Show BUNCOMBE BU N COM B ES ESIt It Dout Ah j I y to Ho Iso Skeptical S When a newspaper writer riter and proof proofreader proofreader proofreader reader that works nights can feed him himself himself self out of oC dyspepsia which most ml t nil all that class cla s suffer with It Is worth while to know kno the kind of food f od used This man Is on one cure Of Ut the tine Rockford III papers and sa sau M Being a news newspaper paper writer and proof reader render also a graduate In as us Well ell eli though not practicing makes a combination that lint would produce a skeptic on tho the subject If anything would Day Da after atler day tin I read the proof on the uta Food advertisements Od with the tine feeling that lint they the were all 1111 bun buncombe i combe All this time I was waa suffering from Crom dyspepsia from Crom the Improper food I waa eating at tho restaurant rr One Oneda day da I saw a ft package ot of at atthe atthe atthe the restaurant and tried It with good goodrich goodrich rich cream The dish took look my m fancy nt at once After Attar a 1 few lunches at nit midnight I noted an Improvement In my feelings s and ond was able to work with less lesa fatigue I have used ns as a regular diet since then and have Improved greatly 1 The Thc old dyspepsia and bad bail feelings that I thought were necessary adjuncts to night nl ht work all nil and I am nm able to do much more with leIS lees effort than ever evIl before beCore I Will was nearly ready read IQ tl tt give up IV night work and seek peck health In some other walk In life liCe but thanks to my m change In diet I am lIm now noal nil all right Please do not use my m name In public Name alno can be given rhen by b Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich lIch lIchu I u I 25 PER CENT OFF Ladles Ladies new ne spring suits Ladles Ladies now lOW spring drew dress skirts Ladles Ladies new ness spring suring petticoats Ladles Ladies new ne spring box coats COil Ladles radies spring capes en pes Misses new ne spring bolt bos bo coats MI cs new ne spring suits Childrens new ne coats Infants Infant new cream bos WI bo Infants long cream cloaks cloak II It R K g THOMAS DRY DRO GOODS CO y EIGHT DAYS REMAIN IN WHICH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DRS SHORES SPECIAL OFFER for March to treat all who apply before April 1st Catarrh or 01 any Catarrhal Chronic Disease until cured for the low fee of a month all medicines and treatment furnished free Remember Rem you get Drs Shores regular a month treatment for fOI provided you apply before April 1st I st Apply now 3 This Special Offer Is a Limited One 3 This Tins specIal offer la is limited strictly to nil all those who apply this iris month Dri Dr Shores the tho public that the U 3 rate rute B for Cor ull all Diseases will close clone March 31 and ami w will II riot h be wed or extended After that mite lute the regular tea feni vili be charged AND IIII FOR FaIt Al A VAN lm sO o It if you ou want to be cure cured 1 for tor 13 3 start treatment at once Ir If you begin lit at this low ios rate It wilt Iii to you U OK aK lon long as yam oll n need e l treatment Now 01 STD II NT WITH AN 1 IS Dl Bl ONI mn MONTh Oft THE fOW Irm ot 01 3 ALl MimI CINES CINKS 1 FlUm If It the tire case cuse Is 18 a l stubborn one and you YOl need more moore than one months treatment 3 s a month will apply to you 01 until you 01 are cured all medicine free Come Comic today tolay tolla Come CaIne any day till this thin month and take t ke ad all e of f this low loss offer anti be le cured eurell Ion FOR ANY A Y Ollice Hours flours dally dall dali 10 to 5 G evenings I 7 j to 8 Sj Sundays 10 to 12 It a 3 3 POSITIVELY Y i YOUR LAST 14 d CHANCE TO OBTAIN TREATMENT FOR 3 A MONTH y This Offer Closes k March DU A J 3 a month for CATARRH CAT ASTHMA LUNG TROUBLE Catarrh of Stomach S SLiver Liver Kidneys Bowels and any disease caused by Catarrh if you apply before April 1st DIl DR Q 0 W SHORES ALL DISEASES Drs bra Shores not only oni cure Catarrh but they cure Nervous Diseases Disease Kid KIl Kidney ney Diseases Bladder Troubles Heart Disease Diseases of oC the Stomach and arid Bowels Bowel Piles Fistula I and arid Rectal Diseases Female Complaints Diseases of ot Women and Children Rickets Spinal Troubles Skin Diseases Deafness Asthma Bronchial and Lung lang 1 ung Troubles Consumption In the first stases stages Ovarian Diseases s Sciatica Rheumatism Hay Fever Neuralgia Hysteria Eye and Ear 1 al Diseases Goitre or Big Neck La IA Manhood Blood Diseases Scrofula and all forms torms of 01 o Nervous and Chronic Diseases that are curable BItS DRS SHORES TAKE NO INCURABLE CASES Diseases that have havo baffled the tire skill of ot other Doctors and Specialists and stubbornly refused to I yield to the tine ordinal methods method of ot treatment treat ment In most cases tire ore quickly subdued I and mastered by liy these noted doctors Prices and terms term within the tha reach of nil Everybody who wino has a symptom of oC disease should call and consult these noted Specialises free Cree CONSULTATION AND AD EXAMINATION EXA FREE whether you take treatment or not for any disease a Month by Mail No one need be deprived of at the advantages ad of this iris SPECIAL OFFER be cause calise of ot living away from the City CIt WRITE DRS SHORES AT ONCE OCE If It you 01 cannot canneL call FOR THEm NEW N W SYMPTOM SY I LIST AND QUESTION BLANKS mA IH and md take advantage of at SPECIAL SPI CIAL OFFER OPI En DURING DUnINO Match March TO rO O CURE cunE CATARRH AND ALL CATARRHAL CHRONIC DIS DISEASE DISEASE I EASE gASE FOR Fon THE LOW FEE IEE OF 3 A MONTH NO 0 OTHER CHARGE OR on EXPENSE ALL MEDICINES MI HIm FREE I FItl This special offer goes Into effect AT ONCE and holds good to ALL AM WHO APPLY THIS MONTH CALL OR on WRITE CONSULTATION FREE PHEE WHETHER YOU TAKE TREATMENT OR on NOT I nui In r I UI O ci Off f f Ice f CO Hf H O 0 U urs tS 7 to 8 II o SUNDA s 8 io 10 nm to noon Drs Shores Shores EXPERT SPECIALISTS HARMON BLOCK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Entrance Room 34 Second South St Are Arc you sick If It so investigate to the merits of ot HEROINE It Is a concen concentrated concentrAted concentrated medicine the lose dose Is small yet et It quickly produces the most gratifying results digestion Improves the thc lips arid and cheeks lose their pallor the eye eo be becomes becomes becomes comes ht and the tire step elastic clastic Price Irice 51 c cents Z K C M I I Drug Dept 1 TEACHERS Dr new book The Great Salt Rail Present lre and Past l st should be In the tire hands of every ery educator Th The amount of ot Information It contains re relating relating relating lating to the tire creat great saline sea Ilea makes It ItAn Itan An nn Invaluable work tot tor or reference or study For all 1111 pulmonary troubles trouble flAt BAL BALLARDS AL LARDS SYRUP S taken takena to In a the early stages IA CS proves a certain and Pure ure specific Rp It in is equally equall effective In iii croup clomp rind whooping cough and If It used In n season eaon prevent the tho further develop merit nent of consumption Price K 2 and 0 cents centi Z C M I J Drug Druc Dept t I DANGER SIGNALS It If any In of or the thel these e danger signals fit nt your ea flee e com comae and consult Drs Urs Shores at nt OUCH alien and be cured cUrcI for the low lo rate of ot a n Month Medicines and treat treatment mont ment furnished tree free to all who apply at once Tho LIl ho o 11 I I en il unit us list iIa Throat ron rant I This liuis form foroni of ot Catarrh IH is I most com corn from Crom neglected n colds coldo cured with Ith little cost by b Drs Dr Shores famous tenuous treatment Is PS sour our nose stopped up Does Doe your nose discharge Is J there thero pain ham In front of head 1 Do Io you OU sleep with your mouth open You can be lie easily cured now dont let It U run Into complications Tim a II ru nc I I a I run luci When Catarrh of at the tine head or throat Is neglected or wrongfully treated It extends down the windpipe Into the bronchial tubes arid Ind after r while awhile a at attacks attacks attacks tacks tire tin lungs Quickly cured cur d with little cost by Drs Shores famous treatment Have Hao you ou a cough cou h Do you OU take cold easily 1 Have Havo you pain In the Do you spit up UI little cheesy eileen lumps Do 00 you OU feel cel you ou are growing weak weaker er Dont risk neglecting these those warnings stop the disease before It reaches tha tho lungs or She HIP 1111 Catarrh extends from the throat along the eustachian tubes Into IntI the tine ears ean causing partial or comm com complete deafness Quickly cured curee with lit little littie littie tie tle cost by 11 Drs Shores fatuous famous treat treatment treatment ment mont mentIs Is ls your our hearing falling Do your our ears cars irge rge Is the tire wax saX dry in nfl your ears Do you ou hear better some days than others Is your hearing worse when you O Oha have ha a cold Dont neglect this your Is IB irreparably destroyed OIl Des Shores can cure CUlO you Disease results In Ion two ways by taking cold and by b overworking the tire kidneys In separ separating separating from the blood the poisons which affect all organs organic Quick cured with little cost bv b Drs Shores famous treatment Do your our hands and feet teet swell such sellIs la Is It noticed more at nt night Is III there pain In small of oC back Has Hils the a 0 bund bad odor Is there under tha th eyes eres Do you have to get up often oCten at night 7 Is there ther a II deposit In urine If It left lect standing landing Dont neglect these signs and risk Brights Disease killing you OU Cure It now nosy no Liver The liver Is affected by lIy Catarrhal poisons extending from freon the stomach Into tho the ducts of ot the liver r Quickly cured curell with little cost by b lire Drs Shores Shore famous treatment Do you get ct dizzy Have you ou cold colli feet teet Do you feel teel miserable Do you got get tired easily Do you ou have inave hot flashes finches Are re your spirits low lois at al times Do you 01 leave have rumbling In bowels These are ale the seven simple signs In ln disease dl ense of ot the liver It If you leave have hn vo any allY or all of them seek Drs Dra 1 18 Shores now and be cured Of or the t Catarrh of oC the stomach Is usually caused by I swallowing mucous which drops down from the head hwd and throat at lit night Quickly cured nt nit little cost by b Drs Dra Shores famous treatment Is there nausea naulea Do Io 1 0 you ou belch beida up gas os osre Are re you OU constipated Is s your our tongue coated Is there constant bad taste In tha irs mouth Now Ness No Is the tine time to be permanently cured 1 Dm Shores are curing hundreds every week f r r tr 0 vW t r 1 f fI qs 1 L GARDNER ARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS NEW J i 11 I 1 Looking for a hat 11 j Then come here f t Well venture look no further 1 4 Cause there are more hats ha ts here to tot t look at than find anywhere else elje d t huts Hats as ns low as Jl 1 for men t And Rood good hats heats too stiff or soft Hats 1 at 1150 not worth 3 or U 1 but the best t 10 cents worth of at hat you ou ever saw HoW l stiff stilt or soft Ott hints at lU IW our popular price hats hilts that look like most 16 15 lists huts arid and will t ti hold their shape sh pe up to th tire the last minute 44 t of oC wearing tim t tj Then hats at JM same I styles same t j shapes and arid as aR good as half hal the U n bats hals batson batson 1 swell on the market Some Somo very sery t in III this IrIs till line lino i t 15 5 6 buys bus the Knot I nox lint hat and arid It Is the theone theone i one heat hat today loday that Is worth the money morley ft j Roys nOs hats soft oft style We 1110 11 t tAM And AM caps cn all styles i l I I PRICE P ONE OUE E J P GARDNER U and amid Main St tl r t t t a 4 |