthropy Mommy Many of ot the women clubs have haYI more than Ihan cozy clubhouses of their own but Jilt with few tew exceptions do they aim to 10 cultivate the Ih body boll us UH well ns OH brain brilin It hUll has iia been re remarked reo marked that limit our club women seem to tu have havo entered Into Inlo competitive nervous prostration a n national malady ad which may lazy a well be called At AL any nn rote rul this Bath Buth club dub open as It Is to both sexes MaJers would serve In our OUI own country ns fiA a n corrective tom for the es estranged club relations of ot men nen and wo vo women men lIen ns as well uell as ns a sure Hure cure for tor Ameri merl and ani tho time fact that prominent New York men Inen and women lure lire 1 ly Iy considering the time erection of or an elegant 1 athletic club Is Indeed encouraging I 1 |